Ay boss it's me again, just wanted to check in. Still looking into getting into coding so if u need help just lemme know I'll learn whatever coding skills are needed and come back to help out.
I have gotten the fish only once and it is very very difficult let me tell you. if you want that fish you need practice. and a lot of it. just typing this makes me feel the pain again. its not worth it.
You sure like huge tits, Komisari. I find it very ugly, some of them look like fat, old lady tits, but I can get past it. At least there's lucy.
It has some exagerated drama. The hero is just some kid who likes some drama (conversation and talking feelings in a naive way aiming for sex). The more mature womans like Rebecca and Fara should see trough this teenager drama, but they get involved (fall in love) as well, which is weird. It botters me because these relationships are not so realistic. But I get it, how the hell would make this idea work then? Of a harem of willing girls. Ayway...any problem could be solved with some creative problem solving.
I can get past all that, I'm just pointing out that it botters me a bit, not that it should matter to you. I would rate it 08/10 as it is now, for what I think are flaws on the plot (the lack of reeality. It's not credible) and also for the lack of option: ALL of these poor young girls already have these cow udders. Taste for big tits is not universal.
Yes, I'm aware that most of the girls have big tits. To compensate for that, most of the girls in Chapter 1 don't have big tits. It's not about my taste, it's just that it happened that way! So I'm sorry
I hope my insight on the second paragraph was reasonable. The rest is just an opinion on my taste, which I said because it bottered me a bit, but it shouldn't matter.
I can see you worked hard up to this point. The visuals are awesome, it's fast to load and they don't crash.
I would dispute several of your observations. For example, one of the things that surprised me about this game was how frequently, when offered sex early on, the MC would refuse, commenting that things were moving too quickly or that they didn't know each other well enough yet. I don't think I've ever seen that before in a porn game, and I really appreciated it. In general, the MC doesn't strike me as particularly immature; he is sincerely kind and compassionate, which is the primary thing that draws all these women in. He has moments where he is egregiously foolish, arrogant, and dismissive of the girls' abilities (see the scene where he and several girls try to move that column), but I interpreted such moments as humorous foils of the alpha male stereotype that are only semi-canonical, especially since the women are never shown meaningfully reacting to this behavior. I think there is also some character development happening within the MC; by the end of the prologue, he seems much more aware of how useless he is (by conventional standards).
That said, I do generally agree with the thrust of your criticism. Most of the women have relatively little… emotional maturity, I guess I would say. They too quickly become attached to the MC, as if they've never had a kind, interested man in their lives before. But that's just one of the inherent failings of the genre; like you noted, developing a harem solely on the basis of personal attraction is inherently unrealistic. And although I think nearly every character is unrealistically good-natured, Komisari has chosen to foster a consistently humorous, cheerful, and carefree style, and I am willing to suspend my disbelief somewhat and appreciate that world on its own terms. The only characters I truly have grievances with are Shoni, because we can't really feel the weight of the depression she clearly suffers from, and Elizabeth, whose personality is disgustingly one-sided.
Hey, sorry for the delay. I don't login here so often.
You actually disagreed in just one thing I said, but I feel the intesity of your emotion when you say "several" haha. Anyway....
Regarding what you disagreed, which is the MC character's malice, I would say that his actions can be interpreted in more than one way and I think this was made on purpose, so you can see what you want in him. So his personality is kind of open to interpretation up to a point. I'm sorry I don't remember details since I played the game just once and it's been a little while, but as I recall, he immediately turned off his gentleness when in bed with Evie, with Shino and I think with Luna if I'm not mistaken. That may be him adapting to what the girls wanted him to be in bed. Some people like to please, even though he was called "dominant" once. His surface is super sweet, docile and purposefully naive sometimes (I can't recall details to confirm if the naiveness is up to interpretation), but in the act of sex he wasn't reluctant AT ALL. Once he had the confirmation that they were really up to it, he was onboard straight away. Regarding to the first declines, well, it's really all part of the dance, of the game. He wouldn't be interpreted as a good guy persona anymore if he accepted right away. What people say and what they really mean isn't always in sinc. That's not to say he is cold calculating. Maybe he is also trying to have a connection while also wanting sex, maybe he is just horny as hell and never decline sex (again, the first declines are mandatory, if your game is being nice). In any case, if he is not cold and calcutaling, that would make him an imature teenager that acts according to his impulses has strong emotions, those which he can't control so well. An immature boy playing game with immature woman and some girls on his level of mentality.
Think about it, if they want to actually bond, why don't they care about about sharing him? Is monogamy just natural to us humans or is it just our culture to blame? (anyway, long discussion I'm not willing to get in).
I would say that some of them want to feel heard and have an emotional connection, like Rebecca and Lucy, but others are just horny. Lucy not caring about sharing first and then beying jelous later is an interesting shift in her feelings. But we don't get these kind of insights on the MC. The author didn't make a good job in explaining the MC's motifs, morallity and internal conflicts. He doesn't sound conflicted about fucking everyone.
Regarding his mother's personality, I think it's yet to be developed. I was actually relieved, deep down, that she wasn't developed too much, I wanted (still want to) to belive that he wouldn't try to fuck his mother and vise-versa, I'm not into that. And as to Shino, I think she was developed as much as everyone else, with exception of the the body-guard. But he's supposed to be this way, cause it's funny this way haha. He reminds me of one Rick And Morty character from that episode of post apocaliptic Earth.
So a few updates ago, I completed just about everything there was to so in the game. Is there any way to apply the newest update wihtout getting rid of my save progress?
what you described is the android version of keeping saves. On PC and Mac you don't have to do anything, as there is a copy of your saves folder outside of the game folder, so saves transfer automatically.
How do you get the third Gallery event for Lucy, it is called "Guild Member's Love," I have everyone, except the succubus since I can't seem to unlock her, at max level, but I can't get Lucy's third event, I have the rest on them though.
Hey i dont know what happened but when i tried to start the game the exe was missing. I still have all the other file. This was after hours of progress so if somebody could help id really appreciate it
Really enjoying this game. It has a personal charm to it and has some very wholesome and entertaining moments. Thank you for your work on this, I appreciate it. I had an absolute blast and can't wait ( I mean I can, but, you know) for more!
Just so everyone understands why it has taken so long to update this game, since a lot of you don't seem to understand.
1. Scripting
2. Coding
3. Animation
4. Funding
For the 1st 3, to get done what has been done, the scripting would take about a month.
The coding would take a couple months.
The animation would take several months.
So for a full time developer, it would take them around 6 months (1500 hours) to make what has been made on their own... the problem is #4.
I highly doubt Komisari is making enough each month to be able to live on; I would be surprised if he/she told me they make more than $400 a month off this game.
This means that in order to live, they need an actual job.
Job + Sleep + Social life + Entertainment + Eating & Hygiene... meaning each week Komi probably only has about 10 hours to work on the game at best.
Meaning it would take them around 3 years to create the game they have so far... and the next update will pretty much add on to the game about as much as that's already there.
Now I'm not well off, so I can't actually support you Komi (which I'm really sorry I can't) but this was a terrific game.
Usually I just skip the dialogue, but I actually felt obligated tk read it this time around.
And that ending sequence? When our favourite demon was talking to us? Very well directed. You have my applause.
I look forward to the next update; however long it may take you👍👍👍
Great you decided to defend a dev, some people don't realize the hard work they do and think code and renders grow from trees or smth.
I'm with you most of this post, but stating he only earns about 400$ means you probably didn't check his patreon, did you?
I'd rather speculate that Komi is taking his time with updates, because he wants them to be actually done before releasing, no one likes a half baked cake. However only he can tell us his reasons, anything else is merely speculation.
I think Komi's work is commendable to say the least and I really enjoyed the current version. Keep up the good work!
I can respect wanting to release your best work, just make sure to avoid the route of star citizen (extreme ambition and delays). Dev wants release all of chapter 1 in a single update because we played through the prologue. Understandable.
That being said, before Patreon cuts, they make $8400 a month or just over $100,000 a year. I heavily doubt funding is an issue.
Thank you for trying to help me understand but I still have questions.
Since Komi is, in fact, bringing in around $7000 a month though this game, and they claim that they are working on it full time, I'm not sure how a lack of any kind of deliverable in over a year is justifiable.
Mate Komisari is a human. Spending more than 5 hours on a screen and programming, it's just hard. Monospace (programmer's favourite font) will strain your eyes real bad (personal experience) and he has a personal life, too ya know. Not targetting you in particular, but many people here are impatient.
Funding isnt an issue. you probably arent aware of his patreon. people can also support it here and other places too. the biggest reason its taking so long other than the fact hes practically a one man army making the game is that hes dead set on releasing each major chapter in full, rather than parts with monthly updates like alot of other devs do. And during that time hes making a bunch of other qol improvements to just about everything else. The story is very long, if you havent already noticed from the prologue, it takes alot of time especially to develop this kind of content on your own, and its not even about defending the dev, its just facts. Im surprised at how alot of devs in general do it. Personally I couldnt do more than 2 lines of code without screwing everything up and having a completely dysfunctional result. It has been a little over a year since the last HHG update, but i love the game and anyone who feels the same will have patience and wait as long as we need to for the next huge update to come out. Honestly the longer I have to wait the more pumped I am ;D
Love this game, what's here so far is amazing. But let me just say, since the last update I've moved out of my parent's house, joined the Marines, went through boot camp, got through job training, and have recieved two promotions. The game hasn't recieved an update in all that time. I'm excited to see what's next, but for a wait this long I'm expecting it to be very substantial.
Really Really great. loved the entire game to the point where i dont even care about H scenes that much anymore. The plot itself is enough loved all the characters. They feel alive and living not artificial. Loved the jokes super entertaining and funny overall i love it its super great thanks creator san i promise ill send a donation once i finish college and find a job
When i try too use the ACTION command on all charactes (Exept some exeptions) the manu reset its selfs , is this a regular problem or that fuctions is no yet in the game ?
The Action command is used to activate repeatable scenes that you have unlocked with that character. The characters that have these repeatable scenes will only allow you to select that scene at the appropriate time and location for that scene. For instance, if that scene takes place in the living room of the guild in the afternoon, it will only be selectable at that time and place.
I don't know what's the purpose of "Cinematic mode" but I think there should be a way to disable it. Please, there are players who have low end devices such as me, and the game keep crashing. In the Cinematic mode, I can't save and the scene was a minute long, so, before the scene end, the game crashes. So yes, I'm stuck at the forest with jimmy and some cute girl. I hope that you guys will take an action about this and not to encounter the same problem in the future updates.
Btw, the game is great and it makes me laugh. Keep it up!
← Return to game
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Ay boss it's me again, just wanted to check in. Still looking into getting into coding so if u need help just lemme know I'll learn whatever coding skills are needed and come back to help out.
I think this game uses python primarily, so focus on that. After a couple of months start using renpy. It's a game engine which uses python
Theres one scene i havent gotten yet and its "a guild members love" could someone give me a hint as to when i can unlock it?
change clothe character
I gotta ask, is it possible to get that legendary fish at the lake? I've tried so many times, I have all the upgrades, nothing seems to work.
As far as I can tell, no, not yet.
I have gotten the fish only once and it is very very difficult let me tell you. if you want that fish you need practice. and a lot of it. just typing this makes me feel the pain again. its not worth it.
Has 1.3 been released yet? If so where do I find it? Just finished 1.2 like 5 minutes ago.
It's been almost 2 years, still waiting for the 1.3.. it's taking a long time but it's gonna be worth the wait
so is the OP still working on it?
Come on, it´s just a little over ONE year now...
Cna you impregnate the main girls?
Not yet..
Does anyone know on which days you're able to get the guild outfits because I'm on day 71 and still haven't seen them.
You sure like huge tits, Komisari. I find it very ugly, some of them look like fat, old lady tits, but I can get past it. At least there's lucy.
It has some exagerated drama. The hero is just some kid who likes some drama (conversation and talking feelings in a naive way aiming for sex). The more mature womans like Rebecca and Fara should see trough this teenager drama, but they get involved (fall in love) as well, which is weird. It botters me because these relationships are not so realistic. But I get it, how the hell would make this idea work then? Of a harem of willing girls. Ayway...any problem could be solved with some creative problem solving.
I can get past all that, I'm just pointing out that it botters me a bit, not that it should matter to you. I would rate it 08/10 as it is now, for what I think are flaws on the plot (the lack of reeality. It's not credible) and also for the lack of option: ALL of these poor young girls already have these cow udders. Taste for big tits is not universal.
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Yes, I'm aware that most of the girls have big tits. To compensate for that, most of the girls in Chapter 1 don't have big tits. It's not about my taste, it's just that it happened that way! So I'm sorry
Thanks for taking this lightly
I hope my insight on the second paragraph was reasonable. The rest is just an opinion on my taste, which I said because it bottered me a bit, but it shouldn't matter.
I can see you worked hard up to this point. The visuals are awesome, it's fast to load and they don't crash.
I would dispute several of your observations. For example, one of the things that surprised me about this game was how frequently, when offered sex early on, the MC would refuse, commenting that things were moving too quickly or that they didn't know each other well enough yet. I don't think I've ever seen that before in a porn game, and I really appreciated it. In general, the MC doesn't strike me as particularly immature; he is sincerely kind and compassionate, which is the primary thing that draws all these women in. He has moments where he is egregiously foolish, arrogant, and dismissive of the girls' abilities (see the scene where he and several girls try to move that column), but I interpreted such moments as humorous foils of the alpha male stereotype that are only semi-canonical, especially since the women are never shown meaningfully reacting to this behavior. I think there is also some character development happening within the MC; by the end of the prologue, he seems much more aware of how useless he is (by conventional standards).
That said, I do generally agree with the thrust of your criticism. Most of the women have relatively little… emotional maturity, I guess I would say. They too quickly become attached to the MC, as if they've never had a kind, interested man in their lives before. But that's just one of the inherent failings of the genre; like you noted, developing a harem solely on the basis of personal attraction is inherently unrealistic. And although I think nearly every character is unrealistically good-natured, Komisari has chosen to foster a consistently humorous, cheerful, and carefree style, and I am willing to suspend my disbelief somewhat and appreciate that world on its own terms. The only characters I truly have grievances with are Shoni, because we can't really feel the weight of the depression she clearly suffers from, and Elizabeth, whose personality is disgustingly one-sided.
Hey, sorry for the delay. I don't login here so often.
You actually disagreed in just one thing I said, but I feel the intesity of your emotion when you say "several" haha. Anyway....
Regarding what you disagreed, which is the MC character's malice, I would say that his actions can be interpreted in more than one way and I think this was made on purpose, so you can see what you want in him. So his personality is kind of open to interpretation up to a point. I'm sorry I don't remember details since I played the game just once and it's been a little while, but as I recall, he immediately turned off his gentleness when in bed with Evie, with Shino and I think with Luna if I'm not mistaken. That may be him adapting to what the girls wanted him to be in bed. Some people like to please, even though he was called "dominant" once.
His surface is super sweet, docile and purposefully naive sometimes (I can't recall details to confirm if the naiveness is up to interpretation), but in the act of sex he wasn't reluctant AT ALL. Once he had the confirmation that they were really up to it, he was onboard straight away. Regarding to the first declines, well, it's really all part of the dance, of the game. He wouldn't be interpreted as a good guy persona anymore if he accepted right away. What people say and what they really mean isn't always in sinc. That's not to say he is cold calculating. Maybe he is also trying to have a connection while also wanting sex, maybe he is just horny as hell and never decline sex (again, the first declines are mandatory, if your game is being nice). In any case, if he is not cold and calcutaling, that would make him an imature teenager that acts according to his impulses has strong emotions, those which he can't control so well. An immature boy playing game with immature woman and some girls on his level of mentality.
Think about it, if they want to actually bond, why don't they care about about sharing him? Is monogamy just natural to us humans or is it just our culture to blame? (anyway, long discussion I'm not willing to get in).
I would say that some of them want to feel heard and have an emotional connection, like Rebecca and Lucy, but others are just horny. Lucy not caring about sharing first and then beying jelous later is an interesting shift in her feelings. But we don't get these kind of insights on the MC. The author didn't make a good job in explaining the MC's motifs, morallity and internal conflicts. He doesn't sound conflicted about fucking everyone.
Regarding his mother's personality, I think it's yet to be developed. I was actually relieved, deep down, that she wasn't developed too much, I wanted (still want to) to belive that he wouldn't try to fuck his mother and vise-versa, I'm not into that. And as to Shino, I think she was developed as much as everyone else, with exception of the the body-guard. But he's supposed to be this way, cause it's funny this way haha. He reminds me of one Rick And Morty character from that episode of post apocaliptic Earth.
I LOVE huge tits. Maybe they arent for everyone :( i havent known many who like them small but im sure everyone can agree with this; tits are nice <3
Hahahaha Yeah tits are great!
i have question does this game have walkthrough?
Just check hints, you will be done in no time
I cant figure out how to unlock Lucy's guild outfit card. It's the last card i need so I would really appreciate some help. :)
nevermind lol i feel stupid
I love feeling stupid ;D
So a few updates ago, I completed just about everything there was to so in the game. Is there any way to apply the newest update wihtout getting rid of my save progress?
Just copy the save files from the folder in your old version to the new one. Unless you're playing on Android, then it's more complicated.
what you described is the android version of keeping saves. On PC and Mac you don't have to do anything, as there is a copy of your saves folder outside of the game folder, so saves transfer automatically.
Wonderful game! Can't wait to see more.
Hey yall! Im stuck on leveling up fara, says shes in the entrance in the morning but shes no where to be found.. any help?
How do you get the third Gallery event for Lucy, it is called "Guild Member's Love," I have everyone, except the succubus since I can't seem to unlock her, at max level, but I can't get Lucy's third event, I have the rest on them though.
If I remember right, you have to have her guild outift and visit her while she's working in her workshop during the day
Thanks for letting me know. I have spent awhile trying to find out what I was doing wrong.
Hey i dont know what happened but when i tried to start the game the exe was missing. I still have all the other file. This was after hours of progress so if somebody could help id really appreciate it
Really enjoying this game. It has a personal charm to it and has some very wholesome and entertaining moments. Thank you for your work on this, I appreciate it. I had an absolute blast and can't wait ( I mean I can, but, you know) for more!
Just so everyone understands why it has taken so long to update this game, since a lot of you don't seem to understand.
1. Scripting
2. Coding
3. Animation
4. Funding
For the 1st 3, to get done what has been done, the scripting would take about a month.
The coding would take a couple months.
The animation would take several months.
So for a full time developer, it would take them around 6 months (1500 hours) to make what has been made on their own... the problem is #4.
I highly doubt Komisari is making enough each month to be able to live on; I would be surprised if he/she told me they make more than $400 a month off this game.
This means that in order to live, they need an actual job.
Job + Sleep + Social life + Entertainment + Eating & Hygiene... meaning each week Komi probably only has about 10 hours to work on the game at best.
Meaning it would take them around 3 years to create the game they have so far... and the next update will pretty much add on to the game about as much as that's already there.
Now I'm not well off, so I can't actually support you Komi (which I'm really sorry I can't) but this was a terrific game.
Usually I just skip the dialogue, but I actually felt obligated tk read it this time around.
And that ending sequence? When our favourite demon was talking to us? Very well directed. You have my applause.
I look forward to the next update; however long it may take you👍👍👍
Great you decided to defend a dev, some people don't realize the hard work they do and think code and renders grow from trees or smth.
I'm with you most of this post, but stating he only earns about 400$ means you probably didn't check his patreon, did you?
I'd rather speculate that Komi is taking his time with updates, because he wants them to be actually done before releasing, no one likes a half baked cake. However only he can tell us his reasons, anything else is merely speculation.
I think Komi's work is commendable to say the least and I really enjoyed the current version. Keep up the good work!
I can respect wanting to release your best work, just make sure to avoid the route of star citizen (extreme ambition and delays). Dev wants release all of chapter 1 in a single update because we played through the prologue. Understandable.
That being said, before Patreon cuts, they make $8400 a month or just over $100,000 a year. I heavily doubt funding is an issue.
100k in my country is huge 😅.. Maybe you can survive for abou 3 years with that money.
Oh, I see now! Thanks for the info! :-)
Thank you for trying to help me understand but I still have questions.
Since Komi is, in fact, bringing in around $7000 a month though this game, and they claim that they are working on it full time, I'm not sure how a lack of any kind of deliverable in over a year is justifiable.
Mate Komisari is a human. Spending more than 5 hours on a screen and programming, it's just hard. Monospace (programmer's favourite font) will strain your eyes real bad (personal experience) and he has a personal life, too ya know. Not targetting you in particular, but many people here are impatient.
Funding isnt an issue. you probably arent aware of his patreon. people can also support it here and other places too. the biggest reason its taking so long other than the fact hes practically a one man army making the game is that hes dead set on releasing each major chapter in full, rather than parts with monthly updates like alot of other devs do. And during that time hes making a bunch of other qol improvements to just about everything else. The story is very long, if you havent already noticed from the prologue, it takes alot of time especially to develop this kind of content on your own, and its not even about defending the dev, its just facts. Im surprised at how alot of devs in general do it. Personally I couldnt do more than 2 lines of code without screwing everything up and having a completely dysfunctional result. It has been a little over a year since the last HHG update, but i love the game and anyone who feels the same will have patience and wait as long as we need to for the next huge update to come out. Honestly the longer I have to wait the more pumped I am ;D
Men i have a question do you will add voices and sounds in the ecchi scenes ? It will be the best game if you do.
I am litteraly stuck in the game
I have spent 15 minutes looking for that stupid workshop in the guild house !!!!
Please sent picture of where it is
From the entrance, top door takes you to a room with loads of doors, one of the top ones. Should have some signs on it.
Thank you so much
And i feel REALLY stupid
bro beautiful game loved it.
and when can we expect the next version
This year, check thier Patreon.
The fucking chicken is gold. Jimmy is Brotastic. 10/10 would bro again.
Wish we can buy boots for jimmy
Love this game, what's here so far is amazing. But let me just say, since the last update I've moved out of my parent's house, joined the Marines, went through boot camp, got through job training, and have recieved two promotions. The game hasn't recieved an update in all that time. I'm excited to see what's next, but for a wait this long I'm expecting it to be very substantial.
Been loving this one thank you. :D Can't wait for what's next.. I really enjoyed what happened at the end, she's so darn sexy & cute! :3
Do you update this game yearly or monthly? I'm just curious. ^_^
I'm really serious, not joking. Do you really update this game monthly? :-)
Nope! I work on this game and the update will be uploaded whenever its ready!
Oh okay, I understand! :-)
So Tool-ly
Really Really great. loved the entire game to the point where i dont even care about H scenes that much anymore. The plot itself is enough loved all the characters. They feel alive and living not artificial. Loved the jokes super entertaining and funny overall i love it its super great thanks creator san i promise ill send a donation once i finish college and find a job
Even registered just to write a comment on this game
im aware im stupid but
ive looked, i searched it up, and i cant find any
buy logs from the old lady in the market and you get sticks from getting the fishing skill that lets you fish up trash
Jimmy and Kevin from What a legend gives off bro vibes.
Quién diría Komisari es argentino (?
Excelente juego, seguí así que tiene potencial. Por cierto, ¿estás haciendo todo el trabajo solo o tenés equipo?
PD: En android las escenas tiran a tildarse (no sé si será mi celular de apenas 2 ram), pero 10/10
The download for Mac is corrupted.
When i try too use the ACTION command on all charactes (Exept some exeptions) the manu reset its selfs , is this a regular problem or that fuctions is no yet in the game ?
The Action command is used to activate repeatable scenes that you have unlocked with that character. The characters that have these repeatable scenes will only allow you to select that scene at the appropriate time and location for that scene. For instance, if that scene takes place in the living room of the guild in the afternoon, it will only be selectable at that time and place.
Where can you get 0.1.3?
Is this game offline?
it's offline as in you don't need to be online to play it, big update is coming soon
UwU whats this game?
can someone give me a more detailed description of whats in the content pack?
I don't know what's the purpose of "Cinematic mode" but I think there should be a way to disable it. Please, there are players who have low end devices such as me, and the game keep crashing. In the Cinematic mode, I can't save and the scene was a minute long, so, before the scene end, the game crashes. So yes, I'm stuck at the forest with jimmy and some cute girl. I hope that you guys will take an action about this and not to encounter the same problem in the future updates.
Btw, the game is great and it makes me laugh. Keep it up!
The cause of the crashes is because in v0.1.2 I made a mistake and consumes a lot of ram.
Try to optimize your ram with an external app to see if you can get troughtout the cinematic.
In v0.1.3, cinematics are more friendly with the user and you will be able to skip them! I'm sorry!
Yes, It's okay. But, I'm thankful that you guys did an action about this. Good job!!
When do you do the new update? My donation is still pending uwu
like i think 😂. when i do it i think of myself as hacker for some reason 🤣
How do i lvl up sunny if there are no events left?
Sunny level 5 maximum for now
then how do you do the halloween event with her? She has to be lvl 6 and you need cupcakes