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How do I find out where Fara sleeps? Been stuck on it for a little bittle now and I wanna progress. Plz halp :^)

In the middle of the guild, the living room.

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello! Thank you so much!

> Will story parts come out individually, or will there be more minor updates in between?

HHG will be a single game. Not individually story parts. If that's what you're saying. And most of the chapters part will come at once. After v0.1.2, v0.1.3 will be the completed chapter 1, part1.

> Will girls get their own individual updates, or will everyone be rolled up into the story parts?

STORY girls and MAIN girls will probably get content every update. Side girls will get content depending on their demand and the mechanics and systems I want to add.

> Do you have a total number of girls planned, or will new ones be introduced whenever you need them?

There's a fixed number of story girls. But for side girls I can make whatever I want!

Deleted 2 years ago

A question when the update to Spanish is I will have to uninstall the game that I have now or it will only be updated because if it is not updated only I will use burger since it takes 21 hours 42 minutes to download it always marked me an error, prohibited, it was slow and thus changing topic.Excellent game I think is very good I hope I can play 0.1.2 in the meantime I'm eating my snot hahaha


Yes. You'll have to delete and download the new game xD

(1 edit)

I have a question, how do I level Sunny to level 7 cause it says there's no more events. Please Help! The reason im asking this is cause im doing the halloween event

You need her only lvl 6. It is an error.

how do i manually save my game ? the controls are changed i cant use the mouse wheel to rewind the text and i cant manually save please help 

Idk what's up but I downloaded the new version and extracted it but when I click to open the game absolutely nothing happens. It just doesn't run the game.

Probably a stupid question, but is there an upgrade for the pre-release v0.1.2 or do I have to download all 9GB of the public version?

There's an upgrade and new content.

A second stupid question: where would I find the Upgrade because every time I try to download the public release, the download fails - including when it has just completed. 

BTW, v0.1.2 is a major leap forward - well done!

Me: While Waiting For The v.0.1.2 HHG For Android..Im Still Playing The v.0.1.1 On It Because I Was Addicted On The Game..

Thanks For The Update!!

                  We Hope That The v.0.1.2 HHG For Android Will Release

Me And Others We Can Wait..Stay Safe



Komi, How i can solve the mistery and face the thief in the MisDirection quest? 

hehe I’m litt stuck at (3/5) clues I already did granny Maria and Yenna but now I don’t know what to do or where to go...I go to lake and ruins but nothing happens I go there by night and midnight cuz that’s obviously when a thief would strike...

visit rebecca in the evening by the park and luna at night

Thank you <3 

Deleted 2 years ago


hi Komisari!

I just wanna warn you that I got an exception while fishing a legendary fish in the park, here's the traceback in case it could be useful to correct any bug or anything:

I got it in the pre-release of the game, not sure if you've changed things in the public release or if you were aware of this bug if it is a recurring one (haven't tried again)

Thank you for the game though, I love it!

You have to download the public. Is the last one.

Just finishing playing through 1.2. A nice improvement to 1.1. I do like the skills tree, and hope to see more in 1.3. Quick question though in case I am missing something. There are parts of the guild that show on the guild map, but can't seem to find a way to build or unlock them. I was wondering if they were just place holders at the current version. Plus Ari seems to go to the dojo at noon I believe, but I can't go there to visit her. Not sure if that is a bug, or intentional place holder for future updates. Plus there are a number of items you seem to collect, but can't do anything with. The slime, and raw meat for example just keep piling up. Still two thumbs up on such a great job. Glad to see your back, and everything is all right on the home front. Love the little hints you put in like easter eggs for Evie. I thought something was up with her, but the horns I think may have been to obvious of a hint. Will you put in a christmas event for them as well? Keep up the great work, and remember to never ever drop your broom...ever.

All of them are intentional place holders!

I'll probably make a Christmas event. Thank you so much!

how do I move over my progress from the last update 

v0.1.1 saves won't work.

dang Ight then

This is such an incredible games! I like all the things and features that you implemented in the games and they're very fun to play with. This game has so much potential in the future that I cannot imagine! Thanks you for all the effort you put into this game.

Thank you so much!


First of all, it's a great game, thank you! I never used any cheat code and so ended up spending hours to unlock everything ^^.

A few questions:
- I unlocked the entire galery and completed the game without seeing any 'hiden' girl or anything. Does the cheat code unlock some extra content I missed or did I unlock everything already ?
- Is there any content yet with the ghost that appears briefly at the lake ? When I bring the cursor over her before she disappears, an infinite loop of errors occurs ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'darkness').
- What is the effect of Jimmy's blessing ?
- Is Timmy the Fish stackable ?

Thanks a lot.

Thank you so much!

1- No. All content available will and is unlocked without cheats. I don't suggest using cheats, whenever the achievements are implemented, they will check if your save used cheat codes, and the achievements will be disabled.

2- Maybe you have to escape the loop...

3- Who knows...

4- Yes, it's stackable. But not its effect. You only get +5 mining power from one.

Thank you for your answers.

Unfortunately the only way to escape the loop is to use the option 'Quit' from the error screen. After that the result is the same as if we had let the ghost disappear: it comes back every two days and nothing else happend. Did I miss something ?

It's not the only way to escape the loop.

Im still playing version 0.11.1 and im on the Last mission where i have to go find evie in the park when she isnt learning but i did go trough all days of the week at every time and she didnt appeared is this a bug or am i just dumb? thx for help(^_^)


Market park. Not bicycle park.

Thx so much wasnt thinking about the other park

(2 edits)

Story aside - I am impressed about the features you implemented. The fishing mini game and the background counter for guild jobs is something not often seen in renpy games. Kudos! It was certainly worth the wait (and the 5 bucks for the pre-release).

(Not that I like mini games that much, but the technical feat earns you a medal :P)

Thanko you so much!

una pregunta, la nueva version, ¿no esta traducida del todo verdad ? 

Dentro de poco va a estar actualizada.

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you so much, the quick save button still exists.

Deleted 2 years ago

If you don't see this, You have your save bugged.

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh, that's true. It seems I forgot to add the quick save button. I'll make sure to add it!

when v0.1.2 for android will come out


Could you please release 1.2 for the Android please please please please.


Thank you.

Ok, you got me, BUT the fact that you kept the ok hand going for so long was insult to injury.

either I'm doing something wrong or I'm missing something.
how do you activate the scene "guild members love" at lucy?
I have activated everything else and all girls to max.
only the scene is still missing, in the workshop under action there is a gray field with "??? (heart) (clock)", but I can't select that.

Thank you in advance for the help.


Unlock her guild outfit card.

ah ok nice ty, had only unloked the halloweencard from her :)

When will everything be in Spanish?



Just finished the game, i just wanna say that the new Leticia h scene was a huge BRUH moment, I was ready to fa-.. nvm. I was actually hesitating to download and go all through the game again just to get the new content, but to m surprise it was all worth it. The new rpg system where you upgrade this and that was actually pretty fun, I hope there will be more in the future updates. 

Just some questions tho

-Can we unlock the ghost girl in this update? Cuz I used a cheat and saw her card at the deck.

-At the end of the prologue, it says that we need 1.3 update to advance through chapter 1, so is it safe to assume that 1.2 save files are compatible in the next update?

Thats all, overall, great game as always

Oh and one last question

I finished the prologue but its still in the "active quest" it says I have to max out all the girls, I already did but its not advancing to the last "-?????????" is that ok or did i encounter a bug? 

tnx in advance


Hello, thank you! And nope, the quest won't progress. The quest wil progress and finish whenever v0.1.3 is available. And yes, 1.2 save files will be compatible.


Y la version para android para cuando

Dentro de poco.


Our lord and saviour are back



Any cheat in 0.1.2 please!

How can unlock the Halloween scene?
I' have candy, money and level but the portrait "UNLOCK" are grey

Go to the market at night.


Android 1.2 pls


This is just my opinion.

I suggest you add voice in the game. And i hope our best girl, evie will regain her voice.

Don't hate me i just express my personal opinion cuz i love the game🙂.

I also suggest you add price in the big room in android. Because the price is not written in the android version. 

Pls add more in the harem and more scenes *evil laugh*

I love your game bro. Good job.

I repeat. This is just my personal opinion. Some of you may agree and some of you might not. 


can someone tell me the time estimation of when the android version will come out


Beetween 1 to 60 days from now


DUDE WTF YOUR GAME IMPROVED A LOT!!!! I Bought last version and it was already amazing! congrats.


Now I'm more hyped to play the new version now! I just need to wait for the android version to come out ⏳

because I can't download it, it tells me error or prohibited

Pretty sure that's an issue with itself as far as I know

if you keep trying it should download eventually


Colo arreglo los dialogos unos me salen en español y otros en ingles alguien sabe cómo puedo solucionarlo

Solo esta traducida la versión pasada, supongo que traducirán por completo está versión en algún tiempo

What Ago When downloading the file it tells me server error and when it is not that it says prohibited


Straight from the discord, stop bitching.

Why the ANDROID version will come later?

As almost everyone knows, HHG v0.1.2 is a complete rework from the ground of v0.1.1.

v0.1.1 and v0.1.2 are not the same game. Not even close.

It's more complex in terms of GUI behavior and etc.

That means... A lot of tweaks needs to be done.

In every GUI and screen, so yeah, that's why the Android version is coming later.

Whenever everything is settled, for next updates the android version will come at the same time.


Dude, no one is "bitching". Anyone has the right to ask for the android version. So instead of starting a mini-war (like the ones that were going on before 1.2 was public, related to people asking for an ETA), how about just explaining POLITELY to people who ask about the android version? Or even better, if you don't have the patience or the politeness, just let them ask and keep your mouth shut. Silence is also a right that everyone has. Enough with these petty wars in the fucking comment section of this game, okay? 


You coming in like that shows how cringe you are pos

Is there any way to save the data from 0.1.1 or will I have to restart when playing 0.1.2. Great game by the way!


it's a rework so it's completely different game pretty much


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