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Deleted 1 year ago

Wait more than 2 years

Deleted 1 year ago



Very excited to see the next update when it comes out been just grinding the mone and levels for the fanart till then hope its going well and great work!

ghost girl kinda bad tho, ignore all warnings for free jumpscare, kekw

(1 edit) (+1)

just want people to know that if your a the type of person that wants everything in the game then ima give you a really helpful tip. the Halloween and Christmas events only happen at set times right? but if you change your date and time in settings then you can get everything completed in the game easily without waiting, your welcome. also there is an easter egg that I'm not going to spoil so have fun figuring it out hahahaha. smell ya later weebs.

edit: don't click on the vid that @gta--6 posted it could harm your computer who knows, just be careful.

So, I just read your last update, and realized I haven't actually checked for updates for this game in... Geez, a year and a half now. I was hoping to come back to a boat-load of content, which is my usual method for games of this nature; Notice something cool, catch up to production, then forget it exists for four to six months and hope I come back to lots of new stuff to enjoy. That there was nothing had me worried, and I'll admit, I'm still a bit worried. It's not the best of looks, no updates for two years.

With that having been said, my experience with the game that exists has been top-notch. I absolutely adore the characters, and when they get caught up in rough experiences it makes my heart ache for them in sympathy. They're portrayed extremely well, and their actions and interactions, for the most part, feel very realistic for their given personalities. For those reasons, I want to hold out and see what comes with 1.3. Recover well from that eye surgery, and do your best to drop the rest of chapter one soon! I'm so, so, SO very impatient to get back in with the girls.

Thank you so much for your kind words!

I'm sorry to ruin your comeback-to-loads-of-content. I understand you because I do the same xD, I leave games and then come back to play it with way more content!

Soon, just another couple of months, the update will come out!

I'm practically vibrating with excitement! And no, nothing ruined. Little disappointment, but if you're really dropping a nuke when you update I think the wait will feel quite worth it. Take care, and you'll probably hear from me again when the update hits! Best of luck!

I thought it got recently updated, cause it said it was updated 7 days ago yesterday, It's a very good game and I cant just leave it. ;; I got too into this game ;; (yes, I have played this for a long time now, and from the many similar visual novels I've played, this one is the best one in my opinion so far)

Yeah that's how I am with this one. Dunno, it just hits really well compared to other ones.

(1 edit) (+2)

Stumbled upon this on complete accident. Gave it a whirl, reminded me of dating sims from the early/mid 2000's (which were ok). I don't often play H games nor dating sims anymore, however I am eager to see where this goes. It's not often that I stumble upon something and fall in love with the characters personalities, actually feel invested in the story, and get sad that there isn't more available.

The girls are a treat and the interactions with them, while lewd and H af, are also really wholesome and unlike the dating sims of the early days this makes them feel real. Again I don't often play H games anymore but this one is a gem. Slapped down the 15 for it and can't wait to see where this goes.

Edit: Something I forgot to mention, Jimmy is best girl.

I just got the game it looks really good and I want to play but it keeps crashing I'm on anidroid and idk what to do


0.1.2 released Nov 28 2020. 

Ignoring Events, there hasnt been an update in 2 years. And dev has now said its still going to be a few months for 0.1.3?

I'm glad I'm not a patreon. Imagine paying 'x' month after month for over 2 years for no actual content.

I'm sympathetic of your struggles in your personal life but theres comes a point where it just seems like you're taking peoples money, making up a few gifs and polls and stringing people along. 

You're literally getting $5,000+ a month through Patreon. So youve made approx $120,000 since the last actual content update. 

No one else think that's a bit mad?


Hello! You nor anyone is forced to support me. I have never faked the release date for people to pledge and then said "Oh, my bad, I will change the release date again!".

If people are paying my content is because they liked it, plus, I have lots of new Patrons per day, and I lose a lot more. Per day.

I could understand if I had faked a release date, but I always say that the moment that the update will be available, I will post 30 days before announcing it.

And I think you are confused, I haven't made any poll. I just upload sneak peeks, including, entire events with dialogue and etc.


Thanks for the reply. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your gane and look forward to the update. 

That said, taking over 2 years to push an update when thousands are supporting your monitarily is a bit of a wind up.

Your patreon shows you are taking over $5,000 per month from people. The "goal" you set specifically says you'll be "full time developing" but its literally over 2 years for a +0.0.1. 

I just think your patrons deserve a bit better that weekly updates explaining why there isnt an update. 

At $5k+ per month surely you can hire help? Do something more to give back to the people who've invested in you. 


Also, it's very very easy to say "well no one is forced to give me money" - the point is, they do.

They believe in your game, they believe in your ability to produce the game to a good standard. They enjoy the story arc and the other bits. They support you. 

As a developer, saying "no one is forced to support me" is taboo. If they all suddenly stopped today, what would happen?


You need to use more than one braincell my fellow person. ( = w = )

Think, if you were a patreon and they have not updated the game, would you continue to be a patreon or would you stop being one and just wait for new stuff and then go back?

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

Saying that the next update is a +0.0.1 is just stupid. I call it that way so that v0.2.0 can be Chapter 2, not Chapter 1.
Despite just being a +0.0.1, the update could EASILY be Hero's Harem Guild 2.

It MORE than duplicates the actual content, and it has WAY more quality than before, with lots of new stuff, I'm sorry but you can't grab me with the "+0.0.1".

Also, it's not taboo, you are not forced to support me if you don't like my workflow or you don't believe me. I am what I say on the Patreon posts, I'm not lying to anyone. I'm not promising you something but an eventual update, not even WHEN it happens. That's up to you to decide if you want to support me.

I only say; The update will come out and will be amazing in quality. I'm pretty proud of my work, and I'm confident as hell about what I'm doing. I want Hero's Harem Guild to be one of the best H games out there, and I'm pretty sure it'll be close to it.

Now, again, up to you to decide if you want to support/believe me or not. And it's not the only thing I say; if you want to know what I say to my Patrons, check the latest patreon post.

If they all suddenly stopped today, I would probably have to move from my actual house to my old house, sell my car and continue working on the development there. And if something happens to my computer or whatever, I have enough savings to be able to fix it, in case you want to put me in a more critical situation. I have family that will probably help me financially to continue working.

There is no stopping the update, not even if everyone leaves Patreon.  I made v0.1.2 in an old house with a shitty computer and a 2x2 room. This is my game, and it will be finished.



-I've gotta say something. There's no need for reply but I hope you read it. Basically just be careful not to get too emotional in your responses to your player base. No matter how right you are, people deeply resent those that try to demand sympathy while having a position of control. You could end up like Yandere Dev or the No Man Sky team if you're not careful.

-In essence the reality of the difficulty of game development goes over the heads of the consumer base. Thus untruthful rumors arise to suggest the dev's are taking advantage of them and the support they give. Its a tale as old as time, and I don't want that for such an aspiring and capable Dev like yourself.

-Basically you've been doing great with non-professional PR by just putting your nose to the grind-stone and showing proof that you're working onto your discord. There's no need to bend to the whim of those speculating your trustworthiness with reassurances at every opportunity, simply redirecting them to your discord should suffice.

-The long and short is the more you interact with the community's concerns the more likely they're turn on you through no fault but their own misunderstanding-based conspiracy and speculation. Alternatively just showing you've made progress with minimal communication goes a long way to build rapport- speaking through your actions rather than words.

-TL;DR Just keep up the good work and if anyone questions you, tell them to check your discord just like you have. Don't falter at this leg of the race and show weakness or frustration. Your image is Komisari, the guy who takes 2 years to update his game because he knows its gonna be worth the wait, and gives him time to learn and implement a better foundation and methods. You can't let them taint that image by suggesting your might regret it and thus might be incompetent or flaky. No matter how untrue it is, it's what they'll believe if you show any vague signs it could be true. SO just keep working man, prove them wrong through actions and results. 

(btw hiring people or getting volunteers isn't as good as it sounds unless you structure it perfectly and everyone is competent in their role. Even a dream team can become a nightmare if Egos, communication problems, unreliability, scheduling, and etc arise. So don't let people pressure you to build a team if you make enough money to hire help unless you're prepared to iron out pipelines and management issues and can invest in the overhead of accounting for the expense and literal overhead)

GL and Godspeed. I know you can make it!


Hello! It will be quick, I think the same about hiring people. It requires me to structure lots of stuff, and I do not feel capable of, I have no experience with it. I think I could do a good job, but that can be hell if not managed properly.

Thank you!

this brings tears of joy to me <3 i hope you never give up on HHG no matter what


wow, new car, new house, no new update. keep up good work ! u deserve as much as doge coin investor !


Hello, there was a new update soon ago.


tbh yeah I mean, I don't know how long it takes to make a game like this. Perhaps he really is just holding out for the largest update ever (For some reason?) rather than making smaller more frequent updates to the game. Whatever the case, Patreon as a platform seems to reward slow development. It's like "Oh I get paid by the month. Yeah uhhh the next update will be ready in... not 2 and a a half years.. Maybe a few months past that even..."


Have you ever stopped to consider the potential risks and liabilities one has to go through when creating a high-quality, high-quantity, but time-killing game? By themselves at that? Furthermore, if you want a game like this done earlier instead of later, how about you start making actual efforts at doing something positive for a change? Instead of complaining to the developer, you could contribute and/or give moral support to the developer ALONGSIDE the masses that have waited almost 2 years, yeah? You joined in 2021, whereas many others have waited longer than you, so be considerate of those who have spent their time doing ACTUALLY beneficial deeds to society, such as working, politics, and whatever else is helpful to the society at this time, rather than rambling their half-baked complaints to the developer like you are currently doing. Every game developer has constraints, limits, and other possible liabilities that could possibly get in their way and potentially become a big threat accomplishing their goals. Komisari is no different, possibly more hard-working than most. Take a hint, and stop being selfish please and thank you. Good day.


Dude, it's not selfish to ask questions. Especially more so when money is being exchanged. So perhaps consider removing your nose from the dev's anus and let people ask their questions - of which this area is literally here to allow.

This was all settled and cleared up 2 weeks ago, and now you're opening it again and adding this unecessary reply, for what?

Being selfish is to do something for one's own benefit as a detriment to others. Asking questions is not selfish. Telling people they cant ask specific questions or say specific things is fascism. And I'm sure you're not a fascist, are you?


Never needed to know such an unnecessary word since it does not describe me at all. Also, I'm just voicing my thoughts similar to what you're doing, but my comments are actually passive-aggressive, whereas you're just straight-up hounding the developer over their efforts at putting 200% quality into their game's coding and whatnot. Like they said, you do not NEED to pay him if you're not a big fan of "patience", yet you're still pestering 'em. Even if you're not supporting the developer financially, you could try being more optimistic. Also, whoever decides to use financial support as their go-to since the developer is usually busy editing their game, it's their money, not yours. Let them be who decides what their hard-earned money is being invested into. It's really none of your concern what others use their money for. (FYI, I don't really care if this discussion was finished 20 days ago, I was just late to the party is all, since I'm busy with my job and other useful daily activities.) Have a good day.

Спасибо большое за игру мне очень понравился твой игру я буду ждать обновления 👍💪😎

Прости что написал на русской языке 👉👈


W game

cant wait for the public release  of the next update  glad its here


I literally just found this game, read your updates, and played as far as i can for now in one night. Did not finish everything yet, but im in love with it, had to send you $5 and join the discord so i dont ever lose the game. Youre doing a great job, its a long journey i know. But itll be all worth it in the long run. Keep up the great work and take your time, things like this cannot be rushed.

Thank you so much!!!


After reading your developent update post I just wanted to say that I have so far enjoyed following the game, and yes it may get boring waiting for something but I know the work it takes to make a game of this quality, and so I just wanted to say thank you for sticking to this project and all the hard work you have put into it, and I hope the surgery went well.

Thank you so much! The update will be worth the wait!

Hey on Android and just downloaded the game and it keeps crashing every like 2 mins how I fix this

(1 edit)

Renpy or whatever the game is made with probably doesnt support your phone if that keeps happening what android do you use?

(1 edit)

i use redmi 9A 

all game Renpy work good on my mobile olny this don't work

(i don't know about the other guy)

I'm on a galaxy tablet 1a I think if I remember

And wdym renpy?

the engine of this game

same here

Just wanna say I have been  loving this game since early 2021. It's hilarious, engaging, kinky af and just really enjoyable to play. I can literally lose myself for hours, getting as many fish as I can or doing tasks or any other of the many things integrated in this game.

As for your recent post, I hope your surgery is all good! And I've never (personally) complained about wait time because I can empathise with how hard it must be to create a videogame, let alone when you've got the pressure on, doing it just yourself. 

Anywho I'm super excited to see Chapter 1, and as I'm so invested, I'm willing to make a teaser/trailer if you wanted for the next update if you wanted.. Of course, this will be absolutely free. I just love the game and wanna make a video to do with it lol, video stuff is what I do XD - if not though, totally fine. I'm just super excited lol so I think it's that part of me talking haha

As said, can't wait for what's coming up, and just remember that this game is really awesome! You should be super duper proud! :))

Thank you soo muchhh!

A trailer could be interesting...

Well it's up to you! Haha and you're very very welcome. 

Are there animated fight/drama scenes at all in the coming update, may I ask? If so, I'll defo use those scenes when the chapter is out for a fan made trailer thing lol

There is fight scenes, yes! A lot, actually.

This was a good game 

Saya sedikit menangis disaat keluarga karakter kita datang ke guild, dan juga disaat keluarga karakter kita mau membawa kita ke luar, ini adalah permainan yang sangat bagus, sangat di rekomendasi

Sorry I can't speak English but your game incredible


I cried a little bit when our character's family came to the guild, and also when our character's family wanted to take us outside, this is a very good game, highly recommended

I was playing the windows version using joiplay and one of the problems is that I can't retrieve the girls and I can't press the upgrade

Anybody in knows how to transfer Windows version save to Android?

(1 edit) (-5)

this my first time i see game need whole year to get update ☠️


It didn't take a year?


are you sure about the ??

is there a way I could transfer saves on android to windows?

Ain't too sure about moving the game from Android to Windows since the game files on both platforms are a bit different. You can try doing the traditional way of just copying the save files on android and put it in Windows. But I can't guarantee the success of doing so.  

You'd likely require root access in order to access the location that the save is stored, assuming there is no difference between an android and a windows save.

(1 edit)

I can't do the quest 'solve the mystery and face the thief' after the quest of delilah.what do i do?

  • To finish this point, you need to sleep, and at the next midnight go to the Ruins (Important! You don't need to stay in the Ruins and wait for midnight. You should wait for midnight and only then go to Ruins).

What do I do with the slime and horns? I can't sell them and i can't craft with them.

There will prob be use for them in V.1.3

hello, im on Mac and I can't play the game



1. Drag the game in Application folder (non essential)

2. Open Terminal and type "chmod -R 755"

3. Drag the game in Terminal and press Return 

How long do you have to wait for lucy? It says wait a while

You have to complete quests with the other girls first

I was uninstall the game will it reset the progress when i re-install new update?

How do i unlock Delilah cant find the last clue


Check Rebecca in the evening, Luna at night (top left market entrance), Granny talk option, Maria and Yinna!

What do i do about the quest after this 'solve the mystery and face the thief'?

Wait until midnight and go to the ruins.


No update for 2 whole year .. is dead game??


Nah, Patreon had a big update just a few days ago. Planning to do the next chapter release by the end of 2022


oh boy

where do I get paper?

Go to the tailor in town left shop


when is the next update?


forget it



Idk, ignore him. See my comment above


this game sucks,

 it bans anyone who gives bad ratings, i saw five people have their comments erased as soon as they criticized the game, the first chapter won't even be done till next year I bet.

people are spending hundreds of dollars just to wait 2 years on the first chapter of the game if it's published at all.


Exactly! And no one here realises it, thats the sad part

(1 edit) (+10)(-1)

Hello. Check again, you can see lots of bad comments.

Also, I banned and erased a comment for a underage kid that was trolling in the discord server and came here shitting the game.

i do not erase or ban bad ratings or comments, you are misinforming or lying, because I mever erased comments from five guys, only one.

As I said, check other comments.


from my understanding, Komisari takes actual critique to note, trolling however is something I'd advise against as it serves no reason than to antagonize others for the fun of the troll.

But back to the time delay between updates, game design using the resources the developer has at hand and whether or not an actual development team is available is largely the reason behind long update times.

A single developer can spend three years for a singular update while some never finish development.

It isn't uncommon as most of these games Are passion projects and things they do to learn game design while providing income to them for their work thus far.


But that's just my two cents, I'm not discrediting your worries or concerns by any means! ^-^

1. Do you have a roadmap or any dates when updates will be made 2. will i have to download another version or will it auto update 3. will I lose my progress when I get the updated version

You didn't mention what platform you play on.  I am just another player and I'm no authority on this, but for what it's worth, this method has worked unerringly on every Ren'Py game I've ever played... on Windows/Linux: 

I download the whole game at every update. 

Unzip/extract the new one into it's own auto-named folder (matching the filename downloaded).

First, BEFORE I even run the new game, I go to the OLD version game folder, "game", and locate the "saves" folder in there, I right click that guy and select Copy.

Then I go to the NEW version game folder I just unzipped/unpacked into. I right click the folder named "game" and select Paste. 

In a few seconds, it copies every single saved game into the new install. Now I run the NEW version's .SH or .EXE and load up a couple of my favorite saves and immediately re-save over them as a means of confirming my favorites are saved in the newest format(just in case anything changed in the way it is written. 

After I play the new one for a bit and save again to a brand new slot and I'm convinced there is no issues, I exit the game and delete the OLD install completely.

It may seem lengthy, but it has been fool-proof for me so far.  Never a single lost saved game unless the Dev completely changed everything, but they are pretty good about warning of that beforehand.  And if you skip a version release when you update, it's not as guaranteed to work.

I hope that helps somebody out there.


they're not going to make updates for a couple more months. it's not even the first chapter, and we're not even 10% done.

kami bans 5+ people who gives bad comments

people spending hundreds of dollars per month for two years and it's not even close to finish if at all.

there's only maybe 3-4 hours worth of scenes, 20-30+ more hours of grinding. etc.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Your comment was not deleted, that proves you otherwise.

Also, you are misinforming. Game doesn't have 3 or 4 hours of scenes. And its impossible to have 20-30 hours of grinding, you are lying.

Really enjoying the game, but im having a few issues, on the Android version, the game keeps crashing on me every 5-10 minutes, and the Mac version refuses to extract, and using multiple unzip programs revealed that the files were corrupted. i was just wondering if anyone has experienced either issue, and if you have, have you found a workaround?

Quick question also is it a bug when clicking action it doesn't do anything but make the girls blush or it most be on a specific location like the elf girl?

I noticed that, too.  I think it is location based like the elf girl.  Like a "time and place" thing.


For the most part, I was enjoying this game, the girls or are cute, the UI is amazing, I was actually playing this for a strong while, but eventually I had to stop because the games weakest aspect just got in my way.

Which was the visual novel aspect of this game, every time the main story crept back up, my interest would massively drop. The game dating sim and RPG aspect of this game already has me fairly invested, but the story I hate to say I really couldn't care about.

It just felt like it was a way to cap my investment in the game, not being able to progress further with characters until X, Y and Z criteria were met.

Not to mention, it didn't really have me invested, You get attacked saving your family from a demon, end up in town and get forced to start an adventuring guild, with no one answering why that's a big deal for 'reasons', then when you decided to go back to help your family, there is the big cliched emotional 'oh how could you do this to after all we've been through'

Despite the fact, you are going to check on your FAMILY, making a lot of the characters you were invested in, suddenly come across as conceited and selfish.

It felt like artificial drama and I hated it.

I agree to a point, but did you actually finish the story? Im curious because there comes a point where it doesn't make sense yet, but we have to wait for the nect update because of the place where the story pauses due to lack of physical content


well, think about this for a second. A town with only 10 people... cmon... I already looked at the sneak peek, and they're cringy AF. When you go to clubs, you don't see girls saying, "I DID THIS FOR YOU! I DID ALL THIS FOR YOU! IT'S NOT ENOUGH!"

It doesn't even take that long to make this game. All you have to do is create the UI, create a tool for dialogues, and use Koitatu software and you'd already made a scene within seconds.

The dude waited 2 years to even re-do the UI.

Like... it's not even that hard to record a 4-second animation and you only make the maps once.

The dude can't even get his story right either.

Took him two years to accomplish the prologue. By that time in my career, I'm already making 4-5 million from my lawn mowing business LOL.



Our difference is that, even you, that are winning millions, like you do, you spend time writing nonsense stuff for my game.

2 years to rewrite the gui? Where did you get that info? You are basically lying about my game, because you NEED people to dislike my game.

And me? I couldn't care less about your job. And you. :)

Damn that was cold Komisari. Personally, I love your game. From the jokes, to all the personalities, everything. Even the system to get matierals(despite taking a while to learn how lol) was new and exiting for me.

 "Square up, thot" was my favorite moment and I hope to see that come back again like a catchphrase for the character

(1 edit) (-2)

As Big Spence pointed out. You gotta tough it out in order for it to make sense. It all makes sense by the end of the current update.
I'll explain the two major plots that you are confused about in a SPOILER AHEAD, so if you want, go ahead and read, but it's better to experience it, I personally think.
Don't click read more if you don't want to be spoiled.
P.S If you don't like VN games like this, then be prepared whenever you see Ren'Py games because most of them center around story. You're better off looking for RPGMaker games. To me, the story is exactly what makes it more distinctive/original compared to other dating sim/harem collector-type games.

The reason the town doesn't like heroes is because the last one that they had abandoned them in their time of need and was a complete asshat (coughLikeLeoncough)

And the reason why all the characters seem selfish for wanting the MC to not leave the town is because it IS selfish. They're human beings. PLUS on top of that, Rebecca pointed out that official Heroes were meant to marry the Lady of the town. To them, they just got a promising new hero, but he's now abandoning them. It's not just to check on your family, you're going back to them. Possibly never to see the town again.

(1 edit) (-1)


at last the new info give me so much Hype thx komisari 🤣. This the only good sh*t that can make me wait for 2 years lol 🤣🤣 . ADIOS ✌

Are there cheats to this game?


nope not as of now 

Holy Headpat Game

LOL!!  I'm ashamed to say it took me about 30 seconds of tilting my head like the RCA dog until it clicked... and then I laughed my ass off on the way to my kitchen to get a beer. 

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