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(1 edit) (+2)

First, let me tell you that, regretably this is sadly the only way I can show my support. 
That being said, I literally made an account just because it frustrated me how amazing this game was and I couldn't offer support.
 All I can do is shower the game with praise. First off, very funny, I hadn't laughed like that in a while.
 The cast is really colorful and fun to interact with, the way their personalities bounce off of each other is amazingly entertaining to me. 
Not to mention Jimmy, easily my favorite character. Lastly the overaching plot seems to be going places, I am really curious to see where it goes in the end.
I noticed the creator was active at the comments which is honestly what motivated me to write this in the first place,
 so keep up the good work man and I am trully sorry I can't offer anything of actual value...I guess what I really wanted to say was: thank you.

Thank you so much, It may not seem like it, but these types of messages are worth the same as a donation.

Hey, I know I said I can't directly support this but I can do it indirectly.  I could get you say, a game on steam maybe? Something like that.

Hahahaha it's not needed, really. Thank you!

Hello Komisari I have a question if I already did everything I had to do in the history of the game in version 11 when I `` update``, that is, install the game with the latest version in this case and 12, I will have to start from scratch, is there no way for me to continue and go to the new scenes without having to start all over again? Note: I just finished version 12 starting at 0 but when I update I would find it boring to do it all over again the second time

If your saves are v0.1.1, you WILL have to start again on v0.1.2.
No workarounds, no tricks. The game got reworked.

Wow ok thanks :)

I can't find a way to progress past the point I'm at. Fara and Luna both say continue prologue. Lucy is 4 and Rebecca is 2 both say get members and form relationships. I can't find the nurse and Sunny says max for this version. Main quest says familiarize your self with town. Good game so far just stuck.

Complete the quests. You can find the nurse at the bar.

does narissa have some scenes or something in 0.1.1? or just prologue and ari's last scene?

Narissa has one last scene in v0.1.1.
In v0.1.2, that scene extends.

how do i get it? i think i already did every thin

Did the free version of 1.2 come out yet?

It's not out yet, if it was it would be on the download list

i was just wondering cause i saw people talking bout it but it wasnt showing up so i thought there was something wrong with the website

Deleted 1 year ago

For v0.1.2, yes.

do they have voices ?


No, but I think Komisari would like to get voices for them eventually, one of the characters is mute tho.

Not mute, just don't know how to talk if I remember correctly


Evie is completely mute!

Thanks, I didn't know, had a bug that didn't let me progress with her..  Will come back after the next update

(1 edit)

Here to give a possible bug report. 

v0.1.2 (PC)

After buying the Small Lake Permission, the guild board jobs seem to be broken, the timers all get stuck at 0:00 and no rewards are given. They simply just don't work anymore. 

No other problems yet!

Hey, it's a already reported bug. You can fix it by restarting the game. But it will mostly crash again xD

Ill give that a shot! Thanks!

hey are you alright  man I haven't heard from you and wondering i you are okay since we haven't heard anything I my self are a person with many problems believe me  but I still enjoy your content but haven't since heard anything and I'm getting worried. and if you want to abandon your project it's alright I know how stressing a project can be but I hope that anything that is happening in your family isn't that grave.

Hey, just to make sure, I WON'T ABANDON THE PROJECT.
I love HHG and I will continue with it. And now I'm back to full-time and everything is okay, so yeah. The new update will be ready to download soon.


Well said, creator! And here I am, waiting for your masterpiece like a degenerate 😅. This may be selfish of me, but please keep up doing this project. It was really entertaining for me (fappy times aside). I'll always be rooting up for your success.

- One of your female fans


Thank you! I will. 


hello komi i am a fan of your work i'm from brazil and i'm here to thank you for the good work you do in your games and take the time to solve your problems tamo junto👊


entrando todo dia aqui pra ver se saiu o update free né

Deleted 3 years ago

Can someone tell me the version on pc has more content than on android?

Nope, all of them will have the same content upon release. But rn the android version is not available cuz Komi said the android version will be released a little bit late.

Same content? Then why is android ver is 600 mb while the PC ver is 6 GB?  I mean its too large if you compare the 2 of them. why is pc ver is 10× larger than the android ver?



Ohh, i see. Thanks for the reply


So will I'm here waiting for your game to go free I was playing Lessons In Love and I noticed one scene at the p0rn shop (lmao) where your game HHG has a poster all over the shop. So I was just wondering if the two of you the dev of LiL  and you Komi are friends or something? Or just the both of you helping each other advertise. But still it was cool and kinda funny cuz the girl Makoto was playing the game and argues about the connection with fishing and the girls in your game. Hope you stay safe Komi just a fan from the Philippines :)

(1 edit)

wait wait wait hold up, there's a HHG poster in LIL?

When exactly will this go out to public I would love to pledge but hasn't been the best year and I've been with this game since the start eager for more and loving the new designs

About a week ago Komi said it would be available in "some days". He also said it should be no later than by the 15th (tomorrow). So its really close.

Komi said it's gonna release in a couple of days there is nothing bad about waiting for such a well made game. :)

Indeed I'm not complaining just eager ☺️

same here... :D

If you want to sponsor in China, there will be a high handling charge. I'm sorry I can't support it。

I really don't know how to do that... You don't need to support it, but thank you! The game will turn free in a couple of days.

Deleted 322 days ago

I think this game has some sort of connection with Lesson in Love which is another great masterpiece but it had horror genre

So yeah as you may guess I'm such a weak/loser so i had to uninstall it right away when i just got bombarded with jumpscare. I just hope this game don't give me same thing as other game 😂 

It won't!

Lil spooky won't scared me but if it's full blown like Love Lesson i might die 😂 anyway i really enjoy the game and decided to drop some money on it in the future 🔥


Lessons in Love isn't exactly horror, not at all actually. It's more of a psychological experience. There aren't many jumpscares per event/scene, but your mind is slowly calibrated as you play to be anxious for the next one and, worst case scenario, for the next of the fucked up secret events. 

It's nice to know that this game has some spooky LiL-like vibes. I've been waiting for 1.2 since it's right around the corner to start playing, and knowing this in advance makes the wait even more worth it. 

Depends but for me i can't stand it lol but I've decided to give it a go again but only on a day 😂 yep agreed with all your point 👌

luna is amazing. i love her.

Hi! This is the first time I support someone on (few dollars I will not allow you to live a day sorry).

It's a very beautiful game: interesting and pretty characters, with all their particularities (physical and mental), a simple story but efficient, a lot of features, continu like this. Maybe this is the begining of a futur famous game creator? 

I have not try the 0.1.2 version, I'm very excited to discover it!

Sorry for my poor english...

Kisses on your great talent!

Thank you so much! The v0.1.2 will turn free in a couple of days.

I could not wait it, is there are new merchant that could trade slime or hahrei horn in this public version?


I Hope There Is An HHG v.0.1.2 on Android....


Read some comments that something has come up in real life Komisari and I am just wishing you all the best. Hope you get things sorted and come back stronger. Take your time and don't pay attention to the ignorance of other people. 

(1 edit)

So, just wondering where do we post errors/issues we find in the game? Not trying to complain just wanna help fix mistakes and such.


I hope you'll get that irl situation sorted out without any issues im looking forward to playing your game once the free release drops 


I know there aren't too many people hating and complaining right now, but for those that are, lay off. It's not like Komi is trying to make this into a cash grab or anything, there has been genuine effort and progress in this project. Even if that were not the case, it's a great game on its own and you aren't entitled to anything if you're not going to pay for it. Be grateful there's a free release at all. The promise to those who actually gave Komi their money has been fulfilled, you'll get your free version eventually. Just be patient.


Okay okay maybe I'm being really stupid but I cannot find the quadruplets and I cannot find who to give the door handle to I'm probably being really dumb about it if anyone knows it really appreciate it

should be in the town, there is a doorway with some cloth infront of it with a logo on it.

You need to ask Rebecca about the doorknob and that'll allow you to find the quadruplets

How long is it 

(2 edits)

it took me about 4-5 hours to compleate the current version (0.1.2v) 100%, including the upgrade to head-pat jimmy 

where do you find the gold to unlock that?  I want to head pat Jimmy :(

Deleted 3 years ago

komisari has some IRL problems at the moment, so the release has been set back a bit

Deleted 3 years ago

So can I still download the $5 version in its full glory? I assume that the free release hasn't been done yet not because the version came out faulty but because the creator is sad that his minecraft dog was caught up on a creeper's explosion right??


Literally get over yourself. Pay the 5$ if you want it that badly, or wait patiently because there's plenty of shit happening in the real world, it's not that unreasonable to think that Komisari just needs some time to sort things out in their real life.

Also, stop hiding behind a throwaway account while acting like a gargantuan prick.


It was not only one dog, but two. Have some sensitivity.


We're rooting for you Komisari ♡

dude wtf


tbh this game is one of the best games i have ever played but the new update wont download but this is amazing and i cant wait to play the update!!!


We are waiting komisari dont worry we wont be going anywhere. Although it would be nice to beat my meat to something rn

Deleted 2 years ago

oof... real mature xD


Komisari I have you in my thoughts hoping you are okay with what you are dealing with I know it may not be much but if you want to talk I imagine all your fans would love to be here for you on your discord.


Hmmm 10 November


bro, could be even later... Komisari has some problems in real life, so please dont be selfish and just wait. I know, it takes a while, but if he has some real problems we have to support him as we can. 

ok bro

Deleted 2 years ago

Exactly, real fans can wait forever.

Deleted 2 years ago

we are also willing to pay for the game, if that helps komisari

(1 edit) (+8)

Komisari spent a year creating this amazing game and we got it done in just a week. I know everyone is hoping to play the free update. But I guess Komisari is having a problem, or the free update has some bugs. So please don't be disappointed or angry with him, I believe we will experience the game soon, thanks!


Whenever it's released, I'll be waiting. Thank you for making such a good game.


Show post...

I like that translation


Ok this goes out to all of those out there who are only thinking of themselves. So many comments to hey where is the release? Where is the update? Seriously look at what others have been talking about before you start typing. Something serious has happened in Komisari's life right now, and all you can think of is yourself. You type out false words you don't truly mean to curry favor with Komisari, and then selfishly ask for something. If you truly meant what you wrote then you would stop thinking about what you want, and ask "Hey Komisari, is there anything I can do to help." Yeah I am as eager as anyone else to play the new update, but I pay attention. Stop bugging people for a handout, and actually care about another human being. I feel better now. I am sorry for all those close to Komisari that have to read this, but all those comments got on my last nerve. Komisari take your time, and dedicate all your attention to where it needs to be IRL. Your real fans aren't going anywhere. Make sure to take care of yourself to.


I hope that I didn't give anyone the impression that I only care about the update with my comment. Whatever has happened with Komisari, I hope it works out. And if they need help, I'd be glad to offer whatever assistance I can, but I also don't want to intrude upon their privacy.

My sentiments remain the same. Komisari, take care of yourself. Your game is amazing, but I care about you more. We may not have had a very extended conversation, but even so. I hope to hear good news from you.

Do you know what happened?


I don't, I just hope it's nothing too serious. I figure if Komisari wants us to know, they'll tell us. Until then, the best thing we can do is wait patiently and give our support. Even if it's just a kind comment.


Hey, Komisari. I heard that things came up IRL for you. Take your time with releasing the new version, okay? You come first. I'll be just as excited to start playing it whenever it releases.


When the 1.2 version :'(

It's been delayed cause of problems irl

Irl? What happen to komisari?

I dunno personally but that's what I've been hearing around. You could prolly find out more on their discord

i have finished the android version and i would say that this is frikkin perfect! This is my favorite so far.  May i ask if the PC version is finished? If i download the PC version, do i need to repeat all i did like going back to start?

If the game got an update, do i need to redownload the game?  If i update the game will my progress get affected? sorry i have many question😅😅😅😅

if u start on pc u do need to restart, and the game on pc is not finished yet, and with the new update comming the save files will not work, and everyone needs to start over. if u do decide to play on pc i suggest to wait a few days until the new update!

Ohh, i see. Thanks, comrade

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