Hero's Harem Guild v0.1.1 Now Live!
Hero's Harem Guild (NSFW +18) » Devlog

The update v0.1.1 will turn free after June 13th!
Full v0.1.1 Changelog:
- Removed Kami
- Added 8 new characters to the story
- Added 7 new girls to unlock.
- Added 79 new events
- Disabled the power-save feature that was enabled by default This made the game laggy for some.
- Removed the CLEAR GUI text style (No name with dialogue in color representing speaker):
- Now you’ll always see the speaker’s name with white dialogue.
- CLEAR GUI and BLACK GUI now only DISABLES/ENABLES the black background on dialogue.
- Now there’s no auto-change between BLACK GUI and CLEAR GUI when you have CLEAR GUI selected and the scene involves a new character.
- Arrows will be used to move between places, instead of “invisible”, clickable walls. Except for doors.
- Cinematic Mode:
- The cinematic mode will trigger automatically. It only works in 1 event, so far.
- While in cinematic mode, you CAN’T skip or click to continue. (You can rollback. The rollback will lead to the start of the “cinematic”.)
- This is made to have an “anime” effect in some events, making the music go together with the scenes/effects to give more… impact on the scene?
- It desynchronizes the audio a little if the user pauses. If people like this feature, I’ll try to fix this.
- This is a test. If needed, it will be deleted completely or implemented as an optional feature. (It will be determined during pre-release, for sure.)
- Jimmy:
- You can talk to him at the entrance of the market now.
- Every time you interact with him, he will talk about recent events, if possible. He will give you advice and pointers that may help you… Or maybe you’ll learn more about the world you live in.
- Added 13 different dialogues.
- Inventory:
- Added 20+ Items
- 27 slots -> Unlimited
- You can scroll now.
- Items now properly stack
- 3 maximum popups -> Unlimited popups.
- Girls:
- Quick View:
- You can now enable/disable the quick view feature from the girl’s cards, right-clicking the image to enable/disable it and right-clicking the quick view to disable it.
- The design was changed completely.
- If you hover the mouse over you can see the affection needed per level, and if the affection goal was reached, you’ll see the TIP of the girl.
- Quick View:
- Affection:
- Little tweaks in the affection levels, here are some examples:
- To level up from 4 to 5 -> 4 affection needed
- To level up from 7 to 8 -> 6 affection needed
- To level up from 12 to 13 -> 9 affection needed
- To level up from 17 to 18 -> 14 affection needed
- tldr; First levels need less affection.
- After 5th level of Lucy, you’ll gain x2 affection when you spend time. This is made to make the game less grindy and simulate the other ways to get affection that are not implemented in the game yet.
- Rates may change in v0.1.2
- Little tweaks in the affection levels, here are some examples:
- Lucy:
- From level 3 to level 10
- Added 8 events
- 2 new gallery scenes
- Little tweak to her card background.
- She was the winner of the Girl Content Poll; She didn’t receive more events/levels but the events last longer than other girls’.
- Fara:
- From level 5 to level 10
- Added 6 events
- 2 new gallery scenes
- She was the winner of the Girl Content Poll; She didn’t receive more events/levels but the events last longer than other girls’.
- Added an option to sleep with her instead of performing fellatio during the tradition. Manners make man.
- Luna:
- From level 4 to level 10
- 6 new events
- 2 new gallery scenes
- New Card thumbnail and background.
- “Human” ears removed. And now the fur color of her cat ears is like Lucy’s hair, just as Lucy stated. Rework of her v0.1.0 events will be done later!
- Shino:
- From level 4 to level 10
- 6 new events
- 1 new gallery scene
- Rebecca:
- From level 3 to level 10.
- Level 3 changed. You’ll start from level 2.
- Added 7 new events.
- 1 gallery scene.
- *Reworked* Evie:
- Evie got a complete rework.
- From level 0 to level 10.
- 13 new events.
- She’s one of the main girls.
- 2 gallery scenes.
- New card and card background
- You will unlock Evie after Luna and Shino.
- *Reworked* Sunny:
- Sunny is back, but has seen some changes.
- 6 levels and 8 new events
- 1 gallery scene
- New card and card background
- You’ll find her mostly on the beach.
- You’ll need her to be level 6 to unlock the end of the prologue.
- *New* Maria:
- You’ll be able to level Maria up to 5.
- She’ll be mining during the day and tends her shop in the evening.
- To unlock her, you have to get level 5 with all guild girls and Rebecca.
- Both her “talk” and “shop” animations will be done later, together with all of the girls.
- *New* Elizabeth:
- You’ll be able to level Elizabeth up to level 1.
- To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
- She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
- *New* Leticia:
- You’ll be able to level Leticia up to level 2.
- To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
- She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
- *New* Ari:
- You’ll be able to level Ari up to level 2.
- To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
- She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
- *New* Narissa
- The Fisher:
- You will meet her the first time you go to the market.
- Yeah, she has a name now.
- She will be at the lake all day. You can ask her about fishing.
- She will be a card in future updates, and you’ll be able to unlock her after the prologue.
- *New* The Fish Vendor:
- You will meet her the first time you go to the market.
- She will be at the market all day. You can sell fish and buy baits and hooks in her shop.
- You will need to buy the fishing rod from her.
- *New* The Clothier:
- You will meet her the first time you enter her shop.
- She will be at the market only during the day. You will be able to buy/craft outfits from her in the future.
- She will be a card in future updates, and you’ll be able to unlock her after the prologue.
- And others...
- Locations:
- *New* Beach:
- The beach is now available! With 6 different locations to discover.
- Random girls will appear minding their own business! You can’t interact with them, yet.
- But you can watch them…
- *New* Beach:
- *New* Ruins:
- You’ll be able to unlock the ruins after buying a canoe from Maria.
- There are 7 different locations in total, in which 4 of them you can mine.
- And other stuff…
- *New* Witch Shop:
- Will be unlocked after you meet Leticia, again.
- Market:
- Added 5 extra locations to the market, including The Park.
- Moved some props for future use.
- Bar closed, for now!
- Town Stairs:
- Added 2 extra locations.
- Bicycle Parking:
- Tweaked the background…
- Player Activities:
- *Reworked* Fishing:
- It was changed completely.
- Now you must reel to catch a fish, you have X time to do so.
- Every time you fail to catch a fish, time passes and you need to wait to a couple of seconds. If you catch it, less time passes and you start fishing again automatically.
- There are 3 values: Auto-Fishing, Reeling and Time.
- Auto-Fishing is how fast you catch a fish without reeling.
- Reeling is how fast you catch a fish every full reel.
- Time is how many seconds you have, to catch a fish.
- Both can be upgraded by buying baits, hooks and buoys at the shop. (This will be replaced by perks later.)
- *Reworked* Fishing:
- *New* Mining:
- To mine in caves, you’ll need to buy a pickaxe from Maria.
- Everyday random ores spawn in the cave. You’ll have to select the ore and start clicking at it.
- Every pickaxe has their own durability and damage.
- Every time you click, time slowly passes. You get resources while mining and after breaking the ores.
- *New* Shops:
- Added 3 shops to the game.
- You can buy, sell and *craft items there.
- Every merchant will have a limited amount of money, but it will replenish bit by bit everyday.
- Fishing Shop:
- You will be able to buy the fishing rod, fish, hooks, baits and buoys there.
- It’s the only place where you can sell fish.
- *In the future, you’ll be able to craft consumables for your adventurers, helpers, or you to raise their fishing skill.
- Ores Shop:
- You will be able to buy ores and pickaxes there.
- It’s the only place where you can sell ores.
- *In the future, you’ll be able to craft Ingots or better pickaxes for your adventurers, helpers, or you to raise their mining skill.
- Clothing Shop:
- You will be able to buy most quest items here.
- It’s the only place where you can sell Amianite.
- *In the future, you’ll be able to craft/buy outfits for your girls, to raise their sex-appeal. kappa
* = Further updates.
- Quests:
- “Chapter 1”:
- Now changed to “Prologue”
- You will unlock the quest after the second dream.
- You will unlock 5 new girls by the end of this quest.
- “Chapter 1”:
- “A Room For An Elf”:
- The quest is not in development anymore.
- You get a new guild location and a new gallery scene by completing the quest.
- “Where’s Jiro?”:
- Deleted.
- “Where’s Jimmy?”:
- Changed completely.
- 6 steps to be completed.
- “Guild Update”:
- Now you need to travel to the library to complete this quest.
- Added a really long description of what you need to do to reach the library… Very long…
- “The Quintuplets”:
- Now is completed after you meet them.
- 1 new quest.
- Cheat Codes:
- For now, there are only 2 cheat codes. One to always have max affection with every girl and the other to get 10 gold.
- Whenever stuff like perks, levels and etc. are added, more cheat codes will too.
- Guild Board (Girl’s work):
- Now you will get more money per request. But girls gets tired. Every day they consecutively work, will give you half the money of the previous day.
- Take care of your waifus and go get some money by yourself >:c
- Discord:
- Now whenever you start the game, discord will show that you’re playing the game.
- Maybe you don’t give a fuck, but I am very excited about this for some reason.
- Now whenever you start the game, discord will show that you’re playing the game.
- Beta Bugs Fixed:
- The ambient sounds were still playing when opening the map.
- Whenever you load a save you get random pop-ups.
- Lucy’s second event triggers anytime, not only during the afternoon, like it is supposed to be.
- Rebecca’s first event triggers even if you don’t unlock her card.
- If you wait in the bathroom before a girl enters, you get kicked out of the room with a black screen.
- The popup events trigger randomly.
- When you name your character in advanced options and you leave the name by which people call you blank, it won't stay as "Zack" and will go blank.
- Whenever you click an item, their “tooltip” appears behind the characters on-screen.
- Gallery scroll value remains the same when switching girls.
- Pre-Release Bugs Fixed:
- Fishing sounds keeps playing and you can’t stop them.
- The game crashed randomly for some users at the start of the game.
- The game crashed randomly when navigating in Lucy and Evie random events.
- The game won’t even start for MAC users.
- After you buy Shino’s wine, you’re trapped in a infinite loop.
- After 5th level of Evie, you don’t see both Evie and Luna at midnight anymore.
- You can sell the same item multiple times and get unlimited money in merchants.
- If you save a game while in shops and loaded another save, gui would stay the same as the shop one.
- Mining doesn’t work in other languages. (¿?)
- Mining ore heals after pressing space.
- 2 days passed when spending time with Luna at midnight.
- If you start fishing after you use a buoy and you sell it, game crashes.
- Gallery showed Maria scenes when selecting Ari.
- Shikia, the fisher girl in the lake, looks like she’s small.
- Narissa event in the market appears even if you’re looking for Evie.
- Gallery is broken.
- Pre-Release Changes:
- Changed some TIPS.
- Corrected some grammatical errors.
- Now loading shops is extremely fast. Removed the loading window.
- When talking to Maria, you will open her chatting options instead of her shop first.
- Now, when fishing, you won’t progress when making a full circle while reeling but in every position. (And buffed reel power)
- Now Fishing Supplies costs less and has less probability to break.
- Now you will know when a bait/hook/buoy is consumed.
- Shikia now will suggest you to not reel fast. That’s not the way fishing works!
- Now you can rollback after using shops.
- Nerfed Iron Pickaxe and chance to get a mineral.
- Changed transitions when you move more faster. Now looks like a “blink”.
- Right-Click while fishing won’t send you to the menu!
- Added some extra dialogues to Elizabeth and Leticia to know where Ari is.
- You can tell Evie to take a break from studying or not in the morning.
- Changed how shops looks.
- Small, insignificant changes:
- When a quest is new/updated and you open the quest menu, that quest will be selected automatically.
- Now the quests are optimized for translation.
- Now morning events triggers after a “dream”.
- Changed some dialogues and scenes of the Demon God to make her look a lot less… Evil. (I mean, someone has to “do the deed” some day.)
- Now the quest rewards show the unlocked girl after you unlock her and not her black template.
- Now every event’s music won’t change that fast when ending an event. This is made to keep the “atmosphere” and not to change drastically.
- Changed affection pop-ups outlines
- Whenever the door is broken by the Quintuplets, the MC says that he can enter, even if the door is broken. This is made for the players to know they can enter and they don't need to fix the door.
- Some events now stay with the “menu” on.
- Fixed the Gallery Thumbnails. They should look good now.
- You can fast access the quest from the girl’s tip screen if a quest is mentioned and the quest is unlocked.
- Added an icon to fast travel to your room from the map.
- You can now skip the tutorial if you already completed it before. (Skipping the tutorial will lead you to after having met Lucy.)
- Added a dynamic “description” for some items. (The description changes while the story progresses)
- Added some QoL features to the gallery.
- Added arrows to the guild map, literally the third search result for HHG in google was how to reach the library.
- Changed description of Fara’s levels, the second search result of HHG in google was about how to get Fara’s wednesday event.
- Added more than 30 background music themes. And remastered some others.
- Known Bugs:
- When loading a save, there’s a probability to get a crash screen. Just rollback and it’ll work.
- When fishing, there’s a really small chance to receive a crash screen.
Thanks for your support!
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Hero's Harem Guild (NSFW +18)
A lewd sandbox game in a RPG-themed world.
Status | In development |
Author | Komisari |
Genre | Visual Novel, Adventure, Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, Anime, Dating Sim, Erotic, NSFW, Sandbox, Story Rich |
Languages | English, Spanish; Castilian, Spanish; Latin America |
Accessibility | Subtitles, Interactive tutorial |
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how do i make bad quality paper??
Where is the cheat desk
Is anyone alive? Lovely game but holy shit the last update was ages ago.
Holy shit Komi, you alright man? It's weird seeing this page so desolate
how to unlock the scene for Lucy in morning workshop?
Buy her guild outfit card
is there a discord channel for the public to join?
Yes! We have 6000 members. I'm talking all day there xD
Is The Android Version And PC Has Any Difference???
Just quality.
Does it have animated H scene?
Yes, you can see them in the previews in this page.
Thank you, ready to play know XD
Do i need to pay?, because i downloaded it for Mac but when i press on the icon it says. "The Program cant start"
Everytime I play this game I really enjoy it. Cant wait for more updates. May need to stop by patreon as I have already given a little when downloading this game from here.
PLs help how to fix the BED, it always teleport me to BATHROOM
What happens if you touch the right arrow?
it will teleport me to bathrom, every time i entered to my bedroom it doesn't want me to goto sleep. the only thing i can do is press that arrow
"After you buy Shino’s wine, you’re trapped in a infinite loop." i just had this a couple mins ago any way to fix this?
Did you download the game from another page...?
what do you mean by another page?
That bug got fixed in the pre-release. And in itch.io, the only build is the pre-release.
sweet i cant wait till the 13th i absolutely love this game great job so far really looking forward to future games
is it out on itch now or is it live for the patreron members?
Looks like a good update! Is it compatible with old saves or will we need to play through again?
It's compatible