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I love this game so much, and am eagerly waiting for the update. Keep up the good work.

how to get silver n gold coins?

100 copper= 1 silver

100 silver = 1 gold


I have to say I really like this game. Caught up in one day of sitting. The characters are very interesting and unique from each other. I am loving the story as well. I never thought I would be so intrigue in a NSFW game this much. I hope to see more soon. Take your time on it though and don't feel rush. We can't rush art. Keep up the good work! ^-^

how is the next update coming?

Great uwu

How do I use the hooks?

They are used automatically!

Hi there, great game ! I'm on version 0.1.1 all girls maxed out except Luna, which is stuck at level 8 and the hint says "sopmthing will happen soon" I'm now at day 113 and she's been saying that since day 102... what did I miss ?

Thanks :)

Sleep in the bed!

Thanks... I always chat with Luna at midnight... it would have taken a while ;)

Hi for some reason all the girls quests say continue the prologue. I did the late night wine thing and it says wait until shino arrives in her quest but shino has still not come yet. Am I doing something wrong?

Break the brown door inside the guild

how to break the door please

Click on the door.

tem para português ?

I downloaded it but I'm not familiar with how to start it, can anyone help me maybe? :3

Just keep reading and continue playing :)

Oh hehe, it's embarrassing to say but it's still only a file on my computer but I don't know where to go from there. Sorry for the dumb question 


It's a .rar, you have to extract it with winrar or any other extracter, and then open the file "HHG.exe"


why dont you tell us when will new update come plz

Yeah.. I know your feeling, but don't "push" the devs like that.

Thank you so much!


Hey,i love your game but i love the music even more where can i find the music of the game ?


plzzzzzz answer tell us when will update come will it take too long 


Probably next month.

Im always waiting next update... this game btw when next update version?? 

whenever i go to the quintuplets it doesnt give me the option to fix the door it always says either talk or leave, is there a way to fix this? <3 

Open the inventory and give them the item!


i completet this version all girls has no more events when will update come plz i cant wait


OMG never stop being this awesome this game is sooo much fun I love it. Keep it up you are doing well.


Hhaha thank you so much!

(1 edit)

I must confess, when I first stumbled upon this game, I had very low expectation. I was on a streak of bad recommendation from a "sandbox VN" thread and was about to give up. But then... Then, I started playing this. It's so fucking good. All the girls are lovely, quirky, and fun to interact with. I learned to appreciate all their qualities, and their flaws. They have substance and depth (which is more than a lot of games out there, sadly).

The story and world-building are also top tier. We have explanations for why things are the way they are, and how they MC will have a profound effect on the world around him.

Gentleman's moustache/10, mate, can't wait to hear more from you!


Thank you so much! ♥


No, we thank YOU this awesome experience.

Awesome game! Love everybody!

Story is great, although the English is kinda broken. If you need help with cleaning it up, you should make it a community project.

I am sure I can help clean up some of the texts, if you have a complete script file that I can edit.

Sunny is my main waifu, and you should prioritize her, dammit!!! 



Hahaha Sunny will have some cool events, don't worry uwu


Where do I find evie at midnight? I know she's at the park but I can't seem to find her.


The end of the park, the MARKET park

Thank you very much. Another question, where can I find Leticia's store. 

Awesome game by the way^^

In the map!

(1 edit)

Hi for some reason I cant meet fara at the market. I am on one of the early quests where it says fara goes to the market at noon. When I go to the market at noon and look everywhere I can not find her.

Check the arrows, go to the bar entrance

sweet i found it thanks

I absolutely love this one. Love the store so far, love the characters and animation. The only negatives I have are. The game lags a little bit when trying to navigate place to place and when you save. Lastly I'm not a big fan of fishing lol. I wish I could tap to reeling stuff in, instead of reeling because it's kind of killer on my arthritis.

Thank you so much! The navigation is completely improved for the next update, should not lag. And now there are more jobs than fishing, so, you should be good for the next update!

Hell yeah thanks. I really can't wait to see what's next.

Hey, I am currently at the "reach lvl 8 with all girls and lvl 3 with maria" quest  but atm sunny is maxed out a level 6. so to sum it up, is there a way for me to continue on with the prologue?

(1 edit)

nvm i just had to level up luna


help me plz i am stuck in sunny level 6 it says "no more events for sunny in this version"


There's no more events of Sunny after that.


I downloaded the game with somewhat low expectations of what I'd see. The story development from the very first mission you're given until the very last in the 1.0 build is just insanely good, FUCKIN JIMMY MY MAN. He's a reason to play the game alone. All the girls are unique in their own way as well, EVIE IS MUTE and DAMN do I love that. My only complaint is just the fishing mini-game which will be getting removed next release so.. Keep up the great work and for anyone reading this. This game is a MUST play. About 10 hours long or 4 at Minimum and we're still getting updates. I give this game a solid Jimmy/10 

P.S: Please add more Sunny content ;-; 


hhahaha Thank you so much!
Fishing is not getting removed from the next update!

changed I presume? read some comments but that's about it. (Talking about the fishing) 

Jimmy do be the MVP of this game, no questions asked! XD

(1 edit)

Fucking Jimmy. 5/5 star game.

Oh my fucking god. You cheeky son of a bitch. Red Like Roses Part 2 as "boss music"? 

7/5 stars

Thank you so much hahaha

Could someone please tell me how to complete the task of "familiarize yourself with the town"?

Just keep playing and leveling up the girls!

I love this game! Can't wait for a new update to come out! Great job!

Thank you! ♥♥

Is there a way to move save data from different pcs?

As "most" Ren'py games, you can find the save files under "[Root folder of the game]\game\saves". Just zip and transfer the whole file to your new PC, download and unzip the game, and place the "saves" folder at the same place on your new PC. Should work, unless a major change in versions happened between the two PCs.

Where is Evie when she lvl 4

It just says find Evie and I looked and didn't see her anywhere

In the Market Park

How the heck do you fix the door? I am trying to give the item to Lucy since she is the "guild tinkerer" but somehow I can't get it to work. What am I missing?

Talk with Rebecca and ask her!

(8 edits)

Hey! Since I don’t own android device I’ve decided to repack android version  for ios (just for myself) and build works like charm (except discord module since it uses system python import so I cut it out).  
But one thing is disappointing - after converting (iOS don’t support WEBP and WEBM) resources look terrible (dwebp uses only lossy conversion to png). 

So I was wandering if there is ios-friendly resource-pack (mp4 and png/jpeg(if renpy can use jpeg))

P.s. some png (not sure if all but at least thousand) files already in directory are actually  webp in disguise. They requires conversion too

On unix you probably can identify them like this

find . -exec file {}  \; | grep “Web/P” | grep -eo “^.*/.png”

You probably need to handwrite it into a console since I am typing it from iPhone and some symbols can differ.  

(2 edits)

Loving the game so far! Just recruited Evie and Shiki is bae <3~ Is the $15 content pack for android too?

Great game, great story writing, even though there are few sex scenes compare to other similar games, the story writing lifts up the game quality.  Also the dev is easy to reach and very vocal about his/her game. Keep up the good work

I cant find Ari's location , can anyone help me please?

Town's Stairs

This game fucking rules! Though I'd love to see some male options as well. You know, like the dream of being a bisexual powerhouse, ha ha. If these were added, I imagine they'd be optional, though I'm not sure how you'd do that myself as I work in visual novels and comics. All in all amazing game and I can't wait to see more!

Thank you so muchh! Hahaha I'm sorry, but there won't be any bisexual/homosexual options! :)

Damn. Ah well, a disaster bi can dream. Regardless, awesome game!

Eu perdi algumas cenas da galeria, por que aconteceu isso? E eu tenho que jogar novamente para recuperar?

(1 edit) (+1)

I never EVER put any money into any of the games on this site even though I do enjoy a lot of them and I always look to just rush through and get to the "plot" but damn I had to put down the 15 for this game and create an account and first time ever comment. Game is too damn good I even forgot the reason I bought this game was for the eroge. The animations, art and story is elite tier of all the games I've played, up there with Mythic Manor and Harem Hotel and Dark Magic all of which are my most favorite. Hell I can't fucking believe I looked forward to fishing to earn money I never send anyone to do shit because I rather fish. How the hell you make fishing somewhat a tolerable activity for an inpatient man as myself? Just gotta say man you are talented and at this point the eroge scenes are pleasant surprises now that I look forward to after getting to know characters and the battle scenes like damn never seen someone make them that good in these type of games. Bruv if I get that new high paying job I'm most def pledging per month on whatever tier will let me get one scene in there. Keep it up man hope more people start pledging more and more. I need this masterpiece to keep going.

Also I only on my phone so appreciate the awesome port feels great.

Hey man! Hhahah Thank you so much! You'll love the next update!

quick question. if i had finished all the content for 1.0 and just downloaded 1.1, then it continues where i left off, is there any new content from the previous chapters that i will miss

You should start playing in v0.1.1, instead of v0.1.0.
A lot of stuff changed, Evie got reworked and a lot of events got changed, too.
So, yeah, it continues, and you should merge right now!

What engine are you using


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