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Paid the $5 for the cheats and I can't receive them unless I join the Patreon?


(1 edit) (+2)

I'd like to ask again when you'll post a new status report here on Your last one is from May 07, 2023 - more than a year old now. As not everyone here visits Discord frequently and Trello is not up to date, I think it would be very helpful for many of us to not think the project might have become paused.

I mean, your work is highly appreciated and your quality update last year was amazing, but without a doubt I can tell lots of us would be glad about new content now...

i'm stuck in the prologue i think its bugged

bro the prologue and the winter event (spoiler for chapter 1) are the only parts that are available. There is no chapters yet 

do you want to add Chinese in your game?


any news on a ubdate

(+1) for the live roadmap, or you can check their discord

uh- how do i complete the quest "Misdirection", it says "Solve the mystery and face the theif" but idk what to do. ;----;

Go to ruins in midnight

thx fellow jimmy :D

Np :)


Bro hold up, I just started and damn this is good. Everytime I play these types of games, the line between lust and happiness continues to blur.



So, When is the update coming? Dont tell me its going to take more than 2 years for the next update




I love Jimmy

We all love Jimmy

I'm somehow missing two entries to my gallery pre-winter update, and I have no idea how! :S

That being said DAMN has this completely surpassed any expectation. The lewd/ nsfw scene are great of course, but this has so much charm and I can't help but love all the characters. The way I was so bummed out whenever I hit the point where I finished each girls current path :'(((
I so so so look forward to replaying this when future updates come out and will have to bide my time until then by starting my own project.

also, Jimmy is bro!

I was playing on mobile before and I did so much things now I want to download it for windows but I have to replay it and it will take a real long time tbh and I am kinda lazy is there  way that maybe someone can give saves for the game?

You can merge the saves from Android to PC.

I'll add Renpy Sync for future versions, so you can sync them easily.

you can just copy it by yourself
go into \Android\data\com.haroharemguild.komisari\files\saves and then copy the save you need


Yep, still no new update...this is just sad at this point, I feel sorry for everyone who has been donating money every month with barely any updates to the game. I bet Komisari is still active and doing what they can, but c'mon, when is the new update???

(1 edit) (+2)(-11)

Be patient or or be an ungrateful brat and just stop playing the game


Please be respectful with users, it's totally understable they ask for an update.


Keep in mind theres only 1 person working on the entire game.

No, I am aware, I am in no way try to shoot shots at the creator. I just feel like we need a time frame when the next update is. I have been waiting since 2021. So I feel my patience dwindling.

You could try playing other games, do productive things and stay busy/distracted in the meantime that's what I do. I've followed a few other dev's who also took years to release any major updates, never personally bothered me either it comes out or it doesn't, play other games in the meantime instead of getting stuck on one and getting frustrated over it

I play other games, I play with friends, I have a job and work. I only come check up on this game like once every 6–8 months. My last comment was almost a year ago now. I only comment to give feedback, in no way am I frustrated, just simply giving feedback.

You're not the only one alot of people feel the same way, I'd love to see chapter 1 just as much as the rest who follow the games progression

how to add the v2 pack after purchase for windows ?

I've been playing this game for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to long and still can't unlock 90% of the "content" am I just an idiot?

What are you stuck at

I got stuck right after the fishing rod I keep completing the stupid quest, but it says NUH-UH and I'm losing my mind I don't wanna reinstall the game


You could ask for assistance here!


I really like the game overall but dear lord some of the music tracks take away from the experience. I just have to mute the music after a while since a few of the tracks are so grating, wishing that wasn't the case.


Could you please tell me what tracks are those? It would be really helpful.

Music is a big part of the gameplay and the overall feeling!

Hero's Harem Guild.ogg and a higher pitched version of Amethyst Family, can't find that version in the 0audio.rpa file. That one of the four HHG songs is just a great deal louder than the rest, making it rather irritating when trying to balance the audio levels for the other songs. Can't think of any others that pop up frequently enough to be an issue. Not just to be complaining though, there are mostly good tracks in the game.

Oh and not directly related to this, but yeah, I saw a post where you pulled that RWBY song from a library or something, that's def. from that show. I picked up on that instantly since I was in love with it from the first trailer. Don't know how the legality of all that works but I don't personally have a problem with it, so long as you aren't selling/advertising it as something you made.

That song in question is Red like Roses part 2 iirc.


komisari man i would like to really ask like when the update is going to come out since on your trello map there are various things i was checking out and it seems that there is still a lot of stuff that is left to do pls enlighten me with the time perioud of the update ..

There is an option to increase or decrease lewd noises, but I cant hear it even if it is on max. Any reason why?

The lewd voices are only in the christmas part of the game.


For those of yall askin wheres the update at<

He is finishing up the update with final specs and runthroughs. The reason it's taking so long is because he's adding a whole new chapter not just one quest and thats it. so be patient and let him work and while ur waiting get your money up and max out stuff so when it comes your prepared

Anyhow It's an amazing game and komisari worked his ass off and is still working for us so be appreciative 

I haven't launched the game yet because I was afraid it would be abandoned but seeing that you reply to the comment proves that you are still working on it so it makes me want to start it when there is the update, like I wouldn't have to download it a second time

Deleted 54 days ago

You should move your save from android to PC.

I'll add Renpy Sync for v0.2.0, that will allow you to sync saves between two devices!

Deleted 54 days ago

Features like those won't be added to HHG.

Deleted 54 days ago

i doubt it will ever be updated. Any game that hasnt been updated in over a year is dead.


Will be updated!

when is new update i cant wait

At first I thought it would be just another H game, but as I got into the game I realized that it has a great story, good characters and interesting mechanics. Good job man, I can't wait for the next update!


Thank you so much!

game got amazing writing 


Thank you!

Good things come to those who wait 😁


So are you ever planning on updating this game? Like at all? It has been in 0.1.2 for almost 4 years now lol.

(1 edit) (-1)

if you accly kept up with the game nd was in the discord youd know hes basically finishing the game then updating it


No, I'm not "finishing" the game.

that's why i said basically. with the amount of new content it will basically be hhg 2 


Yes. It'll be updated.

Is the "live roadmap" still being updated? 

From the last time i have checked from now i don't think i have seen any differences(maybe i'm Just being paranoid)

(Bwt the text might have some writing mistakes since english is not my "mother language")

is there any difference in playing length between pc and android version

no, why would there be a difference?

pc file is much bigger than android

yeah, because it's not compressed like the android version. the content is the same, just the quality is reduced for mobile

Yo komi, genuine question does it matter (lore wise) on who becomes the snowy queen? Cuz my snowy queen was Lucy cuz well she's the best next to Luna but does it affect the story on whom I choose as the snowy queen or nah? Like do they give the same rewards or just the same?


1 year for ubdate is crazy im expecting full rework on everything and double the content


calm down, komisari has a real life and a family too, he can't work on the game 24/7. game development takes a lot of time and mixed with work/school and family/friends can be tiring. some people get depression and burnouts because of that


buddy, you dont even know lol. I followed this game back in 2020 and there still hasn't been a major update for 4 years now


game development is kinda hard if you didnt know

(1 edit) (+2)(-5)

yes but a renpy game using koikatsu models for the characters isn't really that hard lol. The hardest part is writing the story.
It takes like a couple of days to get used to renpy engine even if you have no experience writing scripts for it


but you want a good game with a lot of content a good story and top tier animations yes? that takes time, a lot of time. especially when you have to mix game development with your normal life

(1 edit) (+5)

I hope that, once you see what I've done with Renpy AND Koikatsu in Chapter 1, you will understand! Just for now, please, patience!

Thank you for all the hard work. Please don't get discouraged by people who are impatient.

RenPy may be easy to learn, but like any other game engine, hard to master. Rendering the scenes and images in that quality takes a shit ton of time, at least when you want it to look decent. Then story: Ideas, tests, rewriting and all that.  Koikatsu also only gives you the models. Poses, animations, other clothes, all that has to be handmade. I've not seen a koikatsu model coming with animations, tons of poses or many different outfits. Facial expressions, emotions and all that are hard to nail too, so don't act like the all mighty game dev when you actually know nothing more about developing nor programming then what software is used


You've never seen a koikatsu model coming with animations. poses, and facial expressions? Have you even booted up the software before?
Poses and facial expressions aside as i do believe they were manually made using Chara Studio via HF patch, all the animations i've seen from this game already come preinstalled with koikatsu. You can literally boot it up right now and see for yourself. 
And yes, i have used renpy to make a game. I'm currently experimenting with a VN project i have that's all AI ran and uses a dynamic system to progress to other scenes.

Now, i have to clarify one thing. I didn't come here to completely shit on the dev's ability to create a game. I do believe he has a knack for making a proper VN with RenPy. 
All i'm saying is that 4 years for update is a tad bit too long of a wait considering he's still making bank in his patreon. All i've seen so far from his discord is that he frequently uploads update previews for the next major update. I think that deserves even just a slightest bit of criticism.


how to start the snow season???

finish the prologue and go to bed. it will give you the option to start the christmas event

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Como lo pongo en español?

Wait am I trippin' or what, how you unlock the snowy season?


At the end of the game.

Umm how do you finish the quest about the gentleman thief cuz it's says it's up to me and well Idk what to do


you have to visit the ruins at midnight.


Wait until midnight and THEN go to the ruins.

(1 edit)

Why you guys keep bringing this to the front page? I keep getting my hopes up that it suddenly hitting "popular" means the update has released :(

Edit: fuck now I've re-downloaded it too and am gonna have to play through again >:(


You'll see it updated when the thumbnail image changes! I change that per-update!

Absolutely stellar game can't wait for the next update I need more Lucy  in my life

at this point, i wouldnt be suprised if an update just isnt coming, its been over a year sadly


(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

The game will be updated.

Thank you!




This better be a BIG update.

how to get the boots?

Take the request and try fishing at the market's pond.

oh thanks


Tried to help multiple times for this part, but it's apparently I can't continue the story because the sleepy thingy on the main quest is broken. I guess my progress is just wasted after all 😑

Damn brother must've done something wrong or a bug try restarting the game brother like uninstall and install and start from scratch

(1 edit)

Make sure Lucy is ready to level up to 5! The description of this quest will be changed in chapter 1.


Bro your game is friggin cool, I'll stick around until you finish it. I've had fun playing it and I'm sure your next update will not disappoint.


Thank you!

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