Hello, I have a question, how did this end? It is that when I check the girls in the heart, it tells me that it no longer acts in this update, but if I can not do that, I will not be able to do the Halloween with Evie.
Hello. The Halloween event has nothing to do with the girls' levels, so, you must read the halloween quest carefully. And about the Prologue quest, whenever everyone is max level possible, go to the bed and click on FINISH PROLOGUE. Once you do that, there's nothing more left
Honestly This game is really good! Not just lewd but the story line is also interesting to me. I really don't know why people hate it so much. Your doing an awesome job and some of us don't deserve you! :D
Hi, do you mind telling where the saves are stored for android versions of the game? I looked at Android>Data(where other game saves are usually located) but the hero harem file there didn't have the saves
Nearly a half-year ago I had a problem when I couldn't use pickaxe, game always gave me an unignorable error. The same thing was in android app anyway. Maybe my previous phone was too weak... Idk... This time everything is ok, I started the game from the begining and there wasnt any problem with mining or enything else.
When new update will be released Im going to keep my current save backuped for possibility of such problem.
With the amount of money this guy is making every month from patreon supporters he could hire somebody to teach him agile game development and other industry best practices.
With the amount of money this guy is making every month from patreon supporters he could hire a therapist to help him get over his anxiety and need for each release to be perfect.
question. so the girl in the lake, when the "crash' happened i chose everything but the go back and got the diologue where she gives me a warning. is there anything else i can do after that to see her again? or is that it for this version, is she the locked character? 0.0
How can i complet the last quests "solve the mystery and face the thief" of the misdirection. And how can i complet the last tow quests of the prologue ? Please help
Hey Komisari, I just wanted to tell you that you're doing a fantastic job. I have played a bunch of these games on here, and theirs a few good ones but none of them are like HHG. I could honestly see this as a completed game selling on steam and doing very well. All the characters are great and as its been mentioned before, it is a nice change of pace to have an MC that cares about the girls. I am anticipating the next update and I know their is no ETA but, great things are worth waiting for I suppose.
So Thanks for the awesome game and keep doing what you're doing man!
It's seems that I can't trigger the second Halloween Event. I've already finished the first event a year ago, but this current event seems different. My issue is the dish and the table won't appear in the Market or the Market park ( just like the first event has). I've already unlocks all three Halloween card for Evie, Sunny and Lucy, Having about 50 Hallowen candy, and even skipping till the night everyday (more than 10 days) just to see nothing in the Market and Market Park. It's nothing there. Is there any help you can provide to trigger this event?
Since there's no ETA, I wanna ask something. How far the development of v0.1.3 has progressed so far in percent (%)? . Maybe this progress percentage can help us determine the release of the game.
Can i ask question it is bug or not it seems i can't find the files even i can save the game i can't find the main files the com.hh something right i can't find it so pls help me i want to update i din't delete the game btw
i hope when you add a new girls i hope you make them with long hair (my tipe and many others too) please if possible!! and man this game is in another level!!
Hi,i will speak on russian, because my English very low, translate. Да,из за обновления можно потерять прогресс,но перед обновлением находишь в памяти устройства(наверняка у тебя есть какой либо проводник,или что по типу Win Rar),и делаешь как на следующих скриншотах(у меня андроид,так что если у тебя андроид тебе повезло, сначала открой главную папку(там зачастую вся память и все данные приложений)-Android,далее заходишь в эту папку com.hhatamanga.storyplotter,а далее копинуешь папку Saves(там все твои сохранения),вставляешь в любую папку,потом скачиваешь обновление, устанавливаешь его, опять же открываешь папку com.hhatamanga.storyplotter,удаляешь там нынешний папку Saves и вставляешь ту которую копировал,все, у iPhone наверное также
How do I get to level 3 with Maria? It says to visit her at work and I've tried to visit the ruins and her shop whenever she's there but nothing happens
Hey, just wondering if we will know anything more regarding the Ghost/Glitch character that appears at the bicycle parking area and the lake at midnight (not sure if they're the same person, but very similar) next update? Maybe we can date them? Anyway, keep up the good work! I love the game in its semi early development, so you should already know it's great.
← Return to game
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Hello Komisari, I wanted to know if the game is already in Spanish. I have been waiting for a long time, I hope so.
Hello, I have a question, how did this end? It is that when I check the girls in the heart, it tells me that it no longer acts in this update, but if I can not do that, I will not be able to do the Halloween with Evie.
I would appreciate a help :D
Thanks for your time.
Hello. The Halloween event has nothing to do with the girls' levels, so, you must read the halloween quest carefully.
And about the Prologue quest, whenever everyone is max level possible, go to the bed and click on FINISH PROLOGUE. Once you do that, there's nothing more left
how can i get the scene guild members love from lucy
Pretty good game.
Favorite girl is a tie between Fara and Sunny.
Least favorite is Ari.
Can't help but sing "Hey There Delilah" each time I sell her things, it's stuck in my head. Send help.
Honestly This game is really good! Not just lewd but the story line is also interesting to me. I really don't know why people hate it so much. Your doing an awesome job and some of us don't deserve you! :D
Could someone please share save files for the end of the Prologue, any%?
I have finished it on Wednesday, but I've just realized I forgot to backup the save folder before uninstalling the game.
Hi, do you mind telling where the saves are stored for android versions of the game? I looked at Android>Data(where other game saves are usually located) but the hero harem file there didn't have the saves
The reason why I play HHG pc version using Joiplay emulator on my android...)
Be careful, Joiplay tends to have a lot of bugs with HHG.
I know, thank you :)
Nearly a half-year ago I had a problem when I couldn't use pickaxe, game always gave me an unignorable error. The same thing was in android app anyway. Maybe my previous phone was too weak... Idk... This time everything is ok, I started the game from the begining and there wasnt any problem with mining or enything else.
When new update will be released Im going to keep my current save backuped for possibility of such problem.
`Android Save Folder: Android/data/0011/Org.HerosHaremGuild.0011`
Thank you!
I love this game im thinking bout joining your patreon because this game for me is just great
With the amount of money this guy is making every month from patreon supporters he could hire a crew to work on this game for him.
Yeah, I won't do that.
Do not pay attention to such people. Im sure that people who support you are ready to wait as much time as needed :)
You are doing a realy good work there, your game is unique (literaly, rpg made with renpy with a realy high quality).
I myself ready to wait even a year more for next update because Im sure - the waiting will be realy worth it ;)
With the amount of money this guy is making every month from patreon supporters he could hire somebody to teach him agile game development and other industry best practices.
With the amount of money this guy is making every month from patreon supporters he could hire a therapist to help him get over his anxiety and need for each release to be perfect.
Yeah, I want it to be as perfect and good as possible so people can enjoy it, how that is bad? wtf.
What is your problem, pr0nGamez? Maybe it you the one who actualy need a therapist?
pr0nGamez clearly doesn't know how anxiety works.
If you don't like it, LEAVE. Nobody is making you stay here posting negative shit.
jimmy is best
Yeah, the best jojo bro :D
I already have all level max, but the quests can not yet be completed.
you need to go to the bed and choose to end prologue
LMAOOO Why do you say that
because he (or she, dunno) can't do this before next update anyway
question. so the girl in the lake, when the "crash' happened i chose everything but the go back and got the diologue where she gives me a warning. is there anything else i can do after that to see her again? or is that it for this version, is she the locked character? 0.0
I've been doing a little searching and haven't found anything yet besides the fact she likes to be in the main menu... kinda spooky >-<
Would you share the characters png card for us to use it in koikatsu?, i just really love sunny and wanted to put her on my school
Hello! I'm sorry, but I don't really share my cards :(
How can i complet the last quests "solve the mystery and face the thief" of the misdirection. And how can i complet the last tow quests of the prologue ? Please help
Wait until midnight and then go to the ruins!
Hey Komisari, I just wanted to tell you that you're doing a fantastic job. I have played a bunch of these games on here, and theirs a few good ones but none of them are like HHG. I could honestly see this as a completed game selling on steam and doing very well. All the characters are great and as its been mentioned before, it is a nice change of pace to have an MC that cares about the girls. I am anticipating the next update and I know their is no ETA but, great things are worth waiting for I suppose.
So Thanks for the awesome game and keep doing what you're doing man!
Hello again.
It's seems that I can't trigger the second Halloween Event. I've already finished the first event a year ago, but this current event seems different. My issue is the dish and the table won't appear in the Market or the Market park ( just like the first event has). I've already unlocks all three Halloween card for Evie, Sunny and Lucy, Having about 50 Hallowen candy, and even skipping till the night everyday (more than 10 days) just to see nothing in the Market and Market Park. It's nothing there. Is there any help you can provide to trigger this event?
Thanks 😁
The event is the same as last year!
Hello Komi,
Since there's no ETA, I wanna ask something. How far the development of v0.1.3 has progressed so far in percent (%)? . Maybe this progress percentage can help us determine the release of the game.
Hope you well and Thanks for your hard work. 😁
is this halloween the same as last year ?
So i alredy done it or is there more ?
Can i ask question it is bug or not it seems i can't find the files even i can save the game i can't find the main files the com.hh something right i can't find it so pls help me i want to update i din't delete the game btw
Rebecca and Luna
How to find someone Evie?
How do you get twigs to craft the logs?
You can buy the logs. But you can get Twigs by fishing on any place that isn't water. (You have to unlock a perk first)
Happy Halloween guys!
Komisari, thank you for such wonderful event! You are the best! :))
It was fun as hell to do xD
roughly when will the next update such as what month will be present and whether this year or next year the next update sorry to bother
sorry man but what ETA mean? 😅
Not Estimated Time
NO ETA dude
but yeah!
u can play some event "HALLOWEEN "
Yeah, Halloween was made last year
i hope when you add a new girls i hope you make them with long hair (my tipe and many others too) please if possible!! and man this game is in another level!!
I'm one of your fun friend! keep the hard work!!
Happy Halloween !!! Now we wait for a year about next update. Keep going and make a good update, I don't care about no nut november right now.
When would 1.3 become available to download here?
There's no ETA yet.
would I lose all progress if I have to get a new update for the game?
Hi,i will speak on russian, because my English very low, translate. Да,из за обновления можно потерять прогресс,но перед обновлением находишь в памяти устройства(наверняка у тебя есть какой либо проводник,или что по типу Win Rar),и делаешь как на следующих скриншотах(у меня андроид,так что если у тебя андроид тебе повезло, сначала открой главную папку(там зачастую вся память и все данные приложений)-Android,далее заходишь в эту папку com.hhatamanga.storyplotter,а далее копинуешь папку Saves(там все твои сохранения),вставляешь в любую папку,потом скачиваешь обновление, устанавливаешь его, опять же открываешь папку com.hhatamanga.storyplotter,удаляешь там нынешний папку Saves и вставляешь ту которую копировал,все, у iPhone наверное также
aw man, I have a pc, do you know a way for PC users?
thank you so much
How do I get to level 3 with Maria? It says to visit her at work and I've tried to visit the ruins and her shop whenever she's there but nothing happens
Mmm... Try different times, morning, noon and afternoon at the ruins and evening at the shop!
hi im just wondering, is there anyone that knows how to shorten the GB usage for downloading the game
files are compressed as much as they can be, unfortunately you'll have to download the entire thing but its worth it lo
When is next update?
I literally like this game I give this 8/10 and 1 jimmy bro
Are there foot stuff on this game?, im lowkey new here so idk if it says somewhere here uwu
Hey, just wondering if we will know anything more regarding the Ghost/Glitch character that appears at the bicycle parking area and the lake at midnight (not sure if they're the same person, but very similar) next update?
Maybe we can date them?Anyway, keep up the good work! I love the game in its semi early development, so you should already know it's great.Hello! You will probably know more, who knows?
Jimmy got main character powers
Haha, just tryed this game and... I think it could be realy fun if Komisari and Parodos will decide to make a cross-collaboration :D