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DUDE WTF YOUR GAME IMPROVED A LOT!!!! I Bought last version and it was already amazing! congrats.


Now I'm more hyped to play the new version now! I just need to wait for the android version to come out ⏳

because I can't download it, it tells me error or prohibited

Pretty sure that's an issue with itself as far as I know

if you keep trying it should download eventually


Colo arreglo los dialogos unos me salen en español y otros en ingles alguien sabe cómo puedo solucionarlo

Solo esta traducida la versión pasada, supongo que traducirán por completo está versión en algún tiempo

What Ago When downloading the file it tells me server error and when it is not that it says prohibited


Straight from the discord, stop bitching.

Why the ANDROID version will come later?

As almost everyone knows, HHG v0.1.2 is a complete rework from the ground of v0.1.1.

v0.1.1 and v0.1.2 are not the same game. Not even close.

It's more complex in terms of GUI behavior and etc.

That means... A lot of tweaks needs to be done.

In every GUI and screen, so yeah, that's why the Android version is coming later.

Whenever everything is settled, for next updates the android version will come at the same time.


Dude, no one is "bitching". Anyone has the right to ask for the android version. So instead of starting a mini-war (like the ones that were going on before 1.2 was public, related to people asking for an ETA), how about just explaining POLITELY to people who ask about the android version? Or even better, if you don't have the patience or the politeness, just let them ask and keep your mouth shut. Silence is also a right that everyone has. Enough with these petty wars in the fucking comment section of this game, okay? 


You coming in like that shows how cringe you are pos

Is there any way to save the data from 0.1.1 or will I have to restart when playing 0.1.2. Great game by the way!


it's a rework so it's completely different game pretty much



For all who's waiting on android, please wait a little longer, 9GB is a ton to convert to android.


hence why things should be clarified in posts


Just a head up for you and many other rude people. There is a discord for a reason. Komi has been quite active with the announcements there for sometime and gave reasons for delays. On here they have done the same. If you want updates, then use the resorces that are given. everything has its reasons. You get it for free so why complain?


Show me an eta post from the dev for android that's not in the comment section oh wait you can't so there's BS there. Also it's not on his patreon either so there's BS there go simp elsewhere bitch

someone's a little salty. I said discord, dipshit. But that must have been hard for you to read. They said it takes longer because of compacting the files to phone is different from pc. Just read instead of acting high and mighty on the internet.  Calling me a simp when you are whining about communication. Go simp somewhere else buddy. 

Here is a little example for you sense you asked so kindly. Again, I recommend discord. It WILL keep you updated. But hey, I tried to help. Sorry if I called you "rude". But yeah, you are pretty rude.


You should make clear and detailed announcements or give a platform release update that way people aren't asking the same questions over and over 


These kinds of details are mostly put out through Discord. It's kind of a standard process between devs, or at least the ones that I follow. Posts on Patreon,, etc. are mostly used for bigger announcements (i.e. release dates, delays that demand a big explanation and a few other reasons).


When does the update for Android come out?


No Android?


Ok, no se si sea solo cosa mia, pero el juego me da los diálogos en spanglis, es deicr que un dialogo me lo muestra en español y otro en ingles, ¿alguna forma de solucionarlo?

La traducción es de la versión pasada, queda esperar a que traduzcan todos los diálogos de esta versión


Ooooh boy, it's downloading. Can't wait !


How do I Download the new updates if I already bought the game. Does it automatically update?


why is 0.1.2 not for android? will we have to wait even more??


im gonna go cry in a corner now, I do see 0.1.2 for android, my life is ruined

Um ..... 0.1.2 free is there yet?

I think we need to wait it probably become free tomorrow i think

how do you open the big door at the ruin?

Maybe in the future will have subtitles in Portuguese BR?

what the candy use for ??

Cuando sale la versión pública de la v0.1.2

A las 3PM Hora AST

Im still playing version 0.11.1 and im on the Last mission where i have to go find evie in the park when she isnt learning but i did go trough all days of the week at every time and she didnt appeared is this a bug or am i just dumb? thx for help(^_^)

You should visit the park the same time Evie would usually be studying, that's the only advice I can give sorry.

if i bought a previous version, do i have access to the newest??


Will the new update be available for Android?

It would be about 10.00 AM in West Java

Kumaha damang?


(2 edits)

I think theres no HHG v.1.2 on Android..if not why?

The dev made a post saying that it will become public 11/23 (tomorrow) hours ago :)


but why is lucy still doesnt want me in her bath is already saw her naked and why does ari not have a sex scene yet she looks like she has great boobs

(1 edit)

v0.1.2 coming out tomorrow was well worth the wait

i already said it soon!wait


I have some problem, it lacks sex interaction  like sucking/licking boobs/vagene it goes directly to intercourse point, it shud atleast be longer like we see on JAV. Same location also usually s*x happens at guild room, atleast different location like hotel or forest or underwater. Just my opinion


I just finished the version here and I have to say that it is a very engaging story there were no bugs that I encountered sometimes I found myself searching for the girls and could not find them at all which made it tricky to boost their affection but I understand that it might have been best not to focus too much on a single girl for a whole day and instead boost multiple girls as much as possible when I did not need to get funds for something and a day of fishing got the funds I needed usually so it did not even feel like much of a grind to be able to afford anything. I cannot wait for what ever comes next in the story and if anyone stops by and sees this comment I hope that it will push you to give the game a try because it is definitly worth the time.

Hello. I think you played v0.1.1, right? In v0.1.2 you can see the girls on the map!

oh ok, that's cool. I felt that hunting for the girls and learning their daily routes was kinda part of the games charm but you're the boss

Can you please tell me how much money I need to buy big room?

More or less 30 silvers if I'm not mistaken. 

You can correct me if I'm wrong

It says when you click it.

Android version not showing price :( 

I have 25 silver coins can't buy

(1 edit)

I would like to say that the public release of 1.1 was such a great game, it definitely made me finish the whole game in just a day, but I have one issue that kept me up last night though.

So on Evie's side, when I tried to find her at midnight, I went to almost every places but the market, (I went there lastly, idk why)
The place included the Bicycle Parking (Or something like that) and I went there, and when I stayed for just 2 seconds, my screen randomly glitched with Evie's white silhouette with a white sound. Gladly, my game didn't crash and I can still go to any places after that scary as- glitch in that place.

I'm not sure if this is part of the game or was it a bug, if it was then I hope for a fix. Even though 0.1.2 is coming soon, but who knows who will play it.
-1 trust to you because this game spookt me.

Still love Outgoing Hikikomori's music though.

Edit: Oh, and are going to add sound effects for the lewd scenes and some voice acting too? Stonks will raise with that.

Hello! v0.1.2 will be available soon.

No, its not a bug. I won't add any sound effects until the game is finished.

Deleted 2 years ago






I hope author add events (especially lewd events) for Abigail on next update :)


Sorry to ask this but, when will you post the public version of 0.1.2 ????


Ok Thanks ^.^


I really enjoy the game and it can be very comedic at times. But I think the camera transition could be smoother when going to talk to one of the girl like instead of the camera just teleporting in front of them you could make it seems like the player is walking over there and sitting down or kneeling. But I really love the game can't wait for new content. :D


I see what you saying but most of the time the camera isn't even based upon the hero's view, it's more focused towards the center of attention

Es un juego genial, la historia me ha encantado y espero con ansias la nueva actualización, pero tengo una duda, cuando salga la nueva versión podre seguir donde lo deje o tendre q empezar de nuevo ??

Si jugaste a la v0.1.1, en la version v0.1.2 tendras que empezar de nuevo.

Si jugaste a la v0.1.2, podras jugar la v0.1.3.


Please add more sunny scenes! I love her so much!

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