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Komisari, do you have a Discord Server for the Game?

Yes, check the game description! I'm talking there 24/7.

i love this game but the last update is very crash

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how do i the last quest in Misdirection, to unlock Delilah

my old saves doesn´t work. 

any suggestion?

start anew. Any saves from before this new update (V1.2) aren't compatible with 1.2+.

thanks but how do i save in the new game i did´t find a way to do it

while in the game, you just right click and click on one of the save slots. It should be the same in the previous updates.

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure saves on PC transfer automatically, but saves from before 1.2 aren't compatible I'm pretty sure. If you still want to learn how to transfer saves-
Go in your HHG files, then click the game and then the saves folder. If you had saved in the first slot, the save should be

anyone have any idea what the console command is to get money ? tried some that the dev said but those were before 1.2 update and i tried save editor but idk what the money line is for gold and the rest

might be slow but i found the line in the save editor, but I still want to know the command for the console ?


For al of you who are experiencing lag during play through in version 1.2. The new rendering high res textures are putting a heavy draw on your video. To compensate without losing quality. Increase your refresh rate on your video card. Also use multisampling on your anti-aliasing. Also it would be a good idea to set your video to be dedicated to your game. Having it split between your computer, and the game reduces the graphics rendering. Higher end cards this is not so much of a problem, but on your lower end cards it really strains them. Also under windows options you can dedicate some of your ram to video as well to assist your GPU. Keep in mind before you complain that your computer may not be on par with Komisari's. As a game designer they try to bring their vision to life, and can't please everyone. Not only on performance issues, but also on game play. If you still have issues you can always lower the quality of the graphics. I will not go into detail about my rig, but I had no problems with the play through, and thought it was great. Sometimes when the screen goes black. Give your rig a mulligan, and let it catch up to the graphics. It don't always crash when games do that. Try to support Komisari for their dedication to give you a free game, and not bash them for something "You didn't pay for!". Sorry for raising my voice, but I was afraid I wouldn't be heard over the complaints. Great job Komisari, and keep up the good work. Can't wait to see naughty Mrs. Claus Lucy for Christmas.


I don't have an insane build, quite out of date actually, but my 1060 should be fine running this without problems. I don't think it's my gpu but the optimization on the game. I've always had relatively "weird" fps on this game and I have no clue why. When my game is idle/when my cursor isn't moving around, it's at a stable 200-210. When I move my cursor, it drops down to an astonishing 20 or even lower fps.

Hello. This is a bug I'm trying to fix!

I Always Quit The Game When The Scene Black Out


Am I the only one whos got a lot of lag during gameplay on the 1.2 version?


Nah Man Im With You Well Im Not Just Lag But It Makes Me Left The Game

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can i move my saves to the newer version or is it not possible..? also the game is so wonderful that even without the porn i keep playing it -w-


I'm pretty sure any saves before V1.2 aren't compatible.

sooo redo? welp... gotta go fishing again

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I'm no expert, but for everybody wondering about the Android version and why it keeps crashing, I have no clue, but Komisari is working very hard to fix this (as I have seen on the discord server) and from what I have heard, these should be fixed as of the next update. Here is the discord server if you are interested:

Spanish version does not work well

I like the game but now I don't understand it, it goes into English and Spanish at times

I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this on android or it might just be me but Ive had 3 crashes happen, it wasn't at specific points just random but I won't lie my phone isn't exactly the newest so yeah. Other than that the game is great especially the exp and the ability tree so great work. 

the game comes out when I'm doing something, and in order not to lose the progress it saved it but after a while it comes out again ... can you explain to me why or how I can fix it on Android?

1.2 for the Android keeps going to a black screen and the only way to get past it is to close the game. Then I can get past the part where blacked out but it'll black out again if you scenes later. Also it doesn't want to go to the menu to continue your game it starts over every time and I have to get to a point where I can select the menu and then load my game.

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IDK but why map icon and days icon is gone in the middle of the game.

Anybody have any idea....


hey so how much would i have to pay to get a custom sunny scene, and how exactly would that work? shes my fave girl and I have had a scene in mind for quite some time now

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You would have to go to Komisari's patron page in order to figure that out. I'm assuming you will have buy a certain role.

i may be stupid but where is the library. i remember in the v.1 there was like sqaures to get there hut im kinda lost

For library, you have to purchase it and after purchased, a option is came "quick map" through which you can able to go library.

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You have to go to the ruins at midnight, don't go there and then wait until midnight because that won't work. You MUST go there after it has already turned midnight.

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I Have a question how do i get halloween candys???

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You can get them from fishing and foraging, you can also send guild members like Lucy or Luna to go fishing (after you buy the contract from Rebecca) and there's a chance that they can turn up with the stuff your adventurers bring back.


Hello , anyone know how pass "Misdirection Quest" that one with 5 clues...
I got Granny , Maia , Yinna and Rebecca at night.... missing one.
I was think last is from Luna what's seat at roof in night... but she dont appear anymore :/ any ideas?

Luna at night. Check she's not working.

make sure that u havent kept luna working,

 then at night go to map and go to market

 then at the top of helens shop (cloth shop) shes at the roof

Why i download the game it Failed...I Have a good connection and i have 10GB free space...I try to download again

finally andro

tysm komiii

Why Am I Download It Always Failed My Memory Space Was Still Alot?


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If anybody played v0.1.2 again from starting 

plz put save file here....

Thanks For The Android Version Of The Game....Thank You Very Much🥺

I went to the market at night, then how I do the candy

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In order to activate the event, you must get Lucy to level 5, go to the market at night (or midnight, can't remember) then from there you will get a quest (not gonna spoil it) and to activate the event again after that, you just click the cupcake platter on the table in the park at night. *NOTE* You must have enough Halloween candies to unlock certain scenes for certain people.

I can't play it, some time into the story it just closes

Thanks for making this game, it shows that you have a lot of love for this game since it is not only porn, it has a plot, comedy, drama, good music, character evolution, the game is so entertaining that the porn is left aside and you want to know how it goes to develop, really to create this game, if I could I would donate so that you could continue with this marvel of game

More Sunny pls,  nice game

The Android version finally dropped!!!! Hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyype!!!!

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It's a nice game. But there's a problem/bug with the quest of Fara. I'm stuck at lvl 1 with her and cant get higher. Has anyone an idea how i can solved this?

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If you look at your quests or in the girls menu, it should say wait until Wednesday for a special event

I have seen negative comments due to the lack of translation into Spanish, take your time with releasing the game to Spanish for a few days, weeks more nothing happens that is nothing I have waited 4 months in games for them to update for the same problem that is only one person be proud of your work, not everyone can do less than two language. EXCELLENT GAME I will never tire of saying it.

What do i do with the halloween candys?

you need go tuthe park in the night and press tha cup cakes in the table

Do you mean the park at the market? I can't seem to find the table nor the cup cakes


Could you maybe post a screen shot where you found it? I really can't find the cupcakes 

I'm stuck on the final quest of the prologue, it says to max out levels with Lucy, Rebecca, fara, Luna, evie, shino, sunny, Leticia, Ari and Elizabeth. I've done that, I cannot talk to any of them further and all of their levels are maxed and say "there are no more events for this character in 0.1.2". There are a bunch of question marks after it says reach max level with the girls, which i assume means there is one more thing to do. However, I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong and why I haven't "completed" this part of the quest. Help? Pls

Go to the bed, click "Finish Prologue"

I've pressed that already, the quest still remains unfinished afterwards for me.

Because v0.1.3 is not available. That's the end of the game, of the prologue.

Is there a way to equip items on your fishing rod, (bait, buoy, hook, etc.) or is it as long as it's in your inventory then it's equipped..?


Check the item's description!

ohhh thanks I skipped over that my bad

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