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Where is the library?

Unless I missed something on my play-through there's only one, and it's in your room. Not select-able but when it's mentioned that's where to go.

This is another room, u need to build it. Go to quintuplets (those stupid brothers), buy paper in clothes shop (Helen).

Im having trouble when downloading the Mac version, it downloads fine and extracts fine as well, but won't allow me to actually open the file. Anybody have any thoughts or give me some advice?

Hey i had a similar problem and this youtube video helped...


why when i press the "actions button" it takes me back to the "talk, actions" menu ?

Coz this button often do nothing. It is a "new" feature yet, implemented for future stuff, so girls have "actions" only in a few places.

What Aandred said. Basically, action is the button you hit in order to repeat a repeatable scene. For example, if a repeatable scene occurs for the first time in the morning in the living room, then it can be played again by talking to the same girl in the living room in the morning on following days. Talking to the same girl in the living room in the afternoon and hitting the action button will do nothing, because no event happened with that girl in that location in the afternoon.

Just reading it, it sounds convoluted and confusing, but in practice it's fairly straightforward. Experience an repeatable event with Lucy that you would like to see again? Speak with her in the same place at the same time of day and hit action, and the scene will repeat itself.


when is 1.3?


when the dev stops playing genshin impact


I do not play multiplayer/gacha games; they consume way lot of time :(


lol xd

Deleted 224 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Hello, the game is still being worked on.


Where do u put chest codes in at


how do i input cheat codes such as gimme money


Money is really easy to get, so no cheats for that, or anything else, i think. Just put girls to work on guild table and go gather fruits and flowers.

how do you get "build member's love"

Also wondering. I found her on Monday morning in the workshop but the option is greyed out

U need to unlock Lucy's card, a picture with guild outfit. To do so, u have to save some money, so it's kinda bonus scene. :)

What's up with the huge size difference between android and PC? it looks like a pretty big game itself but the size difference is a bit weird

This game uses prerendered scene, and a lot of them are not reusable for other context. That means, every (cut)scene is just one frame/image. What makes the difference is that, the PC version is full high definition resolution while android is less than that. Bigger resolution = bigger size of image. This game really need some optimization, since this game's size is bigger than a lot of games that has more feature.


tl;dr: android compressed pc not compressed

Why won't my halloween event trigger. All my characters are maxed and i've been going to market every night since lucy is lvl 5.

Im now finished the game completely. I checked every day on market night halloween event wont trigger. Can developer maybe respond or if someone knows whats the problem


according to the Halloween post, its only active around  October 31st to December 24th. I'm not playing that event yet, but, if you insist wanted to play it without doing some tedious hack, just change your PC date around those date range.


hey Komisari how's the update coming along we haven't gotten a situation update in a while, just checking?


I can't explain it. The game is poorly translated/written, the protagonist is dumb, and everything is just a bit silly, but... I. Love. This game. It's the only game in my entire life (I've been playing video games since I was 2, and I'm now 30) where I've literally felt an emotional attraction to a fictional character. I even teared up at parts of the story. And yes, there are some pretty cool and unique gameplay mechanics as well.

Thank you for making this, Komisari!

P.S. I have a question for you:

How much would it cost to implement a character customization feature? Where you can change the protagonist character model's hairstyle, color, eyes, face shape, etc. I'm willing to fund this either in part or wholly on my own.


Hello! Thank you so much.
Sadly, the main character can't be changed, that's the way he is. HHG is a linear story where I want people to talk about characters without having any variants.

As of v0.1.2, the MC looks kinda ugly. This gets bastly improved and I aim for him to look pretty cool and be able to be to the pair of other characters. And remember, he's extremely dumb because he doesn't have that much knowledge about the world he lives in, as he was just a farmer and didn't care about anything else.

Give him time, you will like him!

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

Well, I'm right there with you guys on the hype and enjoyment of this game. 

However it IS a bit disappointing to see that there's been no activity in versions for some time now. I looked up on google for help with Delilah's quests, and yeah I found the answer. I also saw right under that post someone answered a question about something, and that it probably wouldn't be available until 0.1.3. That post on Reddit was over 2 yrs ago, so I know that things have been dormant for at least that long.

Now excuse my demeanor on this, but my insomnia's kept me up for 3 days so far, and that's how long it took me to install and finish this current build from start.

*I believe story-wise anyway. Still working on adding points to the girls until I just can't anymore, to see just how much I can squeeze out of this.*

There's not too many really good games left out there lately, so I'm hoping this one gets at least a little more love and not die completely.


Agreed, not many games out there with such amazing game mechanics and stuff like this.


I hope this excellent project can continue,But I can only wait now.This game has its own unique characteristics


The project is still ongoing, just at a very slow pace, there have been more than a few updates on Discord here and there.


March is here! woop woop roll on Chapter 1!

he won't deliver.

Isn't March only when he's projecting the late Christmas event to be completed? I was under the impression that it's completely separate from the main story update that's way overdue.


I logged to an account I made maybe a 2 years ago and abandoned just to leave a review, or more of a comment but whatever. This is just amazing. I started my run, I think early September 2022, and I barely finished the content in November 2022. Yes, I did take breaks every so often, but I played 3 times every month. There is so much content and the story, is well a good story. Don't let the impatient people bring you down, this game is fantastic, even if it is a hentai game. All I ask is, more Lucy scenes, please.


does it contain pregnancy?




dam :(

one of the best nsfw games ive played its pretty fun


its not updated yet? when will appear the v0.1.3 ?  i really want to see it:3


Dev just announced that it ll be somewhere in march


Still earlier than HalfLife3... :D


until now.. in december he said january, in february he said february and now he said mid march.. i just want honesty not false hope..


Honesty wouldn't pay a salary of an aerospace engineer.


Quality takes time. Accept it or leave it


that mentality is just wrong in this case though, he's failed to set proper dead lines for himself and just keeps on adding content so that the delays are justified which delays the release even more
over 2 years without an update is one thing but him giving false etas and promising a "surprise" that is never delivered is another


As much as i get it, and trust me, I GET IT, if he's actually working on it, then it's best to just let him work and hope he's not splurging on Pokémon Cards with the money...


I imagine it is honesty, but just vast underestimating by the dev. That is, it is not dishonest if someone really bad at math claims 2 + 2 = 5. But I get what you mean

Deleted 355 days ago

This is incorrect, if you check the dev's discord server, the christmas update that was started on October 31, 2022 is due out in mid-march or later, NOT the 0.1.3 update.  

We have no date for the main update at this time, the plan was to continue working on the main update in January after the christmas update was out but that seems less likely with him trying to put the Christmas update a bit later.  let's not get spread false rumors and get people excited about something that is likely still some distance away.

I seem to be having a save game problem (android). I updated the game, and when I try to load up a save, it just hits me with an error screen. Rollback does nothing. Is it location specific, where the last save before an update should be? Should I reinstall the old version and save somewhere. I really don't want to lose all my progress. 😢

love the game but cant find twigs anywhere


there is a skill that lets you use the fishing rod anywhere and that allows you to get twigs


After playing this game for days on end, this game is actually entertaining and fun compared to most games that I play.  It's a little tricky to understand at first but now I have a rhythm going for every day (in the game) and its such a smooth sentimental concept.  I can't wait for more updates!


Just wanted to say that i love this game so much, keep up the good work Komisari. We will wait patiently until the next update.

(1 edit)

Thid game is good..but..its super laggy at RAM 3GB in android version always freeze in 10 second when i click anywhere or could you tell me what recommended specs for this game?


I believe the lag issues are fixed in the next version. I wouldn't recommend any less than 6gb of ram personally I have 8gb and 12gb on my devices and havent had any freezing issues


If you want to do a quick and dirty solution, write a launcher to configure things like image cache sizes and various other settings.  Some quick configuration tweaks and suggestions given detected hardware resources should provide an adequate performance boost.  Reading O'Reilly's High Performance Python couldn't hurt, and there are some Ren'py performance guides too.  When in doubt check out what the Eternum Dev is doing.


btw komisari is the update you are working on and want to release in january- februa- nah in the 21ist century just the "christmas event" or chapter 1? because if it is the just the christmas event.. WHY you have all year for that we just want chapter 1, the event is just like an extra


He's working on the chapter 1. Im sure its gonna be worth the wait


Hopefully, the discord announcement just soundedn like he will release the christmas event to shorten the wait for chapter 1, which he will release in like autumn... just wish there was more communication

(1 edit) (+1)

I stumble upon this game by accident, at first, i'm just curious, i thought the first 15 minutes would straight up to the "content" i expect from this type of game, but, man, i got invested to the lore. I know there some cheesy part of the story, but overall, its quite interesting. I like the comedic relief in between of event, the aesthetic reminds me of Gensh!n !mpact, and more "adult" character rather than lolis. I cant stand playing games or watching anime that gets you drowned with lolis, makes you feel like child molester.

Ohh, the porn part? its quite rewarding after long progress towards the end. Just suggestion, the game assets need some sort of compression optimization or other workaround. The pre rendered scene is quite big and takeup huge spaces. Maybe the pre rendered background separated from other object. Recycling the camera position from each scene, so, you just need to render the model and reuse the background again. If you want to, you can go wild by making it parallax, giving a depth to the scene. The only downside of this method is that you have to give each objects position relative to the background of scene.

Keep up the good work man!


Thank you so so much!

(1 edit)

Komisari i just find this game a few days ago and i have to say i love it so far i cant wait to see what you do with the updates to the game 

also if anyone know how to update the game while on android cause this is one of the first games I have downloaded off of here and I don't wanna lose my progress to update it


Just download the update and install it. It will update the game and keep your progress.

also, anyone know where to talk to the demon after you talked to them the first time with ari?

Market? at night?

she says to find her on a cliff but there is no cliff destination that i can see thats my problem

Continue the story, then when u go to bed at midnight u have the option to "continue prologue" or something like that, then u just click that.


it may already be on pateron now idk 


guess mid march we get an apology that it won´t be released in february?


At the rate updates go in this game, probably Christmas in July. 🤣


He is a one man army working on the whole thing. Not to mention he calls himself a "lazy" developer with big ambitions :p


Is this game still being worked on or has it been abandoned?


I believe its worked on, but its a lot of work.

What have been reduced on the android version. I mean, its 8GB difference.

You see this with a ton of these games. Images might be lower resolution and the downloads might be compressed to account for your smartphone's much smaller drive capacity

Is it better to play the android version or windows version with joiplay

Your phone doesn't have enough screen space to need the full sized images that come in the Windows version. Additionally the emulation layer can cause lag and errors, so I'd stick with android. 


It's a good game howeve I have one little complaint

The sex scenes! They have no sound effects, it's really awkward and brings down the quality by a large margin.


When this game was published, sound eff. were uncommon, i think it was harder to make then. Maybe Komi will update that stuff, i hope so.

Aaand there is another major flaw! - Catgirl has no tail!


I didn't really expect much, but this is actually very good work! I'm now looking forward to the progress you'll all make dev(s)!


This was certainly an interesting game. The plot's pretty decent for being a glorified porn game. Hopefully 0.1.3 is still in development, I'd like to see where this goes.

What exactly do I have to do in the prologue mission? Apart from the fact that I have not been able to level up Rebeca, I have her at level 3 but I have not been able to make her rise I have already completed all the missions I had so far, I just need to finish the prologue but I don't know exactly what to do, on the other hand I already have 2 of the girls at a high level But I lack the others and for this I need Rebeca at a higher level and that is what I have not been able to achieve 

At the end of prologue, most girls will have lvl 10, so u clearly missed some events and content,  check the hints in girls tabs.

What happens is that I haven't been able to do even part 1 of the prologue mission because I don't know what I have to do, I mean, in a few words, I haven't started the prologue mission, I'm stuck at point 1I have gone everywhere at all hours but I don't know exactly what to do, I have the girl on the beach at 5, I have the housewife at 5, but what is Rebeca, and the other two girls I haven't I have because they ask me to raise Rebeca but she doesn't level up 

(1 edit)

So, to be sure, Rebecca is the blonde girl in church.  At first u just have to talk with her to get lvl 1, then spend time and talk for lvl 2.  Again spend time, and the task will be to recruit more girls for guild, that wud be Shino (in the bar) and Lucy (cat girl, in dojo at night). Then next quest shows up; "Find Jimmy", u will get another girl with that. After that, task is to "visit Rebecca at church" - this gives lvl 3. Spend some time with her, and (the task) "visit her in the evening", this will give lvl 4.

I hope it will help u.

okay thanks

Those are the girls I have so far, but I haven't been able to move on. Shino is at 1 because you couldn't advance and Lucy is equal to 1 and Rebeca is still at level 2 and the other two are up as far as I could but I don't know what else to do, I need a girl according to what I read in your comment but I have already gone to all places at all times and talked to everyone at all possible times and there is nothing, no event happens, nothing happens 

here the level of the others 

My bad, i wrote wrong name, it is LUNA - cat girl, u dont have her yet (she's next to Fara on ur screen), and u will find her in DOJO location. U can go there at MIDNIGHT, if not, talk with Lucy or Rebecca. :)


Komisari I have been following your work for a while now. And I would like to say that among all these kinds of games, I start by playing your game first. And I feel lucky to play your game for the first time. It's a very good first impression.

from following you I found that you have done a lot of work for this game. You try to give the best to the players. and me as a player I would like to thank game developers like you for trying to give us the best game experience. because you work hard I'm worried about your health. don't forget to take care of yourself wish you good health.


If my writing is weird I apologize. I'm an Asian who studies English.


Hello! My native language is Spanish, but I can understand you correctly!

Thank you so much! Health is extremely important and, of course, my priority over everything.


Can someone tell where is the girls desk thanks


(1 edit) (+1)

The girls deck is the heart button at the top right corner.


What exactly do I have to do in the prologue mission? Apart from the fact that I have not been able to level up Rebeca, I have her at level 3 but I have not been able to make her rise

Keep completing other quests and leveling up the girls.


god when is 0.1.3 going to come out


two years!


damn it was just getting good for this game to.

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is this going to be like valorant that this game is a prototype then few years later the next update would be full fledged game?


Not full-fledged, but it will be pretty long.

ten years later…


Where can you get the paper to rebuild the library?, also where do u buy beach clothes

Shop in the market infront of granny

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