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(1 edit)

great game and cute storylines with a great upgrade system, only problem i’ve run into is whenever i choose “actions” with shino it loops back to her main menu, went into the script to check bu couldn’t see anything wrong :P should maybe think about adding a compressed version for lower end pcs as well, i use a laptop and almost all animations are slow

i use a linux mint 20 x64 bit 8 GB Ram Radeon HD graphics

so all animations are so choppy i can barely see what’s happening but that’s normal for me

hell ever need someone to do that tedious work for you hit me up

but i can’t wait to see more everything from the cards to the personalities and features are amazing keep up the good work :)

ps. if you have seasonal events you should have some patreon only cheat codes to access them in the future, gives good incentive to donate ;P

Fun game, good story, nice animations. All that even without the NSFW stuff. Can't wait for thr next update. Didn't it have a halloween event? Wish it was still in the game.

Did you find Luna on the rooftop at the market? Did you follow the clues? Where would someone get wet on the way to the market? I don't always go to sleep at night.


Hey Komisari. It's been a while since I've played, but I saw that you had a new update out and went to check it out. However, it seems that I evidently must have deleted the folder with my save data at some point. Is there a way to skip to where I was, or is the best course of action going to be starting a new speedrun category (or I could just replay normally it and enjoy the game, I guess)?

Either way, cheers. Can't wait till I get to the new content. Keep up the fantastic work.


Hello! The last update was 6 months ago! So... Depends on you hahaha

Replay the game

Can anyone help me with how to finish the misdirection quest? I'm on the last part (Solve the mystery and face the thief) and I haven't been able to figure out how to do so

me to


Mine area at night or evening I believe

Does it have to be on a certain day? It doesn't seem like it's workin

This game is really fun to play and its amazing! But I have a minor problem, every morning Luna is nowhere to be found the guild even with the map indicating that she is in the guild. And her heart is always shown in the map every morning. I don't know what is the problem here

She's ready to have an event. Open her card and check her TIP

Deleted post

not really, my notebook has only 2 gb of ram and with some fidlingi can make the game run without much la

Yeah I'm agree with you

(1 edit) (+3)

Made this account just to say this:
I am absolutely determined to make a Jimmy Theme.
All i want to know is: What kind of music would fit Jimmy? I want everyones opinion and ideas.

(Doing this because Jimmy deserves it, he is THE bro)
Also, love the game dude, keep going! Cant wait for the next update, you've went above and beyond with every update!




-> Linkin Park - Numb | Epic Orchestral

On it! think i'll make a couple different versions and genre's.
Wish me luck!

(5 edits)

Battlefield Jimmy: 

 - Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (JEDI Trap Remix)

 - 7kingZ - Victorious

 - Coyote Kisses - Six Shooter

 - ÖRFAZ - Home Run

Marketplace Jimmy:

 - SizzleBird - Imagine

 - Kvmo - New Generation

 - FREE FLOW FLAVA feat. Ndls404 - Hidden Path

- A$ap Rocky Ft Skepta - Praise The Lord (NIN9 Remix) - [just Theme]

 - aKu - The Final Blow


Mad/Corrupted Jimmy: 

 - Apashe ft. Black Prez - Dies Irae

 - SYN - 28 Days Later

 - OVERWERK - Toccata

Jimmy gets Headpat: 

 - Ascence - Feel That Way | Music Visualization

 - TheFatRat - Unity

 - Thutmose - Run Wild (feat. NoMBe)

Thug Life Jimmy: 

 - Lily Elise - Taken (Flaxo Remix)

 - Knife Party - Bonfire

 - Sunsquabi - Anytime

 - Chinese Man - Skank in the Air

Men cant cry Jimmy:

 - LIQUIDMOON - winter Evening

Oh gee, hope none of those are copyrighted. :v

why? do i have to censore them? :0

Deleted 93 days ago

Hello. The midnight scene is some sort of easter egg. And... I really don't know what it the problem you have. It is maybe a problem with the ram of the new phone?

Deleted 93 days ago

You are able to see the gallery?

I think so yeah


Jimmy my man! we need to see his face lol (btw will there be updates on to we can use different outfits in different scenes?


i don't even know what to say...

I'll be honest with you, i was new to this site. first i found a sexy art on pixiv and turns out he made a VN so i download his VN, then i found this game recommended to me after i downloaded the VN so click on it. i don't expect big things at first. but then i look at the screenshot and gifs from game and i thought this could be the game i could play if i'm bored at 3 am, since you know the girls look kind of nice and it looks like it has koikatsu type of animation thingy going on so it should be nice.

After like the few 5-10 mins advancing the story into the game i thought this is going to be that cheap website games thing. so i thought "maybe i should let the story progress first" and now guess what? i used to grind gen**in imp*ct for like every damn day and now? nope, screw genshin impact i want to smash luna and lucy and ari and all of it. like i'm addicted to this. i crave for more EVENTS! On the other hand, the story really caught me off guard, the main story was so good. now i have a good hentai games finally.

The best part for me except all the time with all the girls ;) (which might include spoiler maybe idk) THE MIDNIGHT PART YOOOOOO THAT IS SO COOL. i just finished the game for now, and my god that midnight part i was about to beat my meat until the midnight part comes. so yeah instead of me beating my meat now i'm clapping my hands at 3 am. 

But, there's no such thing called perfect right? so there must be a flaw somewhere? in my case it mostly be the performance issues. i don't really know what's going on, might be on my case or might be the optimization on the game. i'm using Ryzen 7 2700X and rtx 2080 with 16gb with all recent  of ram drivers, but somehow there are few moment where the fps went to  3-5 fps (so yes super laggy). but it's not that big of a deal since i still could click stuff and only last a few seconds. but that's the only issue i face so far still would recommend this game! 9/10!!

Can anyone help me please I have a cheat code, but I don't know where to write it?


I have to jump on the bandwagon. Looking at the nice visuals and all the things advertised, I really had low expectations. There's no way this game can be fun with so many characters and so many scenes, they put so much effort into  the sexual stuff that the story and writing is probably weak, or jts probably grindy or too easy. 

Well I was wrong, I applaud you, I'm a patreon subscriber now. This game is hilarious. It may be KIND of slow progression but it actually isn't a bad thing, it makes sense with the plot. if I had any complaints it would be that every chick has giant titties which makes them a little less special (oh boo hoo lol) and that its a bit slow skipping the cutscenes. But for real those things are so minor that I don't expect them to change and I won't complain if they don't. Hats off to you. What a work of art this game is, even irrelevant to the actual art. 

Thank you so so much!


I gotta say something. 

This game is absolutely incredible, story rich, satisfying and sexy? Im flattered by this man, ive never played game this good for free. 11 out of 10. You deserve medal. 

Btw when is the update coming out?🥰


Hello! There's no ETA for the next update

(1 edit) (+1)

No se si sea la unico que le pasa pero, cuado estoy descargando la última actualización 0.1.2 para Android, a mitad de la descarga me sale error y toca reiniciarla pero pasa lo mismo siempre

EDIT: después de varios intentos y de no rendirme pude instalar la actualización.

Pdt: muy buen juego, encerio que me encanta y es muy bueno tu trabajo.

Amigo, sabes si ya está traducida al 100% la versión ?

(7 edits) (+2)

So i played the prologue (v0.1.2) in its whole... i even dont know what to say.. i played about 50 hours or more on that (day 57)... its just.. immersive! You did a very high quality game there only by yourself. Im really impressed!

The story is really interesting, i just got carried away sometimes. Even i got some pee in my eyes for one scene after being reunited with my old town girls. After and after the story headed up into a direction i wasnt expecting and it catched me up hardly. So in the end i just want to know where all of this is going to, even the first hour is quiet wordy, but a good story needs a solid basic. Im really interested in the sequel.

The animations are pretty well done, i dont really know what to tell that much about this because i dont got that many refferences, but depending on what i know so far, its an increadible artwork, i enjoyed every single moment. Sometimes the cloth and the bodies seems to overlap a little bit but im okay with that, there wasnt anything breaking the experience.

The gameplay is heavily advanced for a game in his genre. I had a lot of fun doing quests, unsing the dashboard, fishing, gathering and of course pleassuring my whole harem. Although the tasks are very advanced for a game in its current state. I really liked all the options to interact with the girls. Especially the trust stat system in close contact with the action button system was pretty unique. I like hidden or secret things in games! I truly felt in love with the mechanic headpatting, the "Moe" is dripping out of every pore, its just amazing. As i mentioned in another comment i really would like to have a "prrr" sound for Lucy and Luna, Please! D:

The context was far away form being boring (thats what im actually used to) sometimes i just stopped playing for a minutes and ive just fallen into daydreams about the feelings and behavior of the characters. I really could feel it. You made your own thoughts about it for plenty of hours, no doubt.

The characters just were gorgous, all of them will fill up a place in my heart for centuries. Theres a little bit of everything depending on all the "Dere Types", so there will be something for everybody. Surely its a subjective opinion which characters are the best so i wont argue on that too much, but personally my top 5 are Evie, Lucy, Fara, Elizabeth and Delilah(no clear ranking, just enumerate), even there is not that much content for Elizabeth and Delilah, i just felt that way. I really want to know more about Shikia, she is there at the very beginnig without any options to get deeper into that. I hope theres at least a little bit for 0.1.3 but no pressure ;) Sometimes i felt really sorry for Quintuplets whenever the main character is reaming their ass, because they are so fullfilled with vitality and truly good intensions. I really liked the hairstyle that Fara was wearing for me this one time (see BJ-scene on the top right, its amazing!). Jimmy is the fucking best!!! Like the game is telling you at the beginning hes your bro, always up there to behave supportively towards you and good joke on the flight. I would love to have a bit more Jimmy time just for the jokes and the nice atmosphere. Acutally im more into artwork for girls but i think about drawing the best bro in the world, just to pay respect for such a gorgous guy.

All in all that should it be for now, i know i will edit this comment many times just for some things i forgot or maybe will get into my mind in the next days or weeks. 

Komisari i hope you know how increadible and unique your work really is. There are no words for how to tell you how much i love your game!!! 

Big Love <3 Your man of culture~



oOOOOOhhhh, thank you so much for this much large feedback, I appreciate it a looot ♥


Just wanted to add my opinion on this feedback. This is probably the only game of this type which I've played that actually has a perfect amount of text. It doesn't have too much useless information, but it has enough to keep the player ingaged.

(2 edits)

I thought i am able to give headpats only once per daytime, but if you catch one fish the timebar in the left top corner fills up a little bit... after that youre able to give another headpat... psssht! ;)

Edit: I would like to hear a "prrr" sound whenever i headpat Lucy or Luna, that would be amazing :)

Edit: Or whenever while BJ :)

(1 edit)

from your comment alone i confirm that i found a cultured game and i shall play this now but first can i ask for any advice my brother?

(7 edits)

skill both affection bonis in your skill tree first.

if u dont want to play the game in the current moment, start the game anyway and send all girls to work. After you unlocked the outer lake area, you can send Luna and Lucy there for more item gathering. they work continues in real time except midnight. just look every 5 minutes in the game and loot the work progress. this is sth like AFK farm. -> unlock headpats ;)

always have an eye on your quest progress, you dont need to rush the girls levels, you can do this with the headpatting - fishing trick i mentioned in my comment above.

always try to use the "action" button whenever talking to a girl. if it works or not is depending on the area you talking to the girl and her trust stats, which are depending on the girls lvl. If it works you unlock secret scenes.

unlock the Quintuplets tasks as soon as possible, the girls map location is really usefull for example (you have to unlock Quintuplets first, just follow main story)

always use "talk" option whenever you have done a new  task, they might want to talk about sth, so u get trust stats.

check out the the shower during daytimes at the beach whenever you are bored ^^

The first 1,5 hours of the game are sth like a PrePrologue, its there for the stories lore, just be patient you will get where you want to be, trust me ;)

If you have any other questions dont mention to ask me at any time. That applies to every man of culture out there, dont be afraid to ask .I will support your gameplay as much as i can ;)

If i explained anything wrong please adjust me! THX.


There is no need to save before every "scene". You can simply press Menu -> Gallery. 

didnt even recognized, thank you very much, brother, advices edited. :)

Ah, thank you for the info. You know me so well xD

Only 3 girls you can do action are Lucy, Rebecca and Fara. Fara when she preparing meal in the kitchen, Lucy when she stands by the couch in living room and Rebecca at the church during day time.

well i thought i missed sth elsewere but i was worng. There are some action buttons without any effect, so we will be able to enjoy them in the next update thou.

Just want to say I am looking forward for the new content, love the game so far

can someone tell me every clue for the quest i found 4 of them but i cant find the last one

which quest?

Finding the thief with delilah

Granny the flower merchant, Yannie the fish merchant, Maria the ore merchant in the evening, Rebecca in the park in the evening, and last one is Luna in the first market screen at night, she is sitting on the left top roof.

thank you so much

the discord server dont work for me 

(1 edit) (+1)

I acutally can feel the love of creation put in the game while playing. The potential for a full version is immersive. I like the story, i like the girls, i like the gameplay and Jimmy is a real bro!! ^^.Please keep up this great work. Big love to creators <3.

Say I been trying to find Shino in market, guild, and other places at different time and I can only find her in her room at midnight it's hard to make progress with her she's still at level 1. 

So can you tell me where and when she will appear?


Shino is in her room at morning

Taking a bath at noon.

On the side of the guild couch at afternoon

In the Market's Bar at the evening.

For her to appear, make sure she's not working.

Ok thanks that's a fast reply haha It's a great game btw

Ya está traducida la versión 🥺

(1 edit)

Hello, I'm trying to download the 0.1.2 version of this game on my computer, but it keeps telling me the files are broken... Can someone help me on that please ?

Hi. Try other sources, check my patreon!

Ok thanks, I will try !

My game keeps crashing, around the part where ari shoots an arrow into an apple and the MC jumps in the way and says the apple is the ticket to poverty or whatever. It kept crashing after the part and at that part a couple times. I moved my old saves to my game on here when I got my new phone. Could the save files be messing the game up somehow? I’m confused and really worried because I’m like maybe an HOUR away from finishing the game or what is of the game right now. Please help!

Hello! Please tell me the error you're getting!

(2 edits)

By chance game normally for Android user game crash? cause I have similar problem myself same what wolfbong just said but I didn't touch save file just my game crash when I talk to someone or goes into another scene

I am so excited for 1.3 you have no idea!!!

(2 edits)

Me too ! I just finished the 0.1.1 as I found the link in an another site, and found this site thanks to the link in the game, and now I see there already is a 0.1.2 !

ah shit, I was looking for a short game that'd take me an hour at most. but now I'm invested in it. F


Hi, is there anal things in the game?

There is.

Deleted 93 days ago

On Android, the save files are located at: InternalStorage\Android\Data\0011\Org.HHGv012.0011

If you don't have access to your old phone, you won't be able to transfer your save file though, since there is no Cloud save feature as far as I'm aware. 

If you do have it then do the following:

1. Either copy the one you need (if it's in save spot 2, the name will be 1-2-LT1. save) and paste it in your new phone's file directory (if you're using the copy-paste method, you'll need a medium, like a PC to transfer the files, or you can send it to uourself via e-mail or upload it to some cloud solution idk).

2. Or you can just send the files via Bluetooth if I'm not mistaken. Find which diretory it was saved to and just move it to the correct one. 

Now what do I download the game on my new phone now? And where do I send the save files when I get the game so I can have all my saves on the “new” game

And where should the shared files be that I Bluetoothed over to the new phone? Like where would they be

I believe that the files you transfered via Bluetooth should be in:


but, depending on your phone it might be different. I can't say for sure that you will find them there. 

You can download and install the game on your new phone. Once you finish installing it and once you find the files that you transfered to your new phone, move them to the same directory on your new phone where the game keeps the saves:


If there are already files with the same name in that directory you might get a prompt to replace the files with the new ones. If that's the case, confirm that you want to do that. 

(1 edit)

The Mac version doesn't seem to open or work (V0.1.2)

what is the way of mending this problem

I have a question about the scene with the shadow at the lake at midnight (second part of prologue, when the family returns). At the moment when I ran into the shadow, a weird error message appeared, and it showed a bunch of weird errors, letter changing size, and there were 4 or 5 buttons (open console, rollback, ignore error, quit). The error messages themselves looked like they were referencing python code in some files and some errors with RenPy. If I clicked "Quit" it would return me to the beginning of the same day. If I clicked "Ignore", the story would continue as intended. On the "ignore" button, it says: "Might cause additional errors, so I'm interested in whether this is actually true.

However, this error box seems like it is a "feature", rather than an actual error. 

- The path to the files was C:*Name of character*\...

- The version of Windows in the top-right corner was Win 8 (different than mine)

- None of the actual python files which I inspected had the code which "caused the error".

Can you tell me whether this is a part of the game (I'm 99.99% sure it is, but I'd like to confirm that) or will it actually be a potential cause of errors in the future?

P.S. I didn't expect a hentai game to give me bigger jumpscares than horror games lmao, good job on that.

(1 edit)

Also would there be different outcomes if I decided to "ignore the shadow" when it appears or if I were to just avoid the Lake in general?

(1 edit)

Hello. I don't know what error are you talking about. Have you tried maybe pressing something else instead of just Quit? To see what error you get.

I believe I still have the save file from that moment. I'll go to the same place again soon and take a screenshot, then I can upload it here. 

Thanks for replying quickly by the way, I don't usually see many developers react this fast. You have earned my respect sir.

You don't need a new save, try going there again after a couple of in-game days

(1 edit)

This is what the error looks like. I would like to know if this is a part of the story or if it's an actual error which could have a negative impact on the game.

The "Rollback", "Reload" and "Console" buttons don't work. Only "Ignore" and "Quit" work

Whenever the "Shadow" appears the screen starts glitching for a second or two, but I'm guessing that's supposed to happen.

Man sorry to break the illusion, but that's not an actual error xD it's just using the same desing, but it seems to be intended. Just keep pressing buttons until it stops.

love the game its fun love the story and can't wait for more and does anyone know when patch  v0.1.4 is coming out because i can't wait for more

Here are my thoughts: Take the time you need for the next update. If you have a creative hole, that's totally ok. I'm always happy when I see updates, but: I personally prefer to wait a bit longer if you can see that quality and sweat has been put into the final product - something I notice here. I may not have experience with the software you're using, but I can imagine that the more characters are woven into the plot, the more complicated it gets, and then the risk of bugs increases and finding them can become like looking for a needle in a haystack. Don't let it get you down and keep working on your project the way it works best for you. Private things and your own health are, even outside of this crazy time we are in, more important than satisfying some people on the internet, many of whom you can't please anyway.


hey so i might just be retarded but i can not find ANY logs for the door quest, what exactly am i looking for? i have tapped on all the bushes and trees that  i have come across and cant find any help i hate feeling this retarded lol

Hello, talk to granny!

omg thank you so much lo

(1 edit)

you also can go fishing on the lake area on the far right side in front of the statue, you can fish little logs there, used to craft the bigger logs you need at the shop. this will take not a day in total and you dont need to pay money.

Does any one knows where the game files are located on android device?

Hey, I really liked your game, but I have a little problem.  I was playing on version 1.1.  I updated the game today to version 1.2 and all files I saved have disappeared except for one but it does not work !!

I saw somewhere that files will not translate from 1.1 to 1.2.

I also read that 1.2 will transfer to 1.3 and beyond (hopefully).

I do recommend replaying the game though as many things have been added and changed for an all new experience!

(1 edit)

Hey komisari I like to know is there a android version of the next version of the game

Love the game and all the work you are doing. Quick question: I believe I read somewhere that with the purchase of v0.1.2 that all updates can be patched in and wont lose progress? 

Looking forward to all future updates!

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