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(1 edit) (+10)(-18)

I wasn't going to post anything, but finally decided to.

You guys really should understand 2 things.   Development requires focus, patience and attention to detail.    Mistakes can cause the project to get scrapped.    Decisions have to be made.   As I see it, the developer has said multiple times it's not abandoned, but a good portion of you just ignore it or gloss over it.

So, I'll post a reminder.   The more you guys spam and pester the Dev, rather than showing appreciation for the work they put in, is only going to delay them.    Just show your appreciation and move on.    As someone who enjoys it myself, I too want to see the next update.  I also understand that between having to constantly update you all who choose to ignore earlier answers, it's getting tedious from an outsiders perspective.

To the Dev, your work is a gem.  I understand it takes time and lots of hard choices, but you got a few fans or more like me, who are willing to wait for the perfected version, not some slack stick half-assed version, so do what you need to.   

All we ask is you don't abandon it in the future until it's fully ended like some have.    To that, thank you for your contribution and work thus far.


People like you are worse. Parroting the same lines that a ton of other people already posted. Ironic really due to that being one of your main complaints about the people posting negative feedback. 

When you blame people posting negative feedback for the game being delayed. That is where I have a major disagreement with you.

If there's a problem, the answer is definitely not to be silent about said problem by only posting positive feedback. That is how echo chambers are made, and they can be even more harmful. The result of that leads to problems never being addressed and/or fixed.

I give major credit to the developer for keeping the feedback open, and replying to it regularly. That's the best thing that they can do. Not long ago, I posted very heavy negative feedback on the developers failure to keep to self set deadlines. They did not delete that feedback, and replied to it maturely despite how combative I was.

You give counter productive advice that would make a problem worse by telling other people to show wilful ignorance.

That is why I consider what you posted to be worse than negative feedback. In short all you really said in all of that was 'shut up'. I will admit that said negative feedback is also very tired, annoying , and nothing new at this point too. However, it is something that is necessary wether you like it or not.

Just incase you were wondering. I have my complaints, but I also like the game, and the dev. That is the reason why I posted critical feedback in the past to begin with. People post it because they care enough about the game to do so, you are free to disagree but don't tell people to be silent.

You missed the point, where all the negative Feedback, is by people who spam the comments nearly 24/7 on not just this thread, but others as well.

They post negative Feedback because it makes the game that they hate, look bad.

Negative Publicity begets a negative look on the game.

Positive Publicity begets a positive look on the game.

They spam downvotes on comments, and they spam commenters with insults, harassment etc.

Then someone calls them out, and someone like you comes out defending them.

It's one thing to provide Negative Feedback, it's another to do it to 90% of the comments, on a regular, almost daily basis.    A lot of them are also likely alternate Accounts, as some commenters have even admitted they use Alt accounts to get their crap through.

So, you're welcome to defend them, but it's shameful to act like people like me who call them out, are harming the game.   Especially when the most harm games face, is from negative publicity, from haters that use people like you to justify their nonsense.

(1 edit)

Your first point is incorrect. Not all of the negative feedback is from people who spam comments and/or do hateful things. Checking the comment history disproves that easily. I can even prove that wrong by giving myself as an example. An example of what you just did was to try to put one label into one box. That's not how the world works. It would be like saying everyone hates pineapple on pizza, or all criminals are guilty. Of course, that's not true, and the same goes for that statement. That's basic common sense.

You cant just pull some fictional number like '90% of' as if that's true. It might sound good to you for the point you are trying to make, but I could simply say 90% of the people in the comment section are people that post positive feedback, and drown out real feedback. Of course, that's a complete lie, but that's what you just did. Which would get us nowhere.

As for your other point, which goes on to assume I defend such people. I have actually done the opposite recently and in the past, which is easily checked. You are the first person not giving negative feedback that I have disagreed with. Never assume things. Actually check that you are correct first.

I will repeat my original issue I have with what you said. 

Negative criticism does not = cause of the games delays and/or issues. 

To say otherwise is a lie, and promotes an echo chamber that makes people that want to give genuine critical feedback scared to do so by fear of the exact same thing you are against but in the opposite direction. Your solution would only lead to the same problem.

I stand by my statement that what you are doing can be just as harmful, because there are examples of this very thing that have happened on this website of game developers that promote your very ideal. The result has caused great harm to the games' development, far worse harm than if they engaged with the negative feedback that they were given. 

We have the cult-like fanbase of Lessons in Love as a prime example;  the author is yandere simulator levels of arrogant. The game insults fans who don't blindly swallow whatever he's throwing out, and the author outright takes an arrogant stance of "you don't get true art" if you so much as question his game. If you don't know who 'yandere simulator' is give them a search for another example of this. Fortunately this dev is nothing like those people, and has been very open with criticism. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

HEY I have a question. Ok so uh are you still Working on the game like Every day, month,week or something, and cannot update the game because you either don't have no motive or it takes a lot of things to make,Etc (also how long hour or min to make 1 single character)

(1 edit) (+3)(-12)

I can answer most of this for ya, development takes time, he props make the characters then animate them for each scene. (depends on scene could take days)
then new feature and updating various functions take alot of time to just code. 

The avg development for indie devs tend to be 1-8 month depending on if the the amount there patron makes them since they have to have cash to live, and update sizes.

So relax it takes time support the patron or the discord to get more info.


Alr I understand


massive cope

How can I harvest paper and logs?

Buy paper, and for logs use the fishing rod on a bush for sticks then go whit granny and make logs whit sticks.

Thanks man


The game wasn't abandoned on purpose, no one in the discord has heard from the only dev since Russia mobilization. It appears he has been drafted and likely in combat or worse :(


Dude, did u read anything beside ur own posts? Komi just answered just below... day ago. Aaand, according to earlier discussion, hes in Argentina, thats quite far from soviet land. So stop  spreading false info.




still no progress


Are there cheats in this game

(I like taking it easy in games like this)


By the looks of it this game abandoned, correct if I'm wrong


no I don't think it is because then the creators would have put it as abandoned in the more information area also because the creator replied to a persons comment a few days ago and if I was them I wouldn't look at the comments if I abandoned the game.


Not abandoned!


I don’t know what you’re going through in your personal life. But I know you’ve mentioned creative burnout on patron before. And I just wanted to tell you take as long as you need don’t let this game become a burden. It is however an amazing game one I’m glad I own .

cool thats great


When cones the next update


this year hopefully lol


Qu8ck question i forgit how to get wood a little help pleases anyone


old lady at the market


On a separate note. I can't be the only one who feels like the MC needs to make somethings up to Lucy.


Lucy and Ari are most of why I want this story to continue, they both deserve better than how things stand...


Finished 0.1.2 for the second time. Now just to grind out so much silver and gold that I never have to get money again.


how many hrs of content does it have?


As I've never timed it I'd say at least 4-6 hours.


When will the next update be? I am looking forward to the following story.


Also on a diff note it's not allow extract the file asking a password 


There is not any password for the files.


weird it ask me for each time I try to open it 


Try a different app or program to unzip it

Need help can't find Delilah I done clues and stuff


can someone give an invitation link discord to this game


man your models are amazing, you should really consider making mods for genshin :) you would probably become crazy popular on that field


Not to dismiss the author's skill set, but I'm pretty certain they use a popular model building engine. I've played several games which I believe have very similar models. not sure how much power or customization is involved with it though. It might literally just be sliders or it may be you manually move vertices in something like blender


Usually, they are sliders.

I use custom objects created in Blender, custom clothes, custom textures, and even custom expressions, at least on new versions.
In the prologue (v0.1.2 and before), everything was quite simple as just sliders.


It's been 2 years or so and this game still belongs to a special place in my heart. This game isn't just a plain stereotype VN, it makes some moments actually memorable. Every task is meaningful, the characters feel alive, heck even their stories feel life-like. They aren't plainly copypasted concepts, they are characters with personalities that are different from the other that i still remember each one.

I know plenty of comments say the same. Komisari, your game is a work of art and art takes time. 


Need help

what happened?

I clicked on rar file then asked my for a password 

That's a strange issue, I feel like I remember seeing someone else with a simmilar problem. I think this may be a problem thanks to changes in the way the device your trying to play it on since the last time the creator updated the game.

simplist solution is to play this on one of the other devices this game supports; it works fine on my PC.

Can someone tell me what's the difference between android version and pc be version


one's for android and the other is for pc, that is the basic rundown.

Can some one suggest me some good Android games with pregnancy and harem plot


My new family 

Grandma's house by moon

Is this game ended if it's not then when will it's gonna end

so far there are 3 chapters planned i think

Deleted 1 year ago


¿Este juego tiene español? En caso de que no tenga una lengua española, ¿podría agregarla?


I have no idea who or what this Curski person's plans and intentions are for attempting to call out Komisari as some sort of Scam Artist.
It has been quiet a while for any playable updates for the game, however as others have stated Komisari has been very open with the community and allows us to see many peeks and the game plan

Yes people can argue that games in this software and style are a dime a dozen and that there is so much freeware and other items and what not available that you could easily put in a game like this..

But this isn't just a random cookie cutter game
Trust me I play a fuck ton of games like this when I get fucken bored
And this game has always remained in my mind because Komisari actually puts damn effort into the game.
Characters actually don't feel like simple damn Sterotypes and have some decent back story and progression.
characters don't just start off cold and after a few days are wanting to bang you right off the back like some other games do
you actually got to put the time and effort into building the relationships with these girls.
There are mini games like fishing 
hide and seek in a way
 and just other lil mini games and nice little editions that make this game feel fleshed out.
Characters aren't just hidden until needed they have day and night cycles and go around their day.
There is always enough content that if your out going around doing shit your going to be hitting up and running into new events often.
animation is decent and again it just overall goes out of it's way to prove it' not just another clone.

There have been many Patreon and other backer supported games that have come and gone, People have been in this buisness long enough to see crap and the rug being pulled out from under them.
1000 people seem to all agree that this isn't just scam.
They see enough content road maps and progress to valid another month with Komisari and I do too

And for those that want to say he's just flying by living a good life with 5K a month?
Obviously that's not taking into condieration what Patreon takes out
and the fact that he still has t opay BILLS, RENT
And if he has to do something that isn't in his field
Like do a script
Or construct art
or anything and he has to hire someone for a bit to do that
he has to PAY them. not to mention depending on where Komisari lives
That 5K could mean even less since anywhere in Europe Euroes are worth more then USD.
yes he could have a decent life with it but
he is still ver much using this time and money to better the game
Because think about it.
Komisari HAS TO if they want the money to keep coming in.
They no longer have a job this IS there job now and if they want to keep seeing those checks
Which AGAIN is MONTHLY. People tend to forget how literally fast you can go through money especially if your only give it once a whole damn month compared to 2-4 times a month
he needs to continue to provie to us so we can provide for him


I advise anyone to avoid Curski's comment, their account was made half an hour ago from when I made this comment so it's purely made for malicious intent.

Deleted 1 year ago

This is the most ambitious update I've seen for a game, with the amount of quality with the animations we saw in the last update I expect this to be worth the wait. This is a whole chapter worth of work so there's a lot they've got to do


Also there WAS an update 5 months ago with tons of content for next update so at this point you're hating just to hate


Komisari almost EVERYDAY is in THIS comment section answering questions and providing sneak peaks. One look at his Twitter would show you he, at a minimum, has in fact been working on the game. I get people are worried especially when there is $5000+ being given every month, but I mean games take time, even more so when you are a solo developer, that money helps there be any hope the game gets done. Personally 2.5 years without a version update is not that long, especially when you are learning new ways to shade the characters, new ways to position the camera, AND when you are planning to release “the biggest” chapter all at once all while you have to write the story, create and develop old and new characters, come up with interesting/engaging new systems to entertain the player, etc. It’s a process man just be patient. I also want to add that if an update never comes I will own up to being wrong, but I trust Komisari to eventually release it (hopefully sometime this year 🙏).

(1 edit) (+2)(-6)

Also I mean to say all this with absolutely no hate. I just wanted to provide my prospective and let you know of some things I’ve been seeing that maybe you haven’t (as I every once and a while check these comments, his Twitter, and just in case, his patreon to see if he leaves any sneak peaks, which he often does)


the main complaint is his wrong promising.... and it happens again and again and again and again ...


"but I mean games take time, even more so when you are a solo developer,"

You should not use this kind of excuse to defend someone who didn't update a game for this long... Many indie dev with no income made entire game in the same time span since the last update from HHG.

Deleted 1 year ago

how do I get rid of the "with a manly voice"


Reach Lucy lvl 5 and click options. Change the name of the MC.

(1 edit) (-2)



Any second now 🥺

What should I do with Content Pack V2?

Hello, very game excellent!)😊 when version v0.1.3???😯 And you can add Russian language???🙏🥺

да очень хочется чтобы она была на русском, в 0.1.2 локализация просто отличная!




да нам бы 0.1.3 хотя бы на английском дождаться...

Там была локализация?!?

да, хотя я не уверен что это была официальная локализация т.к. я качал игру со стороннего сайта

(2 edits) (+2)

You gotta love that 1.2 apk for android is 1.2 gigabytes.


Damn idk about some off y'all but I've been waiting for the update for months now still patiently waiting


3.5 years or so... I think


are we sure the dev is still working on this? kinda feels like he got some patrons and just dipped.


I think I couldn't tell you anything else than I trust him... you don't have to, but somehow I do. Just felt like I trust him from this work he presented.


I've always read books but only in the past year have I gotten into VN's and I've played quite a few good ones but honestly this one moves into the top 5 easily.  At first I was a little hesitant because of lack of updates and people saying there were bugs when I first saw the page so I backed away for a while after trying other VN's I had this pop back into my feed to try so I decided on a whim to download it.  After finally downloading it I loaded into it and I really liked it.  Even though this is just the PROLOGE it is a solid 8-12 hours of play time and I loved most of it. Only issue I ever ran into was during the midnight sex scene with Luna her hair kept clipping in and out of the bed otherwise no bugs I ran into. Only other complaints I can really mention was one the game gets really grindy towards the end but I guess it could of just been how I was playing it.  Also the soundtrack is both good and bad I mean it's generic so meh but one the plus side it's not like other VN's where the music is REALLY good such as the case of Eternium or just god awful like Corrupted Kingdoms (Which while a great game god damn the awful extremely loud generic noises and awful music makes it impossible for me to play with sound.)  But speaking of Corrupted Kingdoms going into it I thought it would be a similar situation as CK and Champion of Realms of two stories very similar with just a handful of different dynamics but no this game stands on it's own two legs just fine and is a strong game that while you can notice some similarities is a strongly different and great story. The only thing I can say is this is a VN with story and focuses Story more than some VN's that focus more on the sex scenes which personally I like cause I like good stories more than good scenes.  So if your looking with a VN with a really good story and good sex scenes if your willing to wait for a while go with this.  If you just want to whack the noodle you got better bets than this, this takes the NOVEL part of Virtual Novel and actually follows it. 


This Game brings me star citizen memories maybe that Game  comes before the Next update of this xD


I was just wondering if there is going to be a chapter 2. I understand that Komisari is a one-man army and I'm sure that he is working at a speed that he can manage. Still, without any disrespect, at this pace I couldn't imagine myself or this dedicated community waiting another 3 years for it after the first chapter. It was just a thought I had and wondered if Komisari had any thoughts or input on that.


Chapter 1 is literally HHG 2, with everything new and even more content than the entire prologue. It's not "just a chapter."

Future chapters will be WAY shorter. To be able to post them in short periods of time.


Oh ok I see, thank you for clarifying. Again I meant no disrespect I was just wondering about that topic as I didn't know

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