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How do I get foraging items, I can't find small twigs.


You first need to get the skill that allows you to fish everywhere and then fish somewhere where there is no water


This is FANTASTIC! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Evie is my favorite character so far. She is just SO ADORABLE!!!!! Although, I would love to see if she learns how to speak at some point. I love Evie!


I wish there was a button that u can hang out with jimmy


Now, I know there have been some rumors going around that the Dev is no longer Updating us. Well, I am here to put those rumors to rest. They are true. In terms of updates, we have no updates. So how will we get to the v0.1.3? The answer is clear, we won't. We are doomed. Now it would probably be a good time to look for other game options. 

Ok jokes aside c'mon guys Dev its clearly doing a poor job giving dates but I don't think this is a scam he is still active on a regular basis here just give him a couple weeks (I hope...)


Check discord


I just checked it and tbh seeing how much support the game has been given I wonder more and more about why is K. the only Dev


Well, maybe it's because people are too fanatical about him but, there are also people who have supported him for more than a year on "patreon" but not always people have free time just to look on Discord all the time and yeah, people can get bored or tired like waiting too long...


if the update didn't end in jan and you told us it will be in early jan. then can't you tell us how much work have you finished? like 70 percent or 10 percent??!! will you need another month?? but it seems like you need more then one because it's 8th this month and we don't know anything!!! 


Dont waste your time mate. There are games just like this one with better developers like "Corrupted Kingdoms" and "Champion of Realms". 




I love you. XD I'll be chilling until the update pops off. Finesse that shit bro, you got this


it will be on steam?

(1 edit)

who is the white hair girl with lips on the left side background of this website?


Is a g irl you meet at the end of the prologue.


excuse me I want to install content pack to my game. what am I supposed to do?(question from a freashman)


awesome game and honestly hilarious dialogue but its sad when you spend 5hrs on it just for the saves to be deleted when i clicked exit. ngl im still kinda heated about it but whatever it went to the recycle bin bc of it 


Hello, check the auto saves.


I checked all save locations before moving on, it could've just been my computer. i put all these kinda games on a shitty hdd that i pried off a dead Xbox one lol. honestly it was a really good game for what i got up to so keep at it


If i were you komistar i would do the next update ina 2 parter do release half now do fans stop calling this scam and then realize the next half when its done that wil, give you more time and less stress from these comments


Ok umm just asking because I am amazed that you compressed 9GB's of Data to only 1GB for android ? Is it like downgrading the picture resulotion or cutting out content or smth else ?


hope to see an update soon, I know it takes time but you're doing an amazing job! Keep it up i'm ready to see where v0.1.3 goes!!!


How can I download this game directly from Apple?


You can't. Apple TOS prohibits any and all content of a pornographic nature from appearing in the app store.


Hey this is less a review of the game and more a letter to Komisari, don't get bogged down by all the negative comments, people need to be more patient, game dev is hard. However, some transparency would be nice. As far as I know there hasn't been any info anywhere, when people see that, they think you've abandoned the game. 

Anyway, great game man, I'm rooting for you


nvr mind ignore this, just checked discord.


For those of us without discord, care to elaborate what you found?


can you not get discord?


I said that I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish the Christmas event on January, and some other stuff.

Its in twitter, too.


...for the reason of Twitter being Twitter I avoid Twitter like the plague. 

That said, keep up the good work Komisari. I look forward to the update.


Delete your Patreon. Old Mates getting 110k a year with no actual work done. There are no updates because nothing is happening.


Hello, I'm still making HHG. Even if you see no update, there is work in the back!


Few days ago I lost my job - I could really use a bit relaxing HHG now...


Definitely looking forward to the update, it's been a while (since 2020) since the last actual release, we've had a bit of communication but not enough. I get it the last few years have sucked and I'm sure you have had a lot of life changes along the way, that being said I can understand why people have stopped the patreon support. Just know when you do finally get around to releasing an update you will probably get many of the ones who left back, and more. You've got a great base product, don't trip on the small details and get your game the way you want it overall


Hey, I often see people being somewhat ungrateful to the developer on creating such a game, if you create a negative environment you'd cause the developers to lose motivation on working on such a game. I personally enjoy this game and the characters. But I just feel sad for the developer on having such a silent supporting community and a vocal upset community. I understand that it has been a long while since the last update, but at least there was an update. Life can deal you a bad hand, it what you make of it, that can turn it around.

Please be patient

Deleted 1 year ago

then why can´t he just say "sorry boys january isn`t possible".. that´s like everything we asked for.. transparency 

and he shouldn´t apologize mid february, as soon as he noticed january isn´t possible he could have informed us


Hello, please, check discord.

(1 edit)

"Please be patient."

2020 was the last update to the game, it's 2023 now.  Much of the ire is justified, imo.  I've been in the Discord on and off, but it doesn't help.

The feeling just sucks.  


I love this game so much and it breaks my heart knowing the last real update was back in November


don’t worry. it'll come out one of these days, and when it does, we're all gonna have a blast

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

LAST LAST november at that lol


depending on where our McDonalds addicted dev lives, he has around 16 hours left to keep his promise (January)


lol hahah

Deleted 1 year ago

friendly reminder the last real update that wasn't a seasonal event was in november of 2020.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I have left Patreon a few months ago cuz I was really worried


2-3 years without update but still earning a lot of $$$$ from patreon..... Not a chance .
I'm afraid that this is another scam, especially after he announced that we will get a new update before a new year (2023)...
and then he said something about Christmas update - and still nothing....
and then he said that he is working on Christmas update, and the 0.1.3 update is on-hold because of this....
and then 2023 came, and he said he is working hard on Christmas update, and will resume work on 0.1.3 after he finish this....
and some time later he announced, he's bad at planing, and apologised and don't know when he will finish this... but is still working on this
and now another month is at the end, and we still not have 0.1.3 nor even this Christmas update....

But he still earns $$$ for patreon, and claims he's working on updates etc . . .

(And BOOM!! - After my comment, the next day he releases both Christmas update and 0.1.3 or not.. "Mark my words!"


Hello, I'm working on updating the game, sorry about the... updating problem.


Aye you better be forreal I just started this game last night and finished it now, I will support this game whole and support you as a person, Im not saying to rush the game but atleast keep us posted so we know your actually gonna do sumn about the game. Like I've played lots of games like this and this is the first one I saw through and actually had a connection to, this shit got me emotional, laughing and also pleased me. I fucks wit this. Keep up the good work and you gots to see it through my boi!.

Deleted 49 days ago

You will.


I hope this is not turning like Polarity where they teased the hell out Chapter 5 and never happened. 2 years fans were waiting and nothing. Komisari....we just wanna see Jimmy bro. You have a really good fan base here. Don't be like the developer of Polarity. 

ok bb i won't come back here again

Значок "Проверено сообществом"


where is next update ;( im waiting too long

what is the content pack like? like i kinda want to buy, but i also don't wanna lose my money


don´t buy it yet.. wait for 0,1,3 :) we don´t want to support procastination

I wonder konw, it asks me to find 5 clues for arresting the thief, I have already got 5 which are the queen, the fish woman, the hen woman, the cat woman, which one do i still miss

The granny

(1 edit) (+2)

was there a christmas event?


I doubt it


Wait, will this game ever get an update ? 

If yes then when ?


No one knows except for the Developer, we're all here just waiting patiently 😅




well we are closer to world peace than to the next update

Oh ok then 😂😅

Oh ok then 😂😅


Jimmy is best girl






Im waiting for next update


ngl the Hammer girl is very cute tho 

just about to start the game for the first time, anyone able to tell me how long the game currently is story wise? i see its been a couple years since 0.1.2 came out and just wondering if there enough content for a few days at the very least, maybe a week even?

about 3-4 days

if you don't play 24/7

Less then that dude game took me not even a full day to beat but if your saying like truly 100% every scene/event then yea maybe 2 or 3


давайте мы все откроем глаза, у нашего магазина судьба яндера deff, синдром творца. Платите деньги, а я буду кормить обещаниями и "делать", эта игра мне понравилась и я ждал её и ждал, но думаю продолжение так и не выйдет.

let's all open our eyes, our store has the fate of yander deff, creator syndrome. Pay the money, and I will feed you with promises and "do", I liked this game and I waited and waited for it, but I think the continuation will not come out.


it will come out whenever it comes out. If the excessive wait time is that big of an issue move onto a different distraction. you're not obligated to support the game and don't worry over other people who choose to support it, its their choice lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Ну, мне повезло что я только сейчас закончил пролог. Возможно мне придётся ждать месяц или два. Хотя я не знаю сколько ты ждал.

Ну и так, к слову; если разраб сделает полную и рабочую 1 главу за один апдейт, то тогда лучше отложить её до того момента пока не пройдёт минимум несколько месяцев, что-бы долго не ждать следующею главу.

1 главу ждут очень долго 2 года уже прошло, не хотелось бы ждать ещё несколько лет чтобы ещё одну ждать, перед тем как выйдет хотя бы 1 глава

Скажу так, Коми в дисе сказал что скоро будет. Я думаю, ему надо дать месяца два.


Honestly fantastic game. Many times during playing i'm just sitting here going "How tf is this just the prologue?!" The setup for chapter 1 has me hooked, can't wait for more updates! Also Everyone saying anything about waifu's is wrong, Jimmy is the best waifu. He's a true bro, And is worth every copper


Hey Komisari, in version 0.1.3 (besides the favorites Lucy and Sunny) will the two fisher girls Shikia and Yinna be included a bit more in the story? That would be really great.


*Hey komisari, make a version 0.1.3

that would be great*

that sounds more fitting :)


Oh yeah


I think it will


Really great game! Finished the prologue in 3 days, and I can't wait for the next chapter. (Lucy best waifu ong)


Well  еveryone has their own opinion


i like lu'na better

I love Lucy too. She is absolutely amazing. A little bit shy, but very intelligent, plus not entirely human and her her body proportions are closer to normal than the others.

And of course Sunny - because she is really hot :)


Аs I already said еveryone has their own opinion

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