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(2 edits) (+17)(-17)

To anyone complaining about wait times 

- You are not special and the world does not revolve around you.

- The game is free, any sort of donation is optional so trying to argue that point is beyond stupid.

- Whatever weird unspoken rule anyone conjures up about the frequency of updates and trying to impose some imaginary deadline is also beyond stupid.

- Quality over quantity, if the creator wants to take their time making something better that is up to them not you.

I don't mind waiting an indefinite amount of time to come back to a genuinely well-made game in the future vs wasting my time on the other bad games on this site that just pump out poorly made garbage for either money or to appease people demanding frequent content. I am not going to name examples out of common sense and courtesy but I'm sure you can find them with ease. 

To end, be grateful for what's already there and that it's being made by someone who actually cares a lot about what they are making. 

Yes, this is a pretty simp post I know but man screw anyone giving crap about the wait. Especially for one of the few good games on here.

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

I agree I'd rather the next update be right the first time then have it rushed and need to wait for a patch to fix the bugs.




Totally agree




If anyone is complaining about wait times, they can just look at the average update time anyway. Between each update, it seems to be 3-5 months. 

Anyway, hoping next update has more Sunny, Ari, and maybe even Yinna the catgirl content. Def my fav 3 .

(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

"To anyone complaining about wait times 

- You are not special and the world does not revolve around you."

The biggest majority of people only ask when the next update is, because they apreciate the work.

There is only a verry small minority that act like shitty brat with no respect.

There is no date writen anywere for the next update, so people who want to know when the next will be ask in the comment section. It's literaly one of the main purpose of these coment, asking the dev things about the game.

And saying "i could wait all my life if someone told me they would give me something and i'm better than you" is immature, waiting blindly does not make you better than people that cant have the patience to wait a few month.

This way of acting always push people to become more toxic. It dosent even help for anything else than building a totaly toxic community.

In the end all of this could be resolved with a small sentence in the game's description saying "update are generaly x month appart" or "there is no sheduled date for the next update as it is a compte rework of all that was made."


I understand that you disagree with what I have said. That's fine but you are misquoting my words to benefit your argument against me. So you are not being objective about it at all.

Very strange to speak out for toxicity here too since my post is directly against toxic attitude.  Not only that but I would go further and say that what you are posting is far more toxic due to the way you are trying to gaslight me with things I never said and insulting me personally.

To be honest, all you really did here was contradict yourself. I still stand by what I said and argue that you are toxic and the reason I made the post in the first place.

Honest opinion. I hate the MC cause he acts like subaru from Re:Zero, but I still like the game cause of the immersiveness and plot of elves, beast and witches. Yet I still hate the MC cause he lacks a backbone.

Dude I don't wana play an op god like charecter leticia was about too teach him how too fight then that demon appeared plus I like subaru he might be weak true but he just got his 2 sin out off 7  so his incomplete. I hope this npc has demon blood or something case really 4 off the girls are older then 100 lol his father can be humen but I hope his mother is something that will let him live over a 100 years old  or like the mc in champion  of relm if u played it 

(4 edits)

No no I get ur part about being too OP but the only thing I hate about Subaru and this MC is their selfishness and the way they solve things in a very irrational way. The MC's almost broke his relationship with his trusted members when he can just do the hero thing and go back to his hometown while still having good allies on his back and knowing something stronger like the demon can pretty much beat him easily, he needs more than his just strength.

 For Subaru the guy literally thinks his in a romcom and already knowing he has potential he still doesn't gets the backbone to do something or atleast learn to defend himself and rather not having the other girls save him. He doesn't even got the mind to atleast know more about Emillia (idk if I got the girl's name right) and only just think she is cute and pretty. If he wants to protect Emillia then he got to atleast know more about her in a wider stance. He doesn't even probably know that Emillia's familliar creature is more than just a mythical creature.

Good Comment. Is their Femdom in this or anything? Sissy or any kind of Fem play? If there is, those traits are often associated with those kinds of characters.


Off topic but I can't believe you hate subaru. He is by far one of the best written characters OAT and both MCs weakness comes from the fact they are ACTUALLY weak. They rely on others because they know if they grow a "backbone" they will most likely end up hindering those who really are strong.

(1 edit)

It's just a personal thought then again I'm not also looking for an alpha MC cause yeah no one likes an overpowered hero or so. I get the part of taking advantage on ur allies powers it's not that bad I mean fate/stay night somewhat has it and it's not that bad. 

My personal point on Subaru tho is that he has too much selfish ego and tries to think very irrational. Idc if he gets himself killed I mean the guy never dies in time rule way, but his mistakes doesn't improve him which leads to sometimes getting the others in danger. 

This is just my personal thoughts but I still hate the part of him asking rem to just runaway with him even already knowing his inlove with Emillia. It's really scummy, I don't mind if he gets a harem, but don't treat them like that like jeez.

Also the part you said having a backbone and hindering the strong. It doesn't really matter much whether ur Op or lame what matters is that u don't act selfishly and not be a burden. I can't explain it much but it's just like Kazuma in Konosuba in a sense. The guy is weak af but he still does things in a safe and rational way and also using the advantages of his teammates.

Sorry, you just said Kazuma is weak... What??

I agree, the MC is pretty retarded tbh. I mean, yeah, all that stuff is new for him, but man, be more confident, enjoy the fcking situation, stop being a pussy about going home and bla bla bla. I hate this kind of script.


v0.1.3 gon be BIG! I CAN FEEL IT.

I hope his joking about 66 level girl cards  cause it was pain too make them level 10 plz  make  it max 30 atleast for each charecter 

Se podrá guardar el progreso entre versiones?

Wtf i cant do anytnig in midnight how can i skip the night !!!!

Sleep 😂


lol so was it only me who thought ari was hot when she smack Lucy around 


I hope he make u half demon on ur mother side lol it will be cool it kinda makes sense with the elf and 2 cat girls they are old lol


There is a hidden area go to park then go up right then left shes there


I'm sure u played dark souls 1 that so solaire meh still got the 1 gold coin for his head pat lol

(2 edits) (-1)

Best thing about this game was Ari going loco on Lucy about mentiong her partner when she thought he was dead really best girl for me is ari Lucy  sunny luna and Juvia so when is version 1.03 its been a year already 


I cannot live without Fara... 


Bro, u made me cry with that fucking ghost OMG, walking around during midnight IS SO SCARY!!!!

(1 edit)

Go to the lack at midnight, check the old stone thingy and walk back, click on the ghost before it dispear X)


I did that and I regret it, those scenes are very bizarre but interesting, is this possible character already implemented in the game or is this the most of her interactions?

for now there is nothing more or at least i found nothing and sorry for late reply i didn't saw the reply TwT

Lol u don't watch too much scary movies lol

For me this shit is very scary i hate those static

It's pretty cute tho :3


I hope there is more stuff with Sunny in the next update, she is my favorite in the whole game.

She is not my favourite, but i hope that too. She didnt got a lot of "screentime" in the game.


If you check just on top of the comment section there are two "Sneak a peek" post for the 0.1.3

You'll get your answer directly from Komisari in these post


I didnt saw them, oh boy, now i am even more hyped about the new patch.

there is. shes been shown in some sneak peks.

(2 edits)

I doubt its going to be the last bug but, if you are talking to someone and get out your fishing rod, time goes one but the dialog wont end, poeple who should despawn dont despawn and the light and surrounding doesnt change until you close the dialog after you got in your fishing rod. The fishing rod is REALLY buggy.

(1 edit)

And another bug, normaly you would be thrown out of the witch schop at night. But if you use your fishing rod inside of the shop and use it until night, you dont get thrown out of the shop, and so, you can be there at night and midnight.

(1 edit)

And, sometimes, the marker when you press the right mous button ore H get placed at a completly other spot. 

(1 edit)

There is a bug in the game, when you go to the door from the bath in the guilde or at the beach and peak. If anyone is inside and you can hear the water sound and than jump to the next time through the clock next to the times, the water sound can still be heard even if the person inside isnt longer inside. The sound goes away only if you life the door.

I have a question regarding the relationship of Lucy and Luna, they call each other partner, but they only look like good friend.

The same with the MC and (sorry i forgot her name...).

So is this partner things only used to say that they are bestfriend or are they more than this?

If they are more then why dont they sleep together? or simply just act more intimate.

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

It will get explained in Chapter 1!

But in summary; When someone calls other a partner, it means a "Battle Partner", a partner is someone you can fight together without any problem and have a good relationship.
Well, it's a little more complex, but it's just that; A Battle Partner.

Yeah things make sense now! Thanks for the answer. I'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter.

(1 edit) (+7)

I originally downloaded this on a whim, but I've honestly fallen in love with this game. Absolutely love the character and story even with its cheesy silliness. I can't wait to see more and the dev(s) should be very proud of their work! It's all crafted with far more heart than one would normally expect from other games in the same vein and it's a joy to play for many reasons. Also +10 points for having a fishing minigame. 

P.S. Lucy is best girl and praise the Jimmy!


i really like this game. good job <3


when will the next update be cause im loving this game


2022 ;P

I mean when in 2022

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

no ETA, not sure why people are downvoting. Komi said sometime in 2022, no specific ETA, yet. But its getting close to finish


ppl dumb for down voting like he trying to make it good so  he doesn't release something bad


i think they downvoted cuz they're frustrated from wait time or think that im fooling around but i wasnt


I have three questions how to unlock guild members love.  How do you solve fly like a bird with me she's never there.  how to solve the prologue i got all the girls max


for solve prologue u have to go to the bed and select end prologue for the question 1 and 2 idk

you have to have the guild member outfit card unlocked for her and find her throughout the day in the manner i dont wanna say more for that 


I don't know if you will see my comment or if you will understand me (I'm speak Spanish) but I have to say that... I love you, seriously, I'm having to much fun with this game, it make me laugh a lot of times, the scenes are awesome, the story is great and I always want to play more and more! And this is the first time that a game like this make me feel this! Seriously thank you and keep up with the good work! <3 

I also want to know if we are close to the next version of the game or if we will get pretty soon... Because I'm in love with your work! <3 thanks 


Thank you so so much! I'm Argentinian, so I understand Spanish, if you wanna make a comment in that language!

The next version is definitely close.


Oh OK... En resumen te amo <3 gracias por el juego <3

Oye sabes dónde de esta la library esq no la encuentro

(1 edit)

La library le tienes que pedís a los hermanos que reparan que te la construyan 

I love this game. Despite its demeanor and overall context, the story is really well made and the jokes have me falling out of my chair. My favorite was Kiuto(or however you spell it) when he said " Sqaure up, Thot" had me dying laughing


i really loved the game and practically devoured it in 2 days but i was kinda curious about the size 10gb for a vn is kinda excessive, not really sure if it's due to video or render's resolution...
anyway great work cant wait to see what's next i'm eagerly waiting for the next update!!!

will the 0.1.2 save work on the next update 0.1.3?


Yes! v0.1.2 saves works with v0.1.3!


great game so far but i was wondering if there was a way to change the relationship of the characters at the start so that my character doesnt call them caretaker of friend everytime he talks to them. it just kind of ruins immersion and playability for me.


Hello! Thank you! I'm sorry but there's no way to change the relationship of the characters.


Love the game. Cant wait for the new update!

Deleted 2 years ago

Release new content to make people happy and PAY? The game is free, you literally said it, there's a 2 week window that is only available for patron only for testing purposes. TWO WEEKS. I will be probably the only dev with a TWO WEEK window for patrons after a year and a half of development, and you keep saying I make this only to get more money? xD

You DON'T HAVE TO PAY to play the game or future content.

You say that I have a 7k of income for zero NEW playable content, and what about what I've made? What about the content that IS already in the game?

Regardless the messages you post, regardless the dislike you give to my comments, regardless everything you do, some people really like the game, and you won't change that with comments like these :)

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits) (+11)(-2)



7k worth is a litlle confusing , it is the amount of people donating that make it a lot and when you know there is 1500 person donating wich mean around 5per person it doesn't seem that much anymore .

there is just a high amount of people liking the game enough to think that the creator should be paid for it .


People can do what they want, live and let live. If they want to spend their money to support a project, thats their choice. Development time varies with everyone and their projects. Its nice for those who want their voice to be heard since not all agree, but its been said many times, yes we all know the update is taking a very long time, and everyone already knows this is a fan game from koi, theres many other fanmade games made from koi. Normally i wouldnt stick around this long for updates either, but hhg feels special to me, it may or not feel that way to others, so Im one of them who chooses to stick around and wait for the next quality update :b

i can't remember very well but i think he said quite time ago that after the rework of the prologue (if i remember he did a total rework of the prologue adding some stuff and enhancing the animations + added spanish language) there wouldn't be any content for a while so he can work on the story and stuff whitout have to update every month or something like that

Does older saves work on the latest version? I played on HHGv0.1.0 (public beta#1) and can't seem to load them on v0.1.2, but v0.1.1 seems to work fine with them. Saving on v0.1.1 using the old one also doesn't seem to make a difference for v0.1.2.

The game gets the error screen on load. Rollbacking once gives another error page, rollbacking twice crashes the game completely and ignoring the error starts a new game. After playing through the tutorial and getting to the bed so I could auto-save seemed to do nothing (can't find that save at all).

[...]heros-harem-guild\HHGv0.1.2-v0.1.2-pc\renpy\", line 63, in loads    return cPickle.loads(s)

AttributeError: 'StoreModule' object has no attribute 'MyGuild'

While running game code:  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 273, in script  python:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 277, in <module> renpy.call_in_new_context("_main_menu")

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__


AttributeError: 'StoreModule' object has no attribute 'MyGuild'

V0.1.1 or previous saves doesn't work with v0.1.2 ssaves! The game got completely reworked!

Ah, okay. Then I'll start over, the game was fun enough for that!


Firstly, I appreciate that you try to make the game humorous, and that you balanced the game's upgrades so it's genuinely fun to play!

I understand that game dev is really difficult, ESPECIALLY when the income is unstable, and continuing gamedev despite these pressures is in my opinion very admirable. Please take care of your mental and physical health above all!

I'm sorry if this advice isn't any good, but anyhoo, here's some of my feedback!

1) If possible, can fishing be more rewarding? Now that mining is available, it seems like it's a strictly better way to make money. If there can be an upgrade that allows you to catch, say, only rare or better fish, that'd be great! Alternatively, if you can "accidentally" catch a treasure that can sell for a lot, that also seems like a solution! On the topic of fishing, I feel like fishing is a tad over-tedious, and farming for fishing genuinely makes my hand sore (laptop).

2) After the prologue, is it possible to make depth-friendly capture targets? I feel like as of now the affection progression is a tad too story driven, and I don't really have the freedom to say, maximum invest actions into a certain girl. Being able to choose which capture target to maximum invest in is a very appealing gameplay element to me personally, though I wouldn't be so bold as to say it would be for everyone.

3) As of now, I feel like sending girls to jobs quite actively hinders the objective of the game; only guild members can be sent out, and guild members are primary targets to build affection with, so you're kinda punished for trying to advance the story and send people out for missions. I'm sure this will change once more targets are introduced and you're out of the prologue, but that's the feeling I've been getting so far.

Hi! Thank you soso much for your feedback.

1.For fishing there are planned future zones. For now, the lake is the one that has the hardest and valuable fishes, but in the next update there's a couple of extra fishing rods, some accessories, and a lot of new zones to fish.

2.It is not possible, I'm afraid. Hero's Harem Guild is a story driven game about a group, everyone will have time for their development of their stories, but it won't be possible to have like 15 levels of purely one girl. That will make the development almost infinite and won't let me really progress the story. The girls needs to interact and live with each other to progress, same with the MC or other characters.

3.The guild board is completely optional, you can send girls to missions and retrieve them anytime without a problem. Whenever you want to interact with a girl that you send to a job, go to the guild board and click her icon. She will instantly stop working and she will be around. But yeah, after the prologue you will have a couple of Guild Recruits that can work there, too!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thought I'd say this is a great game but I'm mad because now my standards are way too high for these kinda games, gosh darn it.

Also, team Evie 100%

Thank you so much! UwU

I think I found a bug, I was standing in Fara's dorm and hitting the time thing and when it hit midnight in said the file couldn't be found.


Its a known bug! Its fixed in v0.1.3!

Oh, okay just wanted to let you


Bro, what the hell. The last Update was in 2020. Why didnt He Updated the game?


Because I'm working on it.

Deleted 2 years ago

You know that frequent updates means more money, right?

I had almost double when frequently updating the game. But I don't want HHH to end up a 60hrs long game. That's why I'm taking my time to make it as great as possible, and also, to achieve the goal I imposed myself for the Chapter 1.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

The sneak peeks and most of the content of my patreon is free, too. :)

Man, you should have at least checked it.

Deleted 2 years ago

@Komisari if I wanted to help you with some of the simpler and less important stuff, like english translation/grammer how would I get ahold of you to do that?


Hello! For now I don't need it! Thank you so much!


Incredible game... Honestly, I didn't expect to be so invested in a story in a hentai game, incredible job ! And moreover you created this game alone ! You can be proud of you.
I have not much money so I can't contribute with money, but if one day you are looking for someone to translate the game into French for free (i'm French), I will do it with great pleasure. Keep it up !
(Team Lucy and Sunny by the way :) )


Thank you so much!

You would help me a lot with feedback about what you liked about the game, what you didn't like or what you would like to see!

When I look the feedbacks or suggestions from the others, I think we are on the same wavelength. So keep it up, take your time (not too much time either ;) ) and come up with a banger!

If I may add something personal, I'd like more scenes with Lucy and Sunny, and I'm looking forward to scenes with Ari and Narissa. And the story is very well scripted, funny. I love it.

Guys how to do the quest to get a new girl I need the last clues I don't know how to get it


Check with Granny Again. 


The prologue was awesome and funny, felt like i was watching a season of an anime especially with the ending. (And yes all the sex scenes were hot as hell)

ps. Lucy best girl.


Thank you so much!

Hola, tienen alguna fecha para la próxima actualización?



*Question, but with possible spoilers*

I have completed the entire prologue and unlocked every scene, but one. How do you unlock the "Guild Member's Love" scene with Lucy? I'm guessing it's the one while she's in her workshop, but it just comes up as "???❤" when I select actions with her there. Advice on this would be greatly appreciated!


Hello! Buy the GUILD OUTFIT card from Lucy!

Thank you!!


Dude r u alive?:d
Still waiting for new version but already forget all plot ahahahh


Hello, check Patreon, Twitter or Discord, there's lot of info.

there is a Russian language

Это вопрос или утверждение?)0

(1 edit)


Вроде нема

На хентай тян-е есть переведённая версия


Buen juego komisari te felicito, tengo una pregunta, agregaras voces a el juego en futuras actualizaciones?? 


yo, isn´t that koikatsu party?!

It's a fan-madegame with characters from Koikatsu, yes!

you are a fricking legend!

Is it made with koikatsu parti or sunshine? and with the studio?

Komisari what can be the expected file size of chapter 1 ?

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