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I couldnt click the small box when i started the game to verify myself for beeing over 18. I tried it on the android version, any tips? :3

Try it multiple times!

it worked, tyvm!

(1 edit)

Welp i've put 8 hours into this and i realize just how lonely i actually am ;3; Jimmy is the best though, how do I get gold so I can give him head pats?

edit: Poor Lucy :( when the heros family comes to the guild house and Lucy was crying because of Ari I UGGH WHYY THE FEELS ;3;


Hahaha, to get gold you have to get 100 silver. That's a lot of money! Are you sure?

Thanks! For Jimmy 100 silver is worth it. DEUS VULT !

when will this marvelous game come out in spanish



how do i solve the mystery and Face the thief?

(1 edit) (+2)

Could someone send a link to some tutorial on how to transfer progress to the next version of the game?

With version 0.1.2 you have to start over unfortunately. It's because there were so many changed to the core game that the old saves would not work.

from version 1.12 to the next one

Okay well don't quote me on this but you should be able to go into your games folder and pull the entire save folder out before you delete it and then put it back in the same location once you download the new version. Isn't anything you should need a video tutorial for.

Hello I have a suggestion for the next update, you know the bandit in the ruins you should add a quest to gain her trust and then she will let you explore more of the cave. Also in the misdirection quest I'm stuck on the finding clues part of it I've talked to luna,Maria,Rebecca,and Yinna but I can't seem to find the other clue can anyone help me on that??

Talk to Granny!

I'm stuck on the same quest, after Delilah leaves the final part is to confront the thief but I cant find where that happens. Is it still in development? 

Amazing game btw, cant wait for the next update 

In This Game I Learnead To Hate "Force Close"

how do i get the guild members love scene with lucy?

You click the actions thing when shes in the workshop in the morning, you might have to buy her character card (not sure)

(1 edit) (+1)

Just finished the new update, and I have to say that I was just as invested in the story the second time as I was the first. I especially appreciate all the new events and mechanics added to the prologue to help keep things from being too much of the same, even if the ending still was. 
PS: Fara and Evie's sections of the epilogue still hit like a Freight Truck
PPS: Are there any events in the chain after that one at the lake? I tried looking everywhere at midnight but I couldn't find any more
PPPS: Jimmy still best girl.

Need help on unlocking evie's scene on the festival of the dead. I still can't unlock it. 

1. I've already maxed all girls

2. I have more than 30 candies

3. I've already finished the prologue

You have to check the other 2 events.

I downloaded the new Version and tryed to copy the save datas from the old Game in to the Game Datas from the new Version but i just keep getting the same error report is there a support where i can post this i dont understand most of the error page

You can't use old saves.


Will this be the Case for the next updates too?

In Android I download but when I try to install it does not install.  What I can do?

it has to do with your google settings on the browser, you need to check off the unknown sources thing, but honestly getting it on most androids isnt worth it, when I tried on android before i could only get about 3 minutes into the game before it kept crashing.

i want to ask if the new update release i have to download the game again?


How long Ver 0.1.3 release?

same i want to know

Same too

So I came across a couple problems on the Android version 1. It doesn't automatically load the main menu it just goes straight to starting a new game upon launch and 2. It's crashing every 2 mins at every scene what little I could play looked amazing but it's just not playable at this point I hope it gets fixed

(1 edit)

are the character cards for this game available? Theyre really nicely designed

So everytime there's an update will we need to replay the game again?? Just wondering :))


How do I start the Halloween event? 

Lucy lvl 5!

How long Ver 0.13 release?

I can't download the game

Android device 

Its stopped when it's reach 900 mb download i tried a lot and still i cant 

I had a Windows / Linux pc version that almost crashed and the download crashed for no reason

problems with the halloween event and other stuff

1) came to the point were this night of the dead something event started
the corresponding character cards became unlocked but the prices were enorm compared to the speed you can farm these candies

could start the sun event with sunny even ehen - iirc - the required effection was one level bigger then what you can reach in this version

before doing the other events I wanted to raise the levels of the other girls but for all of them it said "continue on with the prologue" - so I did - but with the next main story events and the the start of the new girls questline all the event related stuff dissapeared from town but the quest is still in in the questlog?!?

2) the map for sending guild members is nice in the beginning but it gets rather troublesome in the long run (plus feels a bit laggy even on my pc)

-it is annoying that every item you pick up starts floating on your screen and you have to move the cursur above it to "collect" it

-you can collect only everything at once and not leave certain things inside - would love to force them to look only for the halloween candy cause the find rate is sooooo small and once the guild map inventory is full every character gets deselected and you have to start the whole process of sending everyone to the lake again and again and again...

-...which is especially tiresome with one bug were the work time gets stuck - i.e under lucy's portrait it jumps back and forth between 2 seconds: 8sec 7sec 8sec 7sec 8sec 7sec ...

3) the whole foraging skill tree is empty? not even one talent right now?

4) the new scenes etc defenitely improve the story telling / pacing but a bit more world building would be nice - it still feels weird how the "heroes" are some kind of elf slavers/dictators and everyone acts so weird in regards to what happened in the town before - you would expect the MC to be more corious/questioning...

5) you should defenitely look for someone with good spell-checking skills - the amount of typos increased enorm - wanted to make a list in the beginning but the amount increased so fast... - most of the time some small stuff like missing to, at, of etc... which make the sentences weird to read

6) you took the vocals out of the "boss music scene" but you still left the music in it which is still from roosterteeth company / jeff williams and casey lee williams

still your call if you want to keep taking the risk just warning you


1- It's my bad. You can start Sunny event with Sunny lvl6.

2- Troublesome, why? The map doesn't change.

That's the way items works, but it can be collected automatically after 10 sec.

That's the way it works, and iirc, the candy % is not that small... Just a couple of minutes and you can get 2/3. That's weird.

It gets stuck because it's midnight.

3 - It's empty, yes.

4 - HHG is large, you will know more about the world later, with time. I don't like to start dropping unknown names and unknown places out of nothing, some people don't like that, I included.

5- I have a editor, it's working on it.

6- The song is a cover, I want to make a own song to replace that one, but I didn't have enough time. Don't worry, I will change it.

no maybe I wasn't clear enough the event is still in the quest log but the table in the park is gone and the related guild/character cards which where shown with the prize (lvl, money, candy) are now [???] again - I can't access the event at all since I progressed with the main story so that I could raise the girls affection levels to the required minimums

(1 edit) (+1)

i am confiused the mission said reach max level with lucy and the other girl and 

then when the girl level cant reach   to the next level beacause there no more hint

the mission doesnt change 

For the Misdirection quest what do I do when it says "solve the mystery and face the thief"

you have to go to the ruins at mindnight

and i hate ari or whatever his name is the hero partner 😒

(1 edit) (+1)

hey komisari i love your game but can you make the hero and lucy have better relationship on the next update beacause i fell bad about lucy  


Deleted 4 years ago

Dude I almost teared up during that scene when ari comes to the guild house and Lucy was crying ;3;


I have a question, will there be a launcher that updates the game or will it be necessary to download the entire renewal?

I'm working on a launcher for the next update!

ok   thanks for your reply and good luck because the game is very good


Hello, I just downloaded the new update for the game and tried to place my old save file into the game but it just sends me an error message when I try to load it. Is there anything I can do to still have my old save file?


You can't. You have to start again.

Acabo de terminar la update 0.1.2 y sigo pensando que HHG es de lo mejor que hay en este género. Ya había dejado un comentario en la versión anterior pero tengo que dejar otro luego de hacerme Patreon y comprar el juego acá. Se nota el cariño que le pones al juego, está quedando genial jajaja. Tenés idea de cuando podría salir la siguiente versión y cuál sería el objetivo?


Muchas gracias! Jjajaj

No hay tiempo estimado. Posiblemente unos cuantos meses. Aunque la siguiente versión va a ser la v0.2.1, con algunos bug fixes y, si es posible, con un launcher implementado. Así yo puedo subir bug-fixes mucho mas rapido y todo el mundo lo puede implementar al instante.  Y no tener que descargar todo de una otra vez.

Para la v0.1.3, es puro contenido de historia. Se las debo ya que en esta me concentre en puro rework.

Buenisimo! Que quieras meter un launcher la verdad que es una locura y me encanta. Espero con ancias la siguiente update a ver que onda y porfavor acordate de mi y dale amor a Luna que es la mejor :)

when the new update of 0.1.3 come out

i think we need to wait until april or until summer 

(1 edit)

Who is glitch girl. I was saw a ghost in the bicycle parking at midnight and I talked to Evie about it. And then when I spent time with Evie during the evening my screen glitched. Is there more to the glitch girl!

What can i do with the halloween candy?

So in the morning Lucy is located in a locked room with a event icon and i was wondering how to unlock the room. Its been like that the whole game and im about to finish the prologue.

In the room that leads to the library and Faras room click on the cracked door with 2 stickers on it in the morning.

Thanks my man

Hey Komisari I just got done playing Tales of Unity by stronkboi and at the end of his current game version he mentioned you and all of my other favorite game devs and I just wanted to say how much it makes me happy to see how you all have some connection and how you support each other.

Thank you so much! ♥

Need help with the new quest, where else am I supposed to gather clues? already got the clues from Maria, Granny and Fish stall girl (forgot her name) and I am unsure where you're supposed to get the last 2. Any guidance would be much appreciated

Rebecca in the evening and Luna at night.


Is it possible to play the old save?


I would like to say this game is amazing. I did have one question, how do I unlock the scene called guild members love? It's the only one one I havnt unlocked yet.

Unlock the Guild Outfit Lucy's card

Thank you very much

(1 edit)

I really like the game top notch on every aspect and I'm playing on Android this game could've beat every 18+ games on Android but the only issue is that it's laggy it takes 20secs just to click on something and I can't even view the characters card all of the sudden please work on performance thanks for the great game uninstalling and waiting for another update I'm playing on SD665 still laggy and takes too long to respond on every clicks

Hello, it's a known bug. v0.1.2.1 will be a version for fix that problems!

thanks master

MAy i ask when are you going to release the fixed version of the game?


Whenever I have the launcher ready.

Downloaded newest version but I cannot load old saves. Is there some way aroubnd it, or I have to go from the beggining once again?

v0.1.1 saves won't work.

Do You happen to have a save with full progress of 0.1.1 for 0.1.2? As much as I enjoyed the game it is kinda pain in the a** to play it all again, especialy since I played it like month ago. 

+ kudos for new system for making moneys. Previous one was quite annoying, but this one seems pretty much perfect

Nope, you'll have to start again. The v0.1.2 has the same lenght has v0.1.1

Deleted 3 years ago

I don't know if  they will be "more frequent game updates" , but they will have a lot of content.

I have downloaded the game. My problem now is it always forcefully close. It will got black screen and it will forcefully close. And because of this i need to save every single seconds. I've never encountered this kind of thing in last update. i'm playing in android. I hope you can fix this.

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