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Is there a cheat to get all the way to the end? Because I restarted my computer, and since everything reset, no files were saved, and all my progress is lost. I would like to be caught up when the next update comes out, and I remember spending days going through this game.


If you spent "days", you are not great at fishing.


Until now I played 0.1.1 so far (I'd like to wait to start direct with 0.1.3 or whatever version comes next). This game is fantastic and so much more than an ordinary hentai game...with all the warm-hearted feelings and friendships sex scenes often are seccondary important to me compared to the main adventures.

My wish: Please don't change the intro music. And because Lucy and Sunny are my favorites, I waiting for new stories about them the most.


When next update coming I am wait for 5 months now 😢😢


I know... but other people (like me) wait for more than a year now! So, my friend - I'm afraid, we still have to be patient for quite a while...


This game is one of the best I've played. It's not only good because of the reason most people want to play it (via hentai) but the story and the different personalities of the each characters makes the game feel unique to others. Even though there may be small bugs and spelling mistakes, no one is perfect and it doesn't hinder the overall experience on the game. Those who want a good story game should give this a try.


Totally agree with you. Never seen something like this before!

Hey idk if im just dumb or what but i cant find out how to sell stuff

Go to any shop, and press the sell icon. It's beside the inventory of the seller. 

What is the maximum level of a character

Probably 10 but it's probably going to increase in another update

Thanks Bro

Deleted 329 days ago

The action button only works if you have unlocked an adult scene with that girl at that specific time of day and location. 

Example: Hitting action while in Lucy's workshop in the morning after viewing the adult scene there will replay the scene. 

Failure Example: Hitting action In the living room while Lucy is standing next to her bedroom door will do nothing, and reopen the choice menu.

If you have not viewed a scene with that girl in that specific place at that time of day, there is no action that can be taken there. The action button is kind of like a repeatable scene selector, and if there is no scene to repeat, the button does nothing.


Still waiting, hope we'll get a update soon ^^


I'm gonna admit I wasn't expecting much from this game. Knowing only the Prologue is available, and it hasn't been updated in almost two years... Made me almost adamant to even try it, even though the designs look good and the premise had potential.

I'm glad I went and played it anyways. I'll be talking from the experience of someone who has tried everything they could, unlocked everything they could, finished the main story up-to-date and read every possible dialogue available. I thought it'd be a short game, but it has a lot more content in just the Prologue than most games have in an actual Chapter. Makes me wonder why even call it a Prologue, instead of a Chapter 1, it's kinda misleading. I have also noted that the devs are still active in the communities and development for the game is still underway, so while I might need to wait some time more in the end patience will be rewarded. The characters are really charismatic and made me actually care for them, the meme humour is just right up my alley so I never found a dull moment while reading the dialogues, the pacing of relationships felt good in a sense that it's not straight up "new levels=new sex", we get to see more complex relationships not only between MC and the girl, but also between girls themselves and that is fantastic. Honestly, I've enjoyed quite a lot the journey.

Now, this is no perfect game by any means. I could also talk about some things that could (and should) be improved, or at the very least reflected upon. First of all being the fishing minigame. While I played on my phone the game lagged constantly, so much so that active reeling was almost impossible, and in other games I never had that kind of FPS issues, I'm able to play fast-paced-action games as well as rythm games so my guess is it's a problem of optimisation. But even on PC, it feels way too hard for the small reward that it entails, even with all upgrades and all items that boost fishing I still couldn't "discover" (fish once) a legendary-rank fish in the lake (I researched and found out it's called plague fish or something like that). The other legendary fish (which by the way is both more valuable in selling and has bigger impact in gameplay) I can barely catch in time if I get a good rythm manually reeling, which is fine, but the last one is straight up impossible for me with current tools available. I think either the minigame itself or the value of the rewards should be re-balanced a bit.

Second, there was something that felt a little out of place with the writing, and it's that the MC seems to have... contradictory behaviours sometimes. With some girls he's shy or passive, with some others he's assertive or even dominant. I get that's the kink variety, but it could be a little bit more natural. What I'm referring to is Shino's progression: whith other girls the pacing is slow and steady, MC and them get to know each other and build up a relationship before going for the lewds. Even Luna who's a horny cat didn't jump at him (nor did he jump at her) too quickly. And he hesitated a little even after learning about Evie's masochistic tendencies. But with Shino I think it only took like 2 levels and he directly skipped to dicking her like a dominant alpha or something. It would have made more sense if at least he got to know or show an internal monologue reaching the conclusion, that she's a submissive thirsty b*tch. We do see her at first being a little too proactive, which supposedly scared away the MC and made him question if it wasn't going too fast. Well... immediately after he's the one acting like that, and it felt a little weird.

I also wish it was a little clearer what I had to do to finish the last step in the Misdirection quest. I spent days (in-game) trying to talk to everyone and visiting every corner while pressing the skip time button and nothing happened. I had to look up on the internet that you have to "travel" to the Ruins at Midnight, not just "be" there.

Apart from those minor issues, I think the game is really neat and I'm expecting very good things from next update. The potential is there and it seems like it's already been done quite great until now, if done right this could easily become of my top 5 of the erotic genre.


Thank you so much!
Most of the problems you say are fixed and will be presented in Chapter 1.

The fishing got better performance, it should work way better now. The Plague Fish is a bug, or, I should say, my bad. Because the "ticks" required to catch it are more than the ones available to get, with the most possible speed and all items. So yeah.

The prologue was made in the spend of 1 year. The first Shino events were created when I wanted the game to be a "haha sex game" that's why it's ultra rushed and kinky. In chapter 1 I tried to be more natural. Of course, the MC will say different lines and act differently based on the girl to vary kinks a little bit, but I didn't like the Shino events and will probably be changed.

And it's called prologue because it's an introduction to the main cast and a "settlement" of the MC in the guild. From the end of the prologue, you know that the home of the MC is the guild and Sealed Town, and, he already gets to know most characters and interacted with them. The Prologue had no antagonist to stop the MC's foot from being the Hero of the guild or something, there were only internal problems, but no more than that.

Chapter 1 has way more content than the prologue, and there will be problems, of course!

Thanks for the reply! It's reassuring to know that we're thinking alike and the game will get even better and better with time. I know development takes time and effort and I want to thank you for taking yours to make this game possible :) 

(1 edit)

Where do i find jimmy? I have been looking for him everywhere and i still cant find him. 

You can find him in the Market from Morrning till Afternoon

I mean he went missing. I have looked in the lake,  market, everywhere in the guild house and pretty much every other place. Of course the side stories and other things are nice.. But i wanna progress the main story too.

Go to that stairs location where Luna stays at night (forgot what the location is called). Just keep going up the stairs and you should get a cutscene. If nothing appears then you probably have to do more tasks or level up the girls more.


Anyone know how to 'wait for a while' Ive been waiting for a very very long time now and i dont know what to d

Just do other things, pass the time. Event will happen in a few game days.


I love this game. I come to look at this page an see if it's been updated every month or so.


I went through the entire prologue not knowing the skill system existed and  I cannot explain how much pain I felt the first time I clicked that book besides that 10/10 game


Okay I just finished the prologue and I have MAJOR issues with the ending...maybe this is a result of where anime plots are going but the MC personality is all over the place and that how he deals with the demon...and her shrinking....there's just some really BAD developments overall with the story where it starts to go well and then something stupid happens. The game itself is great but my god these plots definitely make me put the game down. It feels wacky like some anime RP on gaia online where the plot goes crazy all of a sudden because of a lack of input. I guess I have set a high bar for this game but everything else is on point but...


Hello, remember it's the prologue, it's a setup for what will happen in Chapter 1
I took way more time to think about the story and development of the characters on chapter 1, I hope you like it.

I hope you don't take it the wrong way and I do understand what you mean...that was just my personal feelings because I really enjoyed your game and I AM excited for the next installment. I just wanted to give my honest opinion about it but the fact you came up with it yourself is impressive and I probably should have said that. Very good game tho. I apologize if I offended you but that kinda threw me off a little bit. No hard feelings.


Hey, it doesn't offend me, any, ANY type of feedback is good. It helps improve the game, I'm aware that the prologue has some... issues about the story.

If you don't mind, would you like to let me know what exactly you didn't like about the story? And how maybe you think it could be better!


How do you unlock Lucy's workshop or are there rooms that aren't available in game in the guild. I keep trying to get there


New version when

when it's ready ;p

Love what the game looks like. I'll make a video about it soon.


I'm worried.


was the update delayed for 1.3 or not?


there was never a delay. komi is taking as much time needed to ensure its the best update ever. its gonna feel like a whole new game

(1 edit)

Can someone help me? how to complete this quest?

sleep once or twice that fixed it for me

This Right? okay, maybe I got a bug, hopefully after the next update I can solve it..

Click on finish prologue. You will see a last event and that's it for the next update.

Ah i see, so the last scene is the quest right? Ok then thx for replyy

Can you give the link of your savedata


Hey there, thanks for your awesome game, I really like it and the characters you brought to life!

I'd like to ask, if that's fine with you ofc, how you created the animated characters (I know koikatsu, for h-scenes etc), but when you're talking with them with their different animations, be it idleing, grinning etc. I really would like to know more about it since you've done (imho) a good job with it!

Lucy best Girl <3

Thanks for your dedication and keep it up!

How do I unlock Delilah? And the room for the house that Im missing, I already did the last prolongue.

(1 edit)

Is this a bug or do i have to finish criminal storyline

Edit: its a bug i finished the misdirection and its still like this

Try sleeping multiple times.

hey, I've tried several times but nothing happens

It worked for me thanks

does anyone know how to get this shilny thing? 

Check the lake during the day. The small plants that are floating on the lake.


does anyone have advise on how to run this on Mac os


Fingers crossed that 0.1.3 will be out by my b-day.

When's your b-day?

August 9th.


i feel like its too soon. but who knows, we'll see it when its ready :d


Happy Birthday xD


Happy Birthday!

Why does nothing happen when I click on the action button?


Jimmy is an absolute legend!!!


I grinded for so long to get to headpat jimmy and i finally did it

Best headpat in the game for sure


I tried on Patreon it still says forbidden for some reason

Why does it say forbidden when I download it again?


Jumpscare warning for those who are looking for Evie and end up going to the lake? Ngl it scared the hell out of me I didn't even chase the shadow all the way to the left I just tpd back to the guild

How do I get 15 small twigs/sticks for the quest I've looked all over the map I don't know how to obtain this so that I could go to the next prologue

I need help

Get the Fishing perk tree unlocked and get the "Fish Anywhere" perk, next equip the Rod anywhere outside of water, done


(4 edits)

I am Dating Lucy and it Tells me to wait for a while but nothing happens  what should i do?

Also will there be an Linux version?

I also found a bug

I really need help

I'd assume "wait for a while" means progress the storyline or something, so just keep playing. That's my guess, at least.

well i am far more into the story now but still nothing happend


this looks a little like koikatsu-

oh boy are you in for a treat then xD


what percentage complete is the game?


Is this game abandoned?


No, they have both a patreon, twitter and discord where they're keeping us updated with progress. It's just taking time.


oh I thought it's abandoned. Thanks for Reply!

stay updated in the discord and you'll see it isnt, komi talks about the status and gives snek peks quite often, he usually only posts here and patreon for major stuff


bro jusking if this games updates and u have the older version hpow u gonna install the new one without losing  your progress on the game?

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