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(3 edits) (+3)(-1)

Excellent game and best girl/wife is Lucy 


I'm having an issue with the Misdirection quest. I already said goodbye to Delilah, but the quest isn't finishing. Is it a glitch, or is the quest actually not finished? If it's the latter, what am I supposed to do?

The quest is actually not finished. You have to solve who is the thief.

Thanks for the info!

(2 edits)

I'm trying to open the game on Mac but I don't see a "show package contents" option anywhere. Could I get some help?


Como le puedo cambiar el lenguaje al juego 

I'm curious about who Sunny is.

Is there a date for the next update

Nu uh he jumping from 1.2 to 2.0 so we need to wait a LONG tim

Hey, Komi, how long of the wait left for Chapter 1?



can someone tell me is 1.2.3 last curent version or is there newest

Latest is v0.1.2.3b

thanks and this is very good game

(1 edit) (-2)

                                          WARNING!!    ATTENTION, SPOILERS!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I ADVISE YOU TO READ TO THOSE WHO HAVE PASSED                                                                                                                                                                 THE GAME                                                                                                                                                                                        

                                                               my review is small


                                                                                                                                                              STARTING WITH GG, SUCH PATHOS IS INFURIATING. WHEN HE FOUGHT IN THE NEW YEAR'S PROLOGUE, I was shocked that everything had changed. I liked the game, but now I'm depressed because of the New Year's prologue.. I knew all the characters were from those Hscenes.... When I played for gg, I thought my mom was a blood relative and I wouldn't have Hscenes with her, BUT damn, how wrong I was when I played in the New Year's prologue, I went up and asked her questions, and then she had a question...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

mom -  Do you know who I am to you?

me - You're my mom

mom - Yes, I'm your mom, but... We're not related by blood, and neither is your sister 

me - .....


 ...........................................................................................................................................................I JUST FOUND OUT THAT SHE'S NOT A MOTHER. YOOOOOOOOOOOO 

AND I ALSO FORGOT THAT THIS MOTHER GG, IS HERE ON THE WEBSITE AAAAAAAAAAA  Tell the developers that I hate them.........                    Although these scenes are good NO, NOT WITH MOM!

When will the next update be released? I liked the game...the story is great

Theres only 1 person developing the game, so it may be awhile.

In good time my friend in good time. As the other person explained its one person, but i will add that the game's content when the next update comes, will be doubled at the very least.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Great game I can't wait for the next update


For future reference when the next update drops. how would i move my save onto it? Im on PC




Great game, but I've a question: Is the root of magic, or how mana works ever explained/will be? I'd think it'd maybe add some world-building, plus I always enjoy seeing how magic is explained, y'know?

- Cheers, NoBodies



I've thought of world-building for all these years.

The world and the magic system will be slowly explained


Alrighty! Thank ya for replying


i know how hard it is to code and develop games, but is v0.1.3 coming?

Yep, v0.2.0


мне нужно попасть в пещеру но она у меня закрыта подскажите как ее открыть


So........ When the next update?


Como pongo el juego en español que no me sale


When will the next update come?


Will there be sounds in the animation nsfw?




Game and animation is super excellent, but theres no voice acting/sound effect during the nsfw animations..


There is during the snowy event!

(1 edit) (-1)

Its very good game thanks for made this

(The best girl is Lucy and Luna)


Thank you!


I got a quick question sometimes when i go around just looking places my screen glitches and a shadow girl figure seen in distance is it some glitch or is it a content of this game

(1 edit) (-1)

quick update just clicked on her and my game just crashed(i hope its a content thing if its not dayum its scary)



(3 edits) (+3)(-16)

This is a Dead game and has been for about 3 years.  The last *update* was a year ago with no new added content.  The sneak peeks for v1.3 start 3 years ago based on the posts.  This is sad to see because it really was great and looked to have a promising future.  I honestly think something happened either the game size limit is reached or the developer moved on to something else but continues to lead us on that new content is coming to milk as many patreon memberships for this game.  It's now just marketing to fool people into buying something with no new content and is false advertising.  Be warned, and don't buy into the patreon.  It's just lies and more lies recycling posts to make it seem like new content is coming.  Unfortunately most games suffer by not getting enough patreon subs to continue game development and even admit to that.  All that does is kill their existing patreon memberships and they are forced to start a new game under a new pstreon.  Komisari is using clever strategies to make you think he's updating the game when the reality is that he is not.  By all means support the patreon if you liked the content but don't expect anything new.


All I know is, once it is finished, it will be great. I'm not in a hurry, never paid a dime for it. 


After researching a bit.. It seems V 0.1.3 is being skipped to V 0.2. That's a big change.

Keep in mind, to add dialogue, animations (in and out of cutscenes), music, characters (and their story/dialogue), items, different in-game mechanics, new locations, gui/gameplay/story overhauls and fixes, all the while trying to keep the community happy with custom content to their liking is pretty tough.

Even large companies with thousands of employees still take 2+ years to develop games.  You cannot fault a SMALL development team (if there even any others) to drop updates consistantly. ESSPECIALLY if they're trying to create a masterpiece.. which needs to be tested and compatible with PC, MOBILE, MAC, AND LINUX... not easy, not a fast process.

It's a poor choice in my opinion to not drop updates here and there while developing, Yeah. But once this next update drops, im sure it's going to be massive. 

You wouldn't be this upset, if you didn't enjoy his creation in the first place.

Last thing you want is the development rushed...

Imagine rushed content being release.. he'd  probably get complaints about how they marketed a full game and released a broken one instead..  😆 

Let him cook, man. 


Good comment.


YEAH like he said guys 


The game is 100% NOT dead.  Please check the discord and his trello links above before making such claims. Komi is working on a massive reworking of the game and that takes time, a lot of it. Especially for one person.


Hello, the game is in development and definely not dead. My patreon posts are all free, and the information is everywhere for people to look and decide by themselves.

There has actually been a good amount of changes and new scenes in the most recent update


once the chapter 1 releases will we need the current save files ? if yes where can i find them on android ?
(11/10 game btw)


You don't "need" a save file. But you will have to finish the prologue.


Is there any external website to download this? Whenever I try to download it on itch I get the "File wasn't available on this site" error


Patreon, its free.


I cant think the trello get updates. I never watch the trello get change. It's bug?


Not a bug


Hey! Komisari,  I've been playing your game for a while and I love it! I took a look in your Patreon and saw some photos. I assume that this game will have a HUGE rework system right? (Lucy's best girl btw :D)


yeah its getting reworked this link will show you what's happening right now


Oh Thanks!


How to fish on your phone?

Chapter 1 for this game is/will be patreon only content right? If I am wrong and it's free than someone PLEASE tell me. Though I am almost positive that it's for patreon supporters.

7-14 days after Patreon version release he will release public version (I think so)

Well if that's true than thank fucking god. I liked the game originally, but when I got to the end (spoiler warning) where the snowy days were a thing I absolutely loved the new style. The new nsfw scenes were incredible, their animations were amazing. Not to mention the changes for the characters (whether it be big or small). All of the characters are just incredibly cute, I especially love what they've done with Fara. Komisari  has done some amazing things with the game. And if you are reading this Komisari, keep up good work along with whoever's helped in the making of this. If it's true that I will eventually be able to install chapter one, I really look forward to it.


Thank you so much!

Chapter 1 will be in BETA (20$) for a week, then, it will be in PRE-RELEASE (5$) for another week.

And then, it'll be free!

Good to know, I am excited to see what you make in the future.


keeps on stoppujng the download


it says reason forbidden

somebody help

Usually that's your internet changing or acting up, mine did it too I had to stop using WiFi to download

Nice game thanks

Thank you!

Will u update this game I future?



Im very very expect about update

How much space do i need on my phone to make it work, I HAVE 6GBALREADY



Greatness can be seen in small details. 

 I love the fact when you move the papers on the paperboard quest, the paperboard street point of view is also updated.

I enjoyed my time on this game. Thank you for the journey.

It's really nice to see that someone noticed it! I hope you had fun!

I'm sure there's a lot of players who noticed it, but you know, the majority is silent. Thank you for your work. I sure had fun, and i hope you will too, on futur updates or other games ( no pressure, just sincere thanks). I'll support as soon as i'll stabilize my incomes.

i love thissssss , superrrrrr


Guys, theres this problem with the game. Whenever I download a game, i open it, it says its open but there is no window to actually play the game. How do you solve this?

This applies to everything i download on this website.

Sounds a bit like your computer thinks it has a second monitor attached and is opening the games on that

is it? how do you solve that?

On windows you can press WIN + P to open the project menu,


Do I need winzip to run this? I really don't wanna pay for it.


you can use win rar too lmao


The game is free.
Just use anything to decompress the files and play.

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