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Is the character card that is between Leticia and Delilah enabled? Or am i just missing something?


Just finished the current content and I must say, this game has improved VASTLEY since 2021. The facial updates make characters look alot better and have a much better charm, also the writing has improved and still has that charm and joking quality that it's always brought. Keep up the good work man! glad to always be supporting this project

Forgive my ignorance, if the game says that it has more than 115 sexual animations, why in the gallery only about 18 appear hidden, game on 1.2.2 

Those are scenes, scenes usually contain multiple animations, theres also animations outside of scenes you catch in the story if Im not mistaken.

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe this is a spoiler for some, but I've had this event happen at the lake, and I'm really curious if there is any more content related to this specific entity. I would really love to know more.

Never had that happen to me, but had something similar at the bike station where it was quick white figure that showed up and then quickly disapeared

(1 edit)

its just another "waifu" stuck behind the 4th wall. It seems somewhat related to Evie or she the only girl in the guild that can "sense" her presence. I want to see more of it in next chapter.

A "glitch" also happens at the bike park with Evie at some point, I think it also happened at the park in Market during the night, I'm also curious how it all ties in.

I cant get the new version its not available on here nor on patreon


I deleted my saves because they were labeled as 'Old Version' over their images. I deleted them all and was planning on starting over. However as soon as I got out of the saves window the game crashed. The problem is, HHG refuses to start now, so I am attempting to re-install.

Which just failed. It's stuck as 'Queued' and won't go further.

Is there any way to fix this, or am I going to have to not play it any more because it won't install?

Why would you reinstall a renpy game because of save games? Do you suspect a corrupted installation?

Just backup and then delete your save games. And there are two locations for save games of renpy. In appdata/roaming/renpy/game and in the actual game folder in game/saves. You need to get rid of both, as the save games act as backups of each other.

So I am trying to make sure I have everything in the current version and I noticed Lucy and Evie have the avatar cards that have "???". Are those available and are there any hints how to unlock them if they are?

(1 edit)

why does it crash when i do Evie's 4th event? T-T

Please press SHIFT+G and activate Angle renderer. Then restart the game - all scenes should work now. On my PC it was the same.

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Is there a way to change my name? I'm caught up with the Xmas update but haven't played in almost a year and I have a different one I use for games.

I love the game so far. I do, however, have problems with the fishing aspect. Maybe I don't understand how it works, but it seems a little cumbersome to use your mouse to reel in a fish. Could someone explain how to do it properly? Thank you. 

Okay, I didn't a response. That's okay, I figured it out. Enjoy the game and highly recommend it.


Came for titties, stayed for story.
And Jimmy. My boi Jimmy is the best character in the game.


Fully Recommended


How use cheat codes on mobile? 


The lv 9 to 10 event for shino doesn't specify that it needs to happen in the morning. The lv 2 to 3 even for leticia says evening but actually triggers in the afternoon.  Also Spending time with evie at the bicycle stop has an odd bug or artifact or something at the very end of the scene when your leaving.

Did the game crash at the end of scene in bicycle park on your device too?

nope, i replayed it a few times and tried to do a screen recording of the bug but i just got the whole recording in green and red and all fucked up when it hits that point

Just a tip for those transferring from the old Joiplay to the new Apk version on Android, at least for me.  SD Maid would not work I needed to use File Manager from File Manager Plus and the new APK folder did not appear until I opened the game for the first time and created a save.

I then simply copied the entire Joiplay save folder and replaced the new APK save folder and it worked flawlessly with 0 issues or bugs! 

Hey, Komisari. Recently just started playing HHG and I'm stumped on where to find paper and logs for the quintuplits so I can access the library to level up Evie and Shino. Would you please tell me where I can at least find both of those materials?

not the dev obviously, but paper is bought from the clothing shop and logs can be aquired from the foraging lady either with money or using twigs to make them.

Where do you find the lost boots for the request? I've looked everywhere and even bought the fish for items thing to see if that was how i needed to get them.



so i'm just really unlucky then i guess since i've spent an entire day at the market pond and on each side of the lake even though i'm pretty sure both sides have the same drop table. I'll keep trying

Try the pond in the park if you still haven't found them!

when i get to lvl 4 with the pink hair girl and have to go to the bike park the game just bugs there and it close the game on its on

Do you have Windows 11?

(2 edits)

I have this problem too. I'm level 0 or 1 with her and using Windows 7 64-Bit, game After spending time with Evie the game freezes and crashes then.
Tried spending time with her on another day - same error.


(1 edit)

After about ten tries it worked once (no clue why). Maybe that will help you too.
Update: Possibly because renderer set on "Auto" it accidentially used "Angle". So pressing SHIFT+G in the game, changing to ANGLE renderer + restarting game fixed the problem for me.

Finally, after a long wait for the Hero's Harem Guild update. I always believed in you that you didn't leave us. thank you very much for your hard work Komisari 

I've forgotten why I downloaded this game months ago, but I got stuck in it and finished all the content within 2 days. There's no doubt that this is a masterpiece. I immediately paid for the additional content pack. I sincerely hope that the game developer can add Chinese language support to this game if possible. I'm sure it will become popular in my country.

I'm writing this to let you know that there are Chinese players supporting your game!


Thank you so, so much!

Last time i download the game was a good game don't prbelms at all rn i Download the game again with the update i try to use or press on the coin in the chest then shows with the error cods message and won't let me cliam the coin from the chest can you fix it for the mobile? 


OH MY GOD. I finished it. It's really good especially on the snowy queen event. I'm looking forward to the chapter 1.

oh so the time When the screen kinda glitched out was a bug i thought it had a meaning xD was creepy tho


I keep getting an error whenever I try to take money from the guild chest. Is there a fix for this that I can do?

yeah I had that same problem just press collect money not on the coins

I got the new update version (v0.1.2.3) notification in-game, but looking at the Development Log and download files, it seems that the Android version is the only one of that version. Is the Windows client also checking for Android updates? Or is it detecting an early access from Patreon or something?


No, it's not only for android.

Why does the game not want to take my old data and the game was installed a second time? Do I have to start the whole game from the beginning?

Try opening the old savegame folder and transferring saves into the new one. It worked for me

i have version 1.2 is it possible for me to update to 1.2.3


Download v0.1.2.2, then this patch:

Hello, I finished the game, but the sequence guild member's love It's not opened for me even though I finished it, can it be opened?  How do I open it? thank you 

what happened to abigail's quest? has it just been temp removed from menu or has it been deleted?


Deleted, for now!

Hi just wondering how to cheat and all the cheat codes too

Hello, check patreon!

How can I update hhg?? Do I delete the old one?

If it's from v0.1.2.1 to v0.1.2.2, then yes.

just a genuine question, is the "shadow" scene new?



Been waiting so long for an update! It’s finally here!!

What's the system requirement for this game? The game looks awfully big, I don't want to take chances without knowing the risk.

I dont know the system requirement, but know that ALL game made with RenPy will lag when the dev add any kind of gameplay that is not text based. The engine is not game for this after all.

For exemple in this game the fishing will lag. Another exemple would be the labyrinth level of Monster Girls Dream.

Apart from this RenPy game should run fine even on 15 year old hardware.

(1 edit)

A DirectX 9 or DirectX 10 PC can run it, right?

Edit: Ah, nevermind.


Thanks for the confirmation!

The game is made in RenPy, which is an game engine that usually used for visual novel type of game. The game itself contains pre-rendered scene and full-motion picture cutscene. The reason why the file size is big because of the resolution of pre-rendered assets is in Full-HD (1920x1080) and uncompressed (webp file, with average 1mb/pre-rendered image, videos ranging 1-60mb).

You can play this in old computer that support OpenGL or low spec notebook. As long as it doesn't had any trouble playing FHD resolution video, it should be fine.

Alright, I think you guys have a pretty solid explanation. Thanks, you two!

Anyway, is there other alternatives to download the game? I am in no position to download 11 GB straight. I am wondering if I there's a way I can download it part by part (preferably 6-7 parts, so there will be like 1-2 GB each part).

As far as i know, i dont think you can. Since this game is free, no "warez" site that will chop down the file for download. However, back when i still cant have a fiberoptic internet, i just download game in free public wifi from the phone and transfer it later to PC.

Or find a download manager that can resume download with new link (you have to retrieve new download link each time you have to continue download game in this site here)

Downloading from phone is also what I am trying to do. Sadly, my phone can't fit 11 GB file, unless I wiped everything clean. Do you think the dev will listen if I ask them to also upload the game in several parts?

Also, the game has patch, right? So, I don't have to download another 11 GB to update the game?

From phone it's just only 2GB!

You can use official Itch app which allows downloading Itch games the same way Steam does

It seems my only option is indeed to find a place with a strong internet connection and stay there for several hours.

How do i get paper in the game?

Helen's Shop.


I played this game back in late 2021, I thought it was funny & fun, and I really enjoyed it then. I've been waiting ever since for chapter 1, watching the discord for any sneak peeks and whatnot. I was thinking of skipping this update (1.2.3) and still waiting for ch. 1, but I saw that this update was to show what Komisari has learned and how much better Komisari has gotten since the prologue. I am so happy that I ended up playing it because it is AMAZING! The content is so much better and it makes me that much more excited for ch.1 and it is just as funny as I remember (the ice cream scene had me laughing so much). I just wanted to say what a great job you've done Komisari & keep up the great work! I'm really eager to see what comes next!

Also, quick question; will we get a recap for what happened in the prologue before continuing to ch.1? I failed a lot of those questions in the event because I haven't played for a while. No big deal, it would just be nice to get a recap so I don't have to remember along the way.

(1 edit)

Thank you soso much!

No, there won't be any recap. If I have some extra time I might do it.

Joiplay on Android , push UPDATE even when lit does not work, apk works fine. All versions, 1.1 1.2.2 and with patch 1.2.3 Ideas?

Download the APK

All fixed with 1.2.3b, great game!

Awesome upgrade!
Masturbate? No! pen from graphic tablet do "Around the world" for an hours.
For what? For 500 candies! 


By the way. I still can't use the "special boost". When I start spinning the wheel with the mouse clamped, the game starts to freeze, which is why I don't see the moment when I need to let go, or how it should work.

I have the game installed on android ( not the winter update) is there a way to download the new update without losing any progress?

Check Patreon, there are instructions there.

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